Bucs Lionel Gates Punches Pregnant Woman

JustSayNotoTO;1442229 said:
I imagine men have better things to do then whine that someone famous screwed them and went on to better things.

yeah but here's where you're wrong this site is for regular joes....have you typed your name in yet?lol
DallasEast;1442244 said:
I thought she only talked about Donald Trump's toupee. Has she tried to attack him with a axe lately?

j/k Jack. :)

Alrighty then...............
I pray that the lady is ok and the baby was not hurt. But I think there will be one good thing that comes of this at this time and its the publicity that it will generate. This guy Gates is nothing. He was a 7th rd pick and practice squad player. His career is done! But this is another black eye for the NFL and how players think they can do anything and get away with it.

I actually think this incident with secure the suspensions of a number of players other than pacman and henry. Im talking about the dominic rhodes and jeramy stevens of the world who get these dui and move on.

As a fan I am beyond sick of these reports and hope the commissioner brings the hammer down on these criminals. The players are sick of it. The coaches have been sick of it. And the fans cant be heard to show how comatose we have become behind each and every arrests.

I really wish there was some type of committee or association that would take into account the fans voice when they negotiate these CBA agreements. No we dont want any money but we should have some say in what happens on the court or off the court if a player doesnt behave.

Please Mr. Goodell. I beg you. Raise the standard! Not for the players. Not for the coaches. Not for the League. For the fans. Because right now I am on life support in my feelings about the NFL.
DallasEast;1442241 said:
Thanks for the video.

To answer your question, the officers was justified in doing what they did. She resisted and they took limited action to get control of the situation after repeatedly asking her to comply. They did not repeatedly taser her. They did not throw her into walls. They did not beat her with their batons. They did not do anything except take the fight out of her. Hopefully, anyone looking at this video and unfortunately find themselves in the same circumstance will know how NOT to act.

Now that I've answered your question, please answer mine. Why should a man inflict harm on a woman simply because he can't control his own temper?

That's interesting that you feel it's OK for an officer to inflict violence on a restrained, unarmed woman...... but it's NOT OK for a civilian to do the same if attacked by an unarmed woman.

Seems the good folks in Sheffield disagree with you as well, as that officer was forced to resign and all charges were dropped against that woman:

My point is this:

Violence is violence. It has nothing to do with sex, pregnancy, race or religion. It shouldn't have to happen to anybody, but it does. If and when it does, you have a right to defend yourself.

I'm not saying some woman is gonna beat up an NFL player, but we don't know what happened between those two until he is tried and convicted of the crime. Until then I'm gonna reserve judgement.
Jay-D you do realize how bighe is. 6' 233 lbs. Unless the woman is about the same size, which is doubtfull, what justification could he POSSIBLY have?
It seems as if you believe all police are bad; and that its ok for a man to strike a woman. If you beleive that, then I feel sorry for you. Self defense. Sure.
Good thing he didn't get caught smokin pot, he might get suspended.
WoodysGirl;1442279 said:
My bad.

But at least you didn't name names...and you didn't start up a website saying, don'tdatethatb. :p:

AND I wasn't dumped. So you were right all around.:D
Jay-D;1442260 said:
That's interesting that you feel it's OK for an officer to inflict violence on a restrained, unarmed woman...... but it's NOT OK for a civilian to do the same if attacked by an unarmed woman.
Wait. Hold up. Where did you get Peggie Lavender attacking Gates? :confused:
Jay-D;1442260 said:
Seems the good folks in Sheffield disagree with you as well, as that officer was forced to resign and all charges were dropped against that woman:
Well, that's one jury I would've been excused from. :)
Jay-D;1442260 said:
My point is this:

Violence is violence. It has nothing to do with sex, pregnancy, race or religion. It shouldn't have to happen to anybody, but it does. If and when it does, you have a right to defend yourself.
Unless a woman can outfight you, a man can defend himself against any woman. And he can do so without striking a woman.

Jay-D;1442260 said:
I'm not saying some woman is gonna beat up an NFL player, but we don't know what happened between those two until he is tried and convicted of the crime. Until then I'm gonna reserve judgement.
The outcome should be interesting, but unless the story changes where -

Lavender kicked in her own door.
Punched herself in the face.
Destroyed her own property.
All the while he waited there with her until the police arrived.

I'll just assume the worst about the young man. :)
DallasEast;1442332 said:
Unless a woman can outfight you, a man can defend himself against any woman. And he can do so without striking a woman.

That would be me.
There is no woman who can "outfight" a pro football player ....... this guy needs a good old fashioned potato sack beating.
The scoundrel should serve jail time for assualt and endangering the child's life! If that child is harmed or killed he should be charged with 2nd degree murder.

I don't put up with such nonsense.
I don't understand what Jay-D is thinking, but, while growing up, had my father ever heard about me hitting my mom, sister, or any woman, for any reason other then to save my own life, I would have had a beaten of my life by my dad!

A long time back, i had come home really tired from work, and my now x-wife had made me a sandwich and chips to eat and I told her I was not hungry. She got mad as hell because I would not eat right then...we argued about it until I just picked up the plate of food, went to the garbage disposal and threw it down the sink, then went and laid down on the couch to fall asleep.

About 1/2 hour later I was awakened by a sharp pain in my chest and I awoke to just barely catch her arm from coming down again on my chest with a pair of haircutting sissors! I got the sissors away from her, and put them in my back pocket and headed out the front door with a white tee shirt with blood seeping all down the front of me. The stab only left a small hole, nothing major, and I was alright, but, I was getting the hell out of there.

I took off across the lawn and she hollered after me that I better take my baby puppy with me or she would "slice it's *** throat". So, I go back in the yard and get my dog and headed out again. She came in her car after me to try and get me to come back home, she was sorry, blah, blah, blah...well, I went to a friends house for that night and came home the next morning, and we eventually worked it out! ;)

About two week later on another Friday, I came home from work, she was there and I handed her $100.00 and told her if she wanted to go shopping for anything, here was the money...and oh, pick me up a couple pair of socks, please...she says, Ok and gets ready to head out shopping.

When I heard her car leave, I watched as she turned the corner, then I got a big trash bag, put in some Levi's, some tee shirts, underwear, sock, toothpast and stuff like that, strapped it on my Harley with bungie cords, and got the hell out of there and I've never been back since...and it's been many, many years ago...and I have never seen her face again.

We got divorced and I told her lawyers she could have whatever the hell she wanted, the house, car, whatever, just give me a paper to sign for my freedom...but, I never laid a hand on her, and I feel good that I never, ever did anything to provoke the outrage she had when she stabbed me...except not eat a damn sandwich!


burmafrd;1442265 said:
Jay-D you do realize how bighe is. 6' 233 lbs. Unless the woman is about the same size, which is doubtfull, what justification could he POSSIBLY have?
It seems as if you believe all police are bad; and that its ok for a man to strike a woman. If you beleive that, then I feel sorry for you. Self defense. Sure.

Burmafrd you are an expert at making wild assumptions with no basis whatsoever on fact......and apparently your reading comprehension isn't exactly stellar.

It seems as if you just skim over words hastily and then summarize it all with controversial accusations in order to support some agenda that nobody cares about. You are not only out of line.....you are out of context.

Do not pass go and do not collect $200, my friend.

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