I've posted this several times already in the other umpteen threads about our state of runningbacks. Last year was an anomaly. The only reason Demarco did what he did...
1) The FO's commitment to the run game.. finally
2) The #1 rated OL. this is the big difference that Murray lovers overlook when trying to prove their points. (every RB wants truck size lanes to run through)
3) The #1 rated QB (and fifth alltime! so please don't convince yourself that's bc of Murray too)
4) The top three WR that draws consistent double teams, that allows LESS defenders in the box to stop the run
5) last and the least talked about by fans but not forgotten by coaches.. the whole offense including WR & TE's that greatly improved their overall blocking. (I distinctly remember Witten and Dez giving huge blocks to allow Murray to score)
I liked Murray and I'm not taking anything from his superb year, but folks around here seem to think it was all Murray.. thus taking away from what the rest of the team did to help Murray get there. Murrays production was a product of Garrett's vision of a team, improved blocking, and the overall commitment to run the ball. If the Dallas Cowboys do all these things again, McFadden, Randle, Williams & Dunbar WILL take advantage...Just like Murray did.