There Is no reason he couldn't potentially be the RDE. The team says he is going to get his first crack at it, and then go from there. He has the agility to bend, so that isn't much in question.
But ultimately, does it matter? If he generates pressure, does it matter if its from LDE or RDE? Granted, form the LDE, he may face more double teams, but with teams motioning and using more spread formations, I wonder how often teams line up with the TE over the RT as opposed to the LT any more. I am sure its still more frequent, but I don't have the percent breakdown on that (that would be interesting though).
And also, if he is doing it from the LDE spot, the QB will see that better and might avoid a sack or two along the way, but, still, pressure counts.
Not to hung up on where it comes from, so long as it does come.