Can Mike afford to not go with experience at DC?


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They apparently are scheduling an interview with Riverboat Ron according to Fish, so I dont think they are going to go the young route.

Its either going to be Riverboat Ron or Zimmer.


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only reason MM is still here is bc FO likes their puppet coach. they like the comfort. how could they not? they sabotaged him from the get go w their brilliant offensive guru in the building Kellen Moore.

& you say MM has won 36 games and two division titles and yet the joneses ARE NOT gonna extend him lol in all honesty who would? he’s choked big time when it counts. it’s superbowl or bust around here for our lame duck sitting coach this season and losing the players is a real possibility.

have you forgotten what happened to Wade? another puppet. or how about JG? another puppet. this trend is in our FO’s DNA.
First of all that's not true that's another narrative that never was true he interviewed Kellen Moore Kellen Moore was gonna go to college and coach and he agreed to ask him to come back..;. Mike McCarthy had options and he chose to let Kellen Moore stay and that is a fact they've discussed this at nauseam but when he didn't feel it was working anymore IE this last year he got rid of him he had that power the whole time if he didn't then Jerry would have forced him to keep him even now...

But you can keep on with your false narratives and making up stuff because you don't like the owner so you like roll on that social media train of false narratives mostly all busted... He's not here because he's a puppet he's here because they feel the windows got a small crack to rollback one more year and see if they can get through that speedball that's been holding us back.... Hey but if it's all up in your feelings and if you you feel better by mocking the owner and saying that his meddling is holding this team back you're insane he's kept Mike McCarthy cause Mike mccarthys one more games and this three-year span more consistent going to the playoffs than any other head coach and teams that he put together since the mid 90s....

That is why he's brought Mike McCarthy back because Mike McCarthy's won 36 games two division titles and three straight playoffs in the last three seasons in a row that shows consistency and I realize we're not getting to where we need to be in the playoffs but you act like he's some coach that's just a puppet and he's just being kept because Jerry feels comfortable no Jerry sees he's one of the top winningest coaches in the league... IE we're at top 16 the last three years you act like this teams just barely above 500 or below 500 and Jerry just sticking around hoping something could happen maybe you haven't been watching..

Literally, I think some of you really believe you've been watching A500 team you've been watching some terrible mess that's been created and yet I look around and I see a team that's been on the brink that's been competitive and I think Jerry just wants to try it one more year he would have kept Dan Quinn too and again I don't agree with keeping Mike McCarthy and this coaching staff I would have loved to see a change but if he's rolling it back one more year it's not because of him liking Mike McCarthy has a puppet that's ridiculous that's the dumbest thing I ever heard the man's been winning....

I swear some of you talk like fans from a fan base that where their teams can't win more than six games a year and they're never relative and yet we're always in prime time we've been in the playoffs three straight years two division titles and 36 wins that is why Mike McCarthy is getting one more shot because he's done the best coaching job 6 Jimmy Johnson...

Literally, you can't have it both ways the hypocrisy is like ridiculous you're saying Mike McCarthy sucks but Jerry's keeping him around because he likes to have a head coach you can have is a yes man and yet somehow Mike McCarthy's winning all these games despite all the meddling and the terrible drafts and all the terrible free agent periods and just the terrible GM just doesn't give him enough and yet here we are...

I come in here and look around social media and I believe our fan base is so delusional and out of touch with reality they forget what bad really looks like they forget what a terrible coach a terrible team a terrible quarterback really looks like..... But hey think what you want you don't have to be a fan you not have to stay a Dallas Cowboys fan because the Jones family will probably own this another 30 years so you're whining and complaining and public bashing of a team you allegedly are a fan of it's not even necessary just move on go find the flavor of the month and don't let us know we don't need an announcement just take off...


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I saw something that Vrabel is scheduled as well but didn’t post it as it might be fake
look this place just wants to believe what they wanna believe that they're not gonna do their due diligence and just hire some monkey they can pump it around and they don't care about winning because that's all you all talk about around here and somehow that's not caring about winning, has got this team to 36 wins two division titles and three straight playoffs in the last three years straight...

I still don't understand it it's bad as this team is is talked about by its own fan base you would think that we're A 500 team or worse every year I mean I don't even know how this franchise functions being so bad and yet winning so many games I realize we fall short in the playoffs I don't need to be reminded but I think you all need to be reminded I do think Jerry cares about winning I do think Jerry wants to win and find people that help him do that but they act like he's just basically going through the motions and don't care who his next defensive coordinator is is ridiculous.

In my opinion they've already had a list they've already contacted people before Dan Quinn made his decision and now they're gonna have probably 5 interviews this week and make a decision.... The fan base will never be happy they'll always be split 30% will want one guy the other 30 and the other and the other thirty another 10% won't care and nobody will be happy...

the fan base will always believe they more than coaches with 30 plus years' experience and will question it..


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only reason MM is still here is bc FO likes their puppet coach. they like the comfort. how could they not? they sabotaged him from the get go w their brilliant offensive guru in the building Kellen Moore.

& you say MM has won 36 games and two division titles and yet the joneses ARE NOT gonna extend him lol in all honesty who would? he’s choked big time when it counts. it’s superbowl or bust around here for our lame duck sitting coach this season and losing the players is a real possibility.

have you forgotten what happened to Wade? another puppet. or how about JG? another puppet. this trend is in our FO’s DNA.
first of all we already know that's not true its been busted, KM was retained after MM asked him to come back instead of going into the college ranks but they let him pick mike Nolan ,

how'd that work out.. lmao, i hate to break it to you but when you own a sports team or a corporation, everything will be finalized and approved by the owner ALL OF IT 100% of the time.. no one has cart blanch to do whatever they want, so it doesn't matter how many layers or traditional set up with a standalone GM, it will always be ran past the ownership.


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I don’t care who it ends up being….as long as they don’t sign a multi year deal and are forced on the next head coach.

Jerry does that every time and it’s been a problem every time.


Village Idiot
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I get Joe Whitt and Al Harris etc. Fresh and new etc. Having said that this is Mike’s final year perhaps and “all in” according to Jerry.

If it’s me I have to go find someone that has the experience. If they believe they are really that close it would be a huge gamble to go with a first time DC.
He’s a dead man walking, regardless.


Village Idiot
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Ridiculous that a dude that’s won 37 games with a QB that can’t win big games is a dead man walking.
He’s a lame duck coach who just got embarrassed at home against the youngest team in the league. He’s done.