Bucs Lionel Gates Punches Pregnant Woman

Just asking Jay-D? Are you someone who thinks its no big deal if a woman is pregnant? Nothing about abortion there. Just asking.
Jay-D;1442210 said:
Well look at all the Prince Charmings that just rolled into this thread! :lmao2:
Well, I'm no Prince Charming. I just don't share a Rae Carruth type mentality when it comes to women.
ok yesterday when i read this on nfl.com..i was like wow...just earlier this week im browsing this website my friend told me about and look what i see...from dontdatehimgirl.com...im really not surprised that he did this..guys sorry for showing the ladies this site,if they already didn't know about it.

Lionel "Theron #28 for TB Bucs" Gates

Take a good look at this face! He’s seems to be such a down to earth person. We met through a mutual friend. We started out just hanging out, having a nice time on an everyday basis. I told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship because I had recently got out of one and wanted to be friends. So we agreed to take our developing friendship slow. Until, I found out I was pregnant (from him of course). All the nice, caring, sweet, loving things that he had showed me had quickly died. The day I found out I was pregnant, he already, without hesitation, had his mind made up for me to have an abortion. Being that it a first time for me experiencing pregnancy, I was confused. I was still trying to let it sink in that I was expecting. At first, we agreed on an abortion, which I was unsure of whether that was the right thing to do. But being a pushover, he persuaded me to go ahead and go to have the abortion. The morning of the abortion, I was still unsure whether or not I wanted to really go through with it or not but I still left and went with him to the clinic. Then my emotions kicked in, like any human beings would, that I cried from the time we left the house until it was time to see the doctor. When the doctor came in and seen me emotional he advise me that he was not giving me an abortion and to put my clothes on and go home. That was the day I realized that my child was a blessing from God. The more and more the days went by, the more I was more joyful that I was getting ready to bring such a blessing to me and my family despite the father not wanting to be there. So, with all this said, be careful of this person. He has no good intentions. He is only for himself and is heartless. Things are not always as good as they seem. And to you Mr. Gates, You are missing out on having a beautiful DAUGHTER that is scheduled to arrive July 11th, 2007, so I hope you like being a loser. With someone like you, she doesn’t need you in her life. She will have a great one! May God have mercy on you! Oh yeah and I hope the NFL don’t start drug testing earlier and the police don’t bring around the drug sniffing K-9.
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Bucs RB Lionel Gates has been released from jail on a $34,500 bond.
POSTED 3:59 p.m. EDT, March 30, 2007

Per the Hillsborough County Sheriff Office's web site, Bucs running back Lionel Gates is still being held without bond following his Friday morning arrest for aggravated battery on a pregnant female (as opposed to a pregnant male), burglary of an occupied dwelling, and criminal mischief.

Per the AP, Gates allegedly "kicked in the front door of Peggie Lavender's apartment Thursday night, destroyed two televisions and two doors, put a hole in the bedroom wall and assaulted her."

He was arrested later that night at his apartment. In the same complex.
The Buccaneers have released a statement regarding the arrest:

"Charges such as those facing Lionel Gates are taken seriously by the Buccaneers organization. We plan to meet with Lionel as soon as possible after which we will deal with this matter appropriately."

POSTED 8:56 a.m. EDT, March 30, 2007
Running back Lionel Gates of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers allegedly has committed three separate crimes, all of which appear to be felonies under Florida law.

Per the Tampa Tribune, Gates has been charged with assault of a pregnant woman, burglary of an occupied dwelling, and criminal mischief of $1,000 or more.

The incident means that Gates has propelled the Bucs onto the Turd Watch standings and, with 21 points, has single-handedly propelled them into second place.


It also means that we can re-set the "days without an arrest clock" back to zero. Since it debuted several weeks ago, the highest it has climbed is "06".

Maybe we shouldn't have built in a second digit, after all.
DallasEast;1442204 said:
Are you referring to a case where a woman is walking down the street, police roll up behind her and start tasering her for the heck of it? Or are you referring to police officers trying to subdue a woman who's resisting an arrest? Or what exactly?

Here is what I'm talking about:

A drunk woman, unarmed, doing absolutely nothing but yelling at a police officer....gets tasered in the back and takes a viscous fall backwards.


In my opinion, she already been arrested, so throw her in a padded room and let her sober up before messing around with her.

She could have been killed by that fall if she would have hit her head on the desk.

