Video: Captain America Civil War (2016)

Your reviews are worthless to me. Couldn't disagree more with anything you say

lol. Okay.


I wasn't aware I was seeking your approval or what you thought of the worth of anything, let alone my movie reviews.

I'll be sure to try and bother to be hurt by this at some point. If I can pencil in the effort and time it would require to figure out why I'm supposed to care. lol
It's funny you say this because I remember Ant-Man in the comics before the introduction of Scott Lang. The movie Ant-Man follows his comics' origin except about Hank Pym. Dr. Pym wasn't an old man when he allowed Lang to use his suit. In fact, he and his wife Janet (Wasp/Yellowjacket) were founding members of the Avengers.

Pym had a genius I.Q.--perhaps not quite as high as Stark's, Richards' or Banner's. Heck. Back in the comics generation when I purchased books, it was Pym, not Stark, who created Ultron! I'm digressing though. What's funny to me is that the current movies would be using Pym's character instead of Lang's if Marvel had never thought up Lang! Parker's I.Q. would trump Lang's but Peter's smarts wouldn't come close to matching Hank's.

/end trivia moment :p

Great points.
he clearly wouldn't do that, so it's kind of irrelevant and I don't know why you guys think Spiderman's spider sense would not alert him that ant man, even at a subatomic size was about to harm him. Even moving 3 ft to the left would literally mean that ant man was to far away to harm him considering how long it would take him to travel at that size. If he's the size if an ant, sorry, that is not small enough that he can move through the webbing without potentially getting stuck

My point is that there's nothing Spiderman could do to contain him, what does a web mean when you can shrink down to smaller than the molecules that make up the webbing?
My point is that there's nothing Spiderman could do to contain him, what does a web mean when you can shrink down to smaller than the molecules that make up the webbing?

My point is while he's the size of an ant, if he gets hit with the web, he will be unable to adjust his size and be taken out of the fight. For the most part, he's not gonna want to begin a fight at subatomic size because the amount of time it take him to go a few feet would be far too long to be effective. And Spiderman's speed and reflexes imo, is nothing to brush off, he very easily could snare him prior to him going subatomic.
lol. Okay.


I wasn't aware I was seeking your approval or what you thought of the worth of anything, let alone my movie reviews.

I'll be sure to try and bother to be hurt by this at some point. If I can pencil in the effort and time it would require to figure out why I'm supposed to care. lol

lol. sorry, that did come off as overly harsh. I rarely comment from a phone as I hate to type on them.

my point was really I generally like and agree with your contributions, but apparently not involving movies. we are night and day on that subject!
My point is while he's the size of an ant, if he gets hit with the web, he will be unable to adjust his size and be taken out of the fight. For the most part, he's not gonna want to begin a fight at subatomic size because the amount of time it take him to go a few feet would be far too long to be effective. And Spiderman's speed and reflexes imo, is nothing to brush off, he very easily could snare him prior to him going subatomic.

At subatomic size, time and space have no meaning - take from that what you will. I don't think it means he suddenly starts moving extremely slowly.

I'm not brushing off Spiderman, but you seem to have a counter for everything in Spiderman's favor, so maybe you're the one doing the brushing off.

There is no doubt that Spiderman has proven he's formidable in comic lore, that does not mean AntMan would be a pushover for him.-
Crazy thread. I'm getting an urge to say, "What does subatomic mean?" :muttley:
At subatomic size, time and space have no meaning - take from that what you will. I don't think it means he suddenly starts moving extremely slowly.

You or I could go like 5 feet in like 1 second, how long does it take an ant to go 5 feet? At that size he doesn't physically slow down, but he just can't cover the same distance at the same rate. He'd have to get close to Spiderman at either a normal size or at ant size and then shrink and the problem is, when it comes to strength, speed and reflexes, Ant-man is still human where spiderman really isn't. He could easily knock him out with 1 punch, he could web his arms together so he can't shrink, he could web him all together if he shrunk to ant size and take him out of the fight all together. Yes there are certainly ways ant-man could win, but this hypothetical started when I was asked how is Spiderman stronger than Ant-Man and I don't think any of my suggestions are far fetched or unlikely.
At subatomic size, time and space have no meaning - take from that what you will. I don't think it means he suddenly starts moving extremely slowly.

I'm not brushing off Spiderman, but you seem to have a counter for everything in Spiderman's favor, so maybe you're the one doing the brushing off.

There is no doubt that Spiderman has proven he's formidable in comic lore, that does not mean AntMan would be a pushover for him.-

if he's got legs the size of molecules, just how fast could he run anywhere?
This is the only valid counter argument. :laugh:

I gotta say. I really didn't like ant man. The concept is cool. Real cool.
But this is a case where they should NOT have gone with insect name to name THIS superhero.

Subatomic or... Something else...
These superbrawl arguments are great, can Vision defeat Hulk? Would a lightsaber cut through Wolverine? Would Hellboy beat Thor in an armwrestle? Is their one person on the planet that cares about Wasp appearing in Antman deuce?

The important topics of our time.
I gotta say. I really didn't like ant man. The concept is cool. Real cool.
But this is a case where they should NOT have gone with insect name to name THIS superhero.

Subatomic or... Something else...

I don't mind it only because the character is meant to get people to ask those exact sorts of questions. It's even a joke in the movie where he says the name was not his idea.

He's not meant to be imposing in any sense, and that makes him an important bridge that lets Marvel do different sorts of things in their universe - especially since they don't have the rights to X-Men, Fantastic Four, or even the term/idea of "Mutants".

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