Casey Anthony trial starts today...*Found not guilty*

CowboyMcCoy;3986183 said:
I disagree and will use the old cliche'. The proof is in the pudding....

Too bad the law doesn't revolve around cliches then i guess.

Its actually simple logic. If you take your child out, and she ends up dead.. does that prove that you killed her?

Anyone that says yes is going on ignore..
CowboyMcCoy;3986182 said:
Or the mother played the role her very intelligent and talented defense attorney wanted her to play--for her daughter's sake.

Think about it. She was still the mother and going out dancing and stuff isn't what you do a month after you know you're child dies....

Her behavior is the most telling thing to me..only because I've dealt with an uncontrollable situation where someone had my child and I wasn't dancing, nor feeling like it.

Unlike Scott Peterson, she has breasts and generally juries don't convict females as much statistically last time I checked.

In any case, poorly done by the state of Florida. Someone killed that little girl.

My hunch is the role of the cop and boyfriend was played in to imply he could have maybe told her not to call and report because she'd potentially be charged with murder by the defense, yet downplayed by the state.

The defense attorney was a buffoon.. the reason they won is because the prosecution was horrendous and pretty much had very little of a case to begin with.
CowboyMcCoy;3986185 said:
What if reporting your daughter missing earlier than a month could have saved her life?

Just curious if you think she should be punished at all...

I completely give up with you man. lol

Of course she should be punished.. she killed/was involved in killing her child for christs sakes!
RoyTheHammer;3986186 said:
Too bad the law doesn't revolve around cliches then i guess.

Its actually simple logic. If you take your child out, and she ends up dead.. does that prove that you killed her?

Anyone that says yes is going on ignore..

Yes, then. If she neglects her parental duty to make sure her child is safe, and she fails to report it.. yes, particularly because not reporting it puts you child in harms way since you aren't aware of the whereabouts of your child--for over a month--and your failure to report it likely was the reason she died if you did not kill her and cover it up yourself.

Scott Peterson didn't want his child when he found his dream woman. What makes this any different?

Cya, I guess.
CowboyMcCoy;3986189 said:
Yes, then. If she neglects her parental duty to make sure her child is safe, and she fails to report it.. yes, particularly because not reporting it puts you child in harms way since you aren't aware of the whereabouts of your child--for over a month--

This makes her guilty of neglect.. not murder.
RoyTheHammer;3986188 said:
I completely give up with you man. lol

Of course she should be punished.. she killed/was involved in killing her child for christs sakes!

Especially because she failed to report her child missing. And made up a fake nanny. Yeah, something is up with that. Accidents, police and people why cover it up unless you did something?

Anyway, at least we agree she is guilty.
RoyTheHammer;3986190 said:
This makes her guilty of neglect.. not murder.

One that leads to another with a child's death, especially in these sorts of circumstances, calls for some sort of punishment.

I think we both agree she's guilty. Whether it's provable or not is always debatable.

My question is, will they charge her with anything else at this juncture or will this evil witch walk altogether?
CowboyMcCoy;3986191 said:
Especially because she failed to report her child missing. And made up a fake nanny. Yeah, something is up with that. Accidents, police and people why cover it up unless you did something?

Anyway, at least we agree she is guilty.

Im pretty sure everyone agrees she is guilty of at least being involved in the killing of her daughter, if she didn't do it herself. That's not the point though man.

The point is, in the courtroom, the jurors are given a set of criteria to follow in determining if a murder charge is warrented or not, and its the prosecutors job to prove all those conditions existed beyond a shadow of a doubt. They failed.. big time. Reason, emotion, etc.. be damned. The jurors have to go on the evidence provided and nothing else for their decision. That's why she got off.

Its all good though.. that fake name she gave to police about being a nanny?

That lady is suing her arse in civil court and will most likely win her defamation lawsuit, so Casey will have to penny up. Although im sure her parents will pay it for her anyway and she'll have plenty of money to spend after the media pays her millions of dollars for her story and all that crap.

Sick world we live in ladies and gentlemen..
CowboyMcCoy;3986192 said:
One that leads to another with a child's death, especially in these sorts of circumstances, calls for some sort of punishment.

I think we both agree she's guilty. Whether it's provable or not is always debatable.

My question is, will they charge her with anything else at this juncture or will this evil witch walk altogether?

Anything else they could charge her for wouldn't be a felony anyway so itd just be pointless. She got off on the murder and manslaughter charges so they can't charge her for those again.

She pretty much just gets off scot free.. until karma comes back around that is.
bad mother, 2o years old, 30 days, all sorts of narcissistic tendencies. Seems plausible.

If it was me I'd be too bummed to be interrogated or care about a trial but she's not normal

CowboyMcCoy;3986182 said:
Or the mother played the role intelligent and talented defense attorney wanted her to play--for her daughter's sake.

Think about it. She was still the mother and going out dancing and stuff