Is this behavior OK with you DallasEast? I'm just curious.
I can't see a scenario where it would be acceptable to strike a pregger woman, but I do agree that it is foolhardy to pass judgement prior to a trial.
BLEU3ASY;1442215 said:
ok yesterday when i read this on nfl.com..i was like wow...just earlier this week im browsing this website my friend told me about and look what i see...from dontdatehimgirl.com...im really not surprised that he did this..guys sorry for showing the ladies this site,if they already didn't know about it.
I knew about it. It's a bunch of them out there. Flo is on one too.
burmafrd;1442212 said:
Just asking Jay-D? Are you someone who thinks its no big deal if a woman is pregnant? Nothing about abortion there. Just asking.

I have a 5 year old daughter, Burmafrd. Please stay on the topic here. I understand that the woman being pregnant complicates any action that did or did not take place.....so please save your inflammatory and plebian argument for future use, OK?
Jay-D;1442218 said:
Here is what I'm talking about:

A drunk woman, unarmed, doing absolutely nothing but yelling at a police officer....gets tasered in the back and takes a viscous fall backwards.


In my opinion, she already been arrested, so throw her in a padded room and let her sober up before messing around with her.

She could have been killed by that fall if she would have hit her head on the desk.

Is this behavior OK with you DallasEast? I'm just curious.

This is my favorite police brutality video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=5g7zlJx9u2E

I really want to know the other side of this story.

I dont trust dontdatehimgirl or whatever that website is. You take the opinion of scorned lovers seriously?
BLEU3ASY;1442228 said:
do they have sites like this for men?

I imagine men have better things to do then whine that someone famous screwed them and went on to better things.
DallasEast;1442179 said:
Unless a woman is armed with a weapon (knife, gun, bat, etc.) and is trying to inflict bodily harm to a man, there is no (zero) justification in a man striking a woman, but that's just me.

There are exceptions.......

Jay-D;1442218 said:
Here is what I'm talking about:

A drunk woman, unarmed, doing absolutely nothing but yelling at a police officer....gets tasered in the back and takes a viscous fall backwards.


In my opinion, she already been arrested, so throw her in a padded room and let her sober up before messing around with her.

She could have been killed by that fall if she would have hit her head on the desk.

Is this behavior OK with you DallasEast? I'm just curious.
Thanks for the video.

When you are in police custody, the arrested individual has two choices:

Cooperation or non-cooperation.

In other words, ask to speak to an attorney, family member, etc., shut your mouth and walk (willingly) into a jail cell. That's it. You're not doing yourself any favors trying to provoke the freaking police. Get yourself OUT of jail first and (if you're indeed innocent) attack the police through the legal system. Life is not a Saturday morning cartoon.

To answer your question, the officers was justified in doing what they did. She resisted and they took limited action to get control of the situation after repeatedly asking her to comply. They did not repeatedly taser her. They did not throw her into walls. They did not beat her with their batons. They did not do anything except take the fight out of her. Hopefully, anyone looking at this video and unfortunately find themselves in the same circumstance will know how NOT to act.

Now that I've answered your question, please answer mine. Why should a man inflict harm on a woman simply because he can't control his own temper?

[EDIT] An action begets a reaction. If she had done as instructed, her head would not have had the opportunity in striking the desk.
BLEU3ASY;1442228 said:
do they have sites like this for men?
Who knows?:confused:

I don't run in the same circles as the ballers, so I don't know what sites are out there about women (for lack of a better word) to avoid.

JustSayNotoTO;1442229 said:
I imagine men have better things to do then whine that someone famous screwed them and went on to better things.
Guys prolly don't go on websites, but don't think they don't whine or complain when they're dumped.
JustSayNotoTO;1442224 said:
This is my favorite police brutality video. http://youtube.com/watch?v=5g7zlJx9u2E

I really want to know the other side of this story.

I dont trust dontdatehimgirl or whatever that website is. You take the opinion of scorned lovers seriously?

no i would never trust what some scorned lover says,man or woman...its just crazy that,when i read this im like...man thats some mess that gets your door kicked down..then i read an article on nfl.com,what does he do....kicks 2 doors down.:(
jackrussell;1442236 said:
There are exceptions.......

I thought she only talked about Donald Trump's toupee. Has she tried to attack him with a axe lately?

j/k Jack. :)
WoodysGirl;1442242 said:
Who knows?:confused:

I don't run in the same circles as the ballers, so I don't know what sites are out there about women (for lack of a better word) to avoid.

Guys prolly don't go on websites, but don't think they don't whine or complain when they're dumped.

lol...i got you
Goodell needs to step up and play the heavy hitter.
If the players union can make the right choice...some real justice can be served.

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