Video: Captain America Civil War (2016)

The Tony Stark character has gone through some dynamic character growth, though, so it's not surprising to see him less "Tony-Esque"

maybe. but after 3 iron mans and a couple of avenger movies, this was a sudden "wow, you're not funny anymore dude" shift.
Really liked this one.

Really liked that the premise was a fundamental difference between two characters that has been brewing since The Avengers 4 years ago.

And most of all, I really liked how nothing was really solved by the end, but still somehow ended on a lighter note.

to me, this is referred to as "unresolved anticipation" and highly annoying and when i was studying scripwriting, a big nono. to me the ending was kinda a cop out where the besties got tired of hitting each other and went for a beer, never resolving what got them mad enough to fight each other in the first place. i just recall the comics being a tad more in depth and for a 2 1/2 hour movie, it's not like they didn't have time to set it up, act it out, and resolve it.

but the movie has done well for itself and i can see why.
to me, this is referred to as "unresolved anticipation" and highly annoying and when i was studying scripwriting, a big nono. to me the ending was kinda a cop out where the besties got tired of hitting each other and went for a beer, never resolving what got them mad enough to fight each other in the first place. i just recall the comics being a tad more in depth and for a 2 1/2 hour movie, it's not like they didn't have time to set it up, act it out, and resolve it.

but the movie has done well for itself and i can see why.
The non-resolution is intentional I think. I believe the civil war between heroes is a subplot of the Disney/Marvel's overall Infinity War storyline. In my opinion they will show how earth-based heroes, in the aftermath of this movie's conflict, cope with defending people and the world against all threats (eventually including Thanos) while individually and collectively working within and outside the restrictions set in the Sokovia Accords.

The Civil War story in the comics was fairly massive, encompassing a number of Marvel titles for a year. It would've been very difficult for Marvel to fit some of the intriguing aspects of the story within one movie. In particular I am interested how Captain America's fate is ultimately handled in relation to the narrative. It could have been injected into CA:CW and made an already very good movie even better but the climax would've trumped the one they went with--although I don't think Chris Evans would've minded them dealing with Cap's possible fate sooner rather than later since he is reportedly ready to part ways with the character.
9 out of 10

It was a damn good movie, by far the best of the two Captain America movies I've seen. I've yet to watch the WS one yet, but I probably will at some point.

I won't spoil anything as far as what happens but I will say a couple of things here as to my feelings going into the movie and coming out of the movie as far as characters go.

I loved Iron Man before this movie and I still love him. I didn't completely agree with his side in this movie but I understand it and I definitely was, and am, on team Iron Man.

I did not like Captain America before this movie and with what goes on toward the end I absolutely loath Captain America. I do not care for him at all, nor his reasoning behind what he was doing at the end. I will not say anymore as I don't want to give away anything to those who haven't been fortunate enough to see this movie yet.

I LOVED Tom Holland as Spiderman. I absolutely love him in the roll. I wish there had been more Spiderman in this movie. Awesome.

I came away liking Falcon even more than I did prior.

And as a last were the teams pretty unbalanced IMO. Captain America got the weakest B team I've ever seen. His group, comparative to Starks, was pathetic.

Great movie. Definitely worth watching. Captain America still sucks as a person and character though. lol
The non-resolution is intentional I think. I believe the civil war between heroes is a subplot of the Disney/Marvel's overall Infinity War storyline. In my opinion they will show how earth-based heroes, in the aftermath of this movie's conflict, cope with defending people and the world against all threats (eventually including Thanos) while individually and collectively working within and outside the restrictions set in the Sokovia Accords.

The Civil War story in the comics was fairly massive, encompassing a number of Marvel titles for a year. It would've been very difficult for Marvel to fit some of the intriguing aspects of the story within one movie. In particular I am interested how Captain America's fate is ultimately handled in relation to the narrative. It could have been injected into CA:CW and made an already very good movie even better but the climax would've trumped the one they went with--although I don't think Chris Evans would've minded them dealing with Cap's possible fate sooner rather than later since he is reportedly ready to part ways with the character.

I was some what surprised that they didn't go the other direction and in fact deal with this possible fate sooner. I really thought that was going to happen in this movie.
I was some what surprised that they didn't go the other direction and in fact deal with this possible fate sooner. I really thought that was going to happen in this movie.
To be completely honest, I was on pins-and-needles towards the end of the movie. Stark was pretty blinded by rage. Look what he did to Bucky. A different outcome wouldn't have surprised me but I'm glad they didn't go that route. Yet.

