Can we talk about the Tush Push?

I miss the days when offensive linemen could actually impose their will on d linemen and move them out of the way. Or refrigerator perry barreling into the line or Walter Payton going airborne and going over the pile.

You can't ban something just because it's ugly or one team dominates at running it. Heck there's already too many rule adjustments in football for the refs to get anything right. Banning it would be like saying once the qb exits the pocket the play is dead because mahomes and kelce are too good at improvising....

Don't like the push, then don't let them get to 3rd or 4th and short. And if they do get there, man up and stop them.
The tush push/brotherly shove works better for Philly than anyone. They can get 2 to 3 yards out of it. I can’t recall them ever failing with it.
That's what I said as well a few weeks ago and the posters here told me then the Eagles would throw a 80 yard bomb over there head...which is actually a play d coordinators need to be careful of. There is going to be a play this year the Eagles fake the tush push and go over the top.
They had some last year where the putched it wide instead out of same formation...and the TE or RB or whatever went like 15 yards
Everyone on the line should just stand up instead of trying to go low. You go low and they just use you to keep themselves upright while the guys behind Hurts push him forward. It has nothing to do with how much he squats. Half the time he isn't even on the ground.
Should the NFL ban this play? Yes or no

For me.....I'm on the fence but how the hell to stop it? I don't see how unless you have TWO powerful bodies in the middle and that's probably not enough. Their coach was bragging about his offense plays 1 and 9 which the rest of the league is playing 1st and 10.

It’s interesting that Philadelphia’s most consistent offensive weapon right now is the quarterback sneak. Can anyone argue with that? I can’t—not after going four-for-four on it Sunday night. Now 55 of 61 in less than two seasons, it’s easy to understand why Sirianni changed his mind on going for it with 10 minutes left and a seven-point lead in his own territory.

I’ve wondered for a while about the effect of the sneak on the players. Jason Kelce riffed about it, getting to how it actually feels to be in the middle of the mayhem.

“You’ve got to get very low and have great leverage to have a chance for it to work,” he said. “Miami was doing a really good job of fighting the leverage, but I mean, that’s only one component. For us, if you keep your feet moving and you keep pushing, that’s how to succeed. Plus, every time you run it, it gets harder and harder to defend, because it takes so much energy and effort for the defense to muster up to stop it.

“It’s a grueling play. It’s hard to describe because it’s not a high-impact play. You know you’re so close to guys. When you think of big hits, and hits that like, you know, really rattle guys, you think about receivers over the middle, guys just getting blindsided. Typically, when you’re right up against somebody, you don’t have time to build up momentum. There’s a hit but then it’s a continuous like effort to push and grind and it takes a lot out of you. It’s a very draining play. At times, people are lying on top of you. It takes forever to get them off of you and get up. It’s not what I’d call fun. It’s a very grinding play. You feel that for sure.

“The good thing for us is, we know how to run the play and we have a way to get to it at the line. A lot of that play just comes down to who can get organized faster. When you’re able to hit it really with like not a huddle of any sort, and the defense has to get ready to play it right away, the chance that they’re gonna be able to organize as quickly as you are, is even lower. When you know you’re gonna do it, it’s better just to get on the line and do it rather than get in the huddle and come to the line and then they get a chance to talk about how they’ll defend it.”

The key to defending it—if the Eagles win by leverage of continually churning legs—seems to be leverage on the other side plus continual churning of legs on defense. But if you don’t practice against it, it’s tough to play it for the third or fifth time and stop it—when the team you’re playing has done it more than 60 times in-game, with a high rate of success.
..that play is good for basically, one yard. Two is iffy.

Trick is, not let Beags get into 3rd n 1 or 4 n 1.
Personally I don't think you ban it, and even if you do what are you banning? QB sneaks altogether? Just the RBs pushing from the back? What the Eagles are doing really isn't anything special schematically, they just have a darn good C/QB combo that have perfected the play. I think we overcomplicate what is actually going on here.
It's weird because I've heard people credit Jalen Hurts for squatting 600 lbs as a big reason for this play's success... but I don't see him driving his legs much on these plays at all.

It really seems to all be coming from the OL and the push from behind.
I don't think you can ban the play entirely. What I think you CAN do is not allow other players to push the pile/QB.
No reason to ban it whatsoever. I have no idea how some are saying that play poses more of an injury risk. If anything, it’s less dangerous than most plays
The announcers keep saying it is because Hurts can squat 4 million pounds or whatever, but I saw twice last night where they just push him on top of the center\guard and he just rides them forward without his feet touching the ground.
It's weird because I've heard people credit Jalen Hurts for squatting 600 lbs as a big reason for this play's success... but I don't see him driving his legs much on these plays at all.

It really seems to all be coming from the OL and the push from behind.
Yep. He is patient and waits for the push behind. He really doesn't do much except for get pounded from behind. Watching Dak he tried doing it all himself and wasn't patient at all.
It's weird because I've heard people credit Jalen Hurts for squatting 600 lbs as a big reason for this play's success... but I don't see him driving his legs much on these plays at all.

It really seems to all be coming from the OL and the push from behind.
Last night the two pushers literally lifted him off the ground and pushed him forward so it is not possible he was the driving force behind the success of the play. The trick is clearly to get off first. It was interesting last night the refs called offsides on both teams. I had just read that some teams were saying that the Eagles line up offsides, although when they called it the Eagles were not offsides. It tells me the NFL is going to crack down o this play as much as they can.

I think the way to stop is for the LBS to go over the top like missiles and hopefully hit the QB and knock him out of the game. I know is sounds dirty but if QBs get hurt, teams will stop running it.
why ban it?

other teams cant do it well for a need 5 great linemen and a QB that squats 600 plus pounds with 1 receiver and 1 hb pushing you

the Seattle Dragons in the XFL run it as well and they end up losing yardage having DiNucci sneak it

the cowboys do it and dont get much push because we're better at regular qb sneaking

its like banning a counter trey because defenses cant figure out the counter motion

you want to stop it...have your Two biggest D Tackles over the center and have a LB jump over the line and the other one converge on the qb
How do you stop it. You let them get low and then you run on top of them. Seriously go over the top. That’s the only way you can stop it.

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