Can you believe that we got Terry Glenn for a 5th round draft pick?


Last of the Duke Street Kings
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iceberg said:
eddie eddie eddie - you in competition with me for the most bleak outlook of our current direction???

i see from a lot of replies people think you're being negative. i'd call it "keeping it real" but just can't bring myself to do the "parcells homie" act as well.

the fact is we can laugh at GB for this and feel mighty and superior for a bit, but we've dry-humped the pooch a lot ourselves and we tend to forget that in our giddyness and need to feel superior.

yay we got glenn for a 6th rounder. yay us. we rule and stuff.

there, maybe that will help balance things out. : )

Well, let's try keeping it real by knowing the Glenn deal was a Parcells move, and the Galloway deal was a JJones deal.


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Doomsday said:
Its pretty amazing when you consider the Beagles got a 4th for Hollis Thomas.

No they didn't they moved up in the 4th with Thomas, they gave their 4th to the team with Thomas


Cowboys Make me Drink
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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???

What does this have to do with Parcells or Glenn? you whiny crybaby attitude is growing stale.


Well-Known Member
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iceberg said:
would depend on how you choose to define "pretty good". he was ok for a few years and then went to miami, right? since i've not thought of him in "forever" he ranks up there with a peerless price, or that wr from denver we got many years ago we thought would be good but never was. what a swift move of brilliance that was!!!

I think Mcknight was way more productive than Peerlice Price or Anthony Miller(that guy from Denver).
He was hurt in preseason his first year in Dallas, then nearly had a 1,000 yard season, then got signed away as a FA. Not a superstar, but a solid receiver. And had some serious speed, even after the knee injury.


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Definitely, one of the best trades that Dallas made recently that kinda takes some of the sting out of the Galloway trade (one of the worst). I always think that it is wise to trade for a given commodity especially if you are getting closer to needing a piece of 2 like Haley.


Star Power
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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???

Your negativity invading every thread is getting tiresome. I know you don't act like this in real life. Otherwise, you'd be castigated by everyone and eventually alone. No one likes a guy who pisses on everything.


rock music matters
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2much2soon said:
I think Mcknight was way more productive than Peerlice Price or Anthony Miller(that guy from Denver).
He was hurt in preseason his first year in Dallas, then nearly had a 1,000 yard season, then got signed away as a FA. Not a superstar, but a solid receiver. And had some serious speed, even after the knee injury.

mcknight was better than those two - probably put together. i do wish we woulda kept him but that's how life goes.


rock music matters
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SultanOfSix said:
Your negativity invading every thread is getting tiresome. I know you don't act like this in real life. Otherwise, you'd be castigated by everyone and eventually alone. No one likes a guy who pisses on everything.

unfortunately this isn't real life. it's an internet forum *and* it's about one topic - the cowboys. if you're down on a topic that *is* important to you you *will* get that mindset going. i should know cause that's where i am and yes, i do find it hard to get positive about a coach that has what i feel to be an unhealthy facination with the past to the point where he either brings the players back, or just a comfortable reminder (fasano) of years gone by.

maybe the negativity gets annoying. scratch that - i'm sure it does. but now that i sit on *this* side the constant excuse making to justify each and every move gets *just* as annoying.

the constant TO bashing in here that went on UNTIL he became a cowboy and now the constant jock carrying - gets annoying.

i guess in the end *all sides* of the fan base can and will get annoying at times. kinda the nature of the beast man.


Active Member
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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???

whats with all the hatred, are u even a cowboy fan??? every post i read from you, you always have something negative to say,, come seat with us and lets hold hands and meditate, let all the positives things in the world come to u and fill ur soul. :laugh1:

Bob Sacamano

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it was actually for a 6th, and yeah, I can't believe it now, esp. watching the Skins give up a 3rd and 4th for Brandon Lloyd and giving him twice the contract Glenn received :lmao2:

Bob Sacamano

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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???

*scratches head* ***?

Bob Sacamano

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iceberg said:
unfortunately this isn't real life. it's an internet forum *and* it's about one topic - the cowboys. if you're down on a topic that *is* important to you you *will* get that mindset going. i should know cause that's where i am and yes, i do find it hard to get positive about a coach that has what i feel to be an unhealthy facination with the past to the point where he either brings the players back, or just a comfortable reminder (fasano) of years gone by.

maybe the negativity gets annoying. scratch that - i'm sure it does. but now that i sit on *this* side the constant excuse making to justify each and every move gets *just* as annoying.

the constant TO bashing in here that went on UNTIL he became a cowboy and now the constant jock carrying - gets annoying.

i guess in the end *all sides* of the fan base can and will get annoying at times. kinda the nature of the beast man.

the point is that Eddie has to go into EVERY thread and be negative, I haven't seen anyone homer it up as much as Eddie whines it up


The Great Communicator
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JBell523 said:
I remember it being a 6th rounder.. and GB was about to release him... of course they didn't feel Glenn was only worth a 6th rounder, but they were about to release him for nothing, but instead got a 6th.
This is a great story. Terry had seen the writing on the wall in GB and knew he was about to be out of work. He knew it would look better for him to be traded than to be released. Knowing that he could work for Parcells he called him up Asking Bill to trade for him. Parcells knew what he was getting in Glenn and jumped on the deal.

Smart move by Glenn to call up Bill and smart move by Bill to make the deal.


The Great Communicator
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Ok I see Eddie is at it again. He should go to DCC they love negative posters over there.

BTW we got McKnight the year before we got Galloway. We didn't "then turn around" and do it. I wish he would at least get the facts straight before whining. But again, I have him on ignore for a reason but you guys keep quoting him :(


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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???
Eddie you are an negative idiot


The Great Communicator
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icyhot said:
You my friend are an idiot!!
Just FYI...there is a policy on this board about name calling and personal comments. You have to be a bit more subtle than that.


Drink Me
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Eddie said:
Can you believe we sent two first rounders to Seattle for Joey Galloway???

Can you believe we then sent another 3rd rounder to Seattle for James McKnight??

Who's the stupid looking one now???

dont you ever have anything positive to say?
cheer up and have a cookie


Maple Leaf
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1,399 special for Glenn. He doesn't have to carry this team because there is a more dangerous threat on the other side.

He also doesn't have to take on the middle of the field, but rather focus on his strength which is route running in open space.

I don't expect big yardage numbers, but I have a feeling that Glenn may just surprise the league with low catch totals and a very high ypc avg.