Whoa! That's a little harsh. I've defended you in the past because although a little verbose, you are a good poster who know's his stuff. After all you were at one of my favorite games (the Pasadena Super Bowl against the Bills).
And it wasn't a snide remark, it was a joke which I thought for sure you would get but alas...I was wrong. I don't think I've ever put somebody off my list - nobody really gets to me personally like that and I enjoy the give and take. I guess I just don't take myself so seriously. I work with celebrities every day and the best one are those who don't either.
It's okay - tell you what - I'll pick him up and take him to Gladstones. It's his first trip to LA - I'm just cool like that.
I waited to see what kind of response you would have if any before crossing you out because we've never had any real issues in the past and you've never been one to wage a personal attack at least not against me. However steering completely away from this topic and alerting me to a post you submitted in another thread talking about where I live, the car I drive and my financial status that I've never discussed on this board made it appear you were taking a slap and trying to stir something up. It's not like I haven't been attacked in this thread so anytime I see what appears to be a flame tossed I'm quick to put it out so this thread stays running smoothly. I have to deal with inflammatory comments, insults and personal attacks practically on a daily basis simply because a few fragile, weak minded posters don't agree with my opinions. Every view I have gets the screws grinding inside the heads of a few causing them to meltdown making themselves look foolish.
In the past I use to take a few jabs back but things would get out of hand causing the mods to have to step in. I would get so under the skin of a few that threads would turn into a free for all with others joining in playing monkey see monkey do. I've been given no choice by the rules that are in place to block these malcontents who are just looking to start some trouble. Crossing out the shrunken heads makes my life easier here and the mods job a lot easier. I get attacked for everything from the butt hurt patrol that I'm sure still follows me around with wounds that are still festering from discussions they probably still lose sleep over. Go through this thread and see what I've had to deal with just from giving honest football opinions. When you post online you're going to run into some drips who have a 3 ring circus going on inside their head.
You have to understand It's hard to tell where someone is coming from with all the shots that are fired my way. If someone is going to argue with me they better be wearing their big pants and not a diaper because I don't have time for cry babies. I've learned from the past that you have to move on from those who are bitter and have hate on their agenda because it leads to getting benched. Seeing that you responded back in a sensible mature way which never happens here we're still good. I have to send a message to those who just want to come around to antagonize, hate and cry like spurned women that I'm not wasting my time with them. Anyone who gets that wound up over someone's FOOTBALL views should seriously consider therapy.