First off, he's not practicing when the media is there.
Second, there seems to be some hope he may practice tomorrow.
Even if he plays Sunday, I would only expect about 15-20 snaps. Conditioning is probably the main concern at this point.
Yes, i hope THERE IS HOPE he can practice soon.
Can anyone imagine Jimma putting up with these fragile (an Italian word) players? Jimma would have yelled at them for having surgeries/injuries at camp time. then he would half said: "These players are hurt. They can't play. They can't do us any good. We will get players who PLAY."
Now, back to reality: Both Jason and Jerra will say: "They are competitors and half injuries. They are really sorry and hope to get back with us as soon as possible because they are competitors, they are intelligent and work really hard."
So you see how Jimma teams succeeded and post-Jimma teams half not.