I've always been a Cap fan and loved what Evans has done for the role--so much so that I've almost forgotten he once played (and did a good job as) Johnny Storm. Almost. :p
And as a last were the teams pretty unbalanced IMO. Captain America got the weakest B team I've ever seen. His group, comparative to Starks, was pathetic.

Black Panther has no team and still did pretty well for himself.

Tony is lucky Hulk wasn't around, pretty sure Banner would have been on Captain America's side.

Thor would probably have laughed at the idea of a piece of paper keeping him from doing what he wanted.
Black Panther has no team and still did pretty well for himself.

Tony is lucky Hulk wasn't around, pretty sure Banner would have been on Captain America's side.

Thor would probably have laughed at the idea of a piece of paper keeping him from doing what he wanted.

No way science bros forever

And as a last were the teams pretty unbalanced IMO. Captain America got the weakest B team I've ever seen. His group, comparative to Starks, was pathetic.

Vision and Scarlett Witch more or less cancel out, same for Hawkeye and Black Widow as well as Black Panther and Winter Soldier. War Machine is stronger than Falcon, and Spider-man is stronger than Ant-Man, but that was about it.
Black Panther has no team and still did pretty well for himself.

Tony is lucky Hulk wasn't around, pretty sure Banner would have been on Captain America's side.

Thor would probably have laughed at the idea of a piece of paper keeping him from doing what he wanted.

Black Panther initially was on one teams side though. Which was my point of the teams is all I was saying.

Yeah I wonder if Hulk would have sided with Cap? I don't know. He does get along with Tony as well. I think it's a toss up as to who he would have sided with but it's entirely possibly it would have been Cap.

Yeah and I agree on Thor. I don't see him taking either side but he would have laughed at the idea that any mortal could or world tell him what to do.
Vision and Scarlett Witch more or less cancel out, same for Hawkeye and Black Widow as well as Black Panther and Winter Soldier. War Machine is stronger than Falcon, and Spider-man is stronger than Ant-Man, but that was about it.

To each their own. I found Caps team to be incredibly lame outside of Falcon. I don't care for anyone else on his team really. Spiderman alone could pretty much defeat Falcon, Hawkeye and probably Ant Man. I just thought they gave Cap a pretty weak team by comparison.

Just my opinion.
I watched it yesterday and I must say it was a really good movie. There were a couple of crater sized plot holes in there, but the good moments were very well done. Paul Rudd was nit something I saw fitting into the Marvel Universe, but they had a good view of him and did quite well with it. Their casting of Spiderman and usage of the character was so well done.

I would not put it above Winter Soldier personally or GotG, but it was not far behind.
Took the grandson on Saturday. We both really enjoyed it. I thought Paul Ruud as Antman and the Spiderman character stole the show.
Vision and Scarlett Witch more or less cancel out, same for Hawkeye and Black Widow as well as Black Panther and Winter Soldier. War Machine is stronger than Falcon, and Spider-man is stronger than Ant-Man, but that was about it.

How is Spider-man stronger than Ant-Man? Ant-Man can go small or large.
I think in a 1 o 1 fight, his spider sense gives him the edge.

Nothing like a good old-fashioned geek fight.

I think a one on one between Spidey and Ant-Man probably goes to Ant-Man. Specifically because he can shrink himself to subatomic size while retaining his strength. Spidey having spider sense about a danger that small would be like Spidey getting the tingles everytime a cold or flu virus enters his system.

The only reason he went big in Civil War, rather than small, was for the shock value and because he already did the whole subatomic thing.
Took the grandson on Saturday. We both really enjoyed it. I thought Paul Ruud as Antman and the Spiderman character stole the show.

I've heard a lot of people say that Antman and Spidey stole the show, but I think the only reason the movie works is because of the straight men.

I will say though, as a New Yorker, there was a sustained applause when Spidey and Cap have their "Queens", "Brooklyn" exchange.

I'm definitely excited to the Spiderman reboot.
Nothing like a good old-fashioned geek fight.

I think a one on one between Spidey and Ant-Man probably goes to Ant-Man. Specifically because he can shrink himself to subatomic size while retaining his strength. Spidey having spider sense about a danger that small would be like Spidey getting the tingles everytime a cold or flu virus enters his system.

The only reason he went big in Civil War, rather than small, was for the shock value and because he already did the whole subatomic thing.

he retains his strength at smaller sizes, but if he were to get caught in spider man's web, he's effectively taken out of the fight. because at his regular strength he can't break free.
he retains his strength at smaller sizes, but if he were to get caught in spider man's web, he's effectively taken out of the fight. because at his regular strength he can't break free.

Spidey's web won't mean anything when Ant-Man goes small. In terms he can go thru the webbing and go back to normal size or just go Giant Man.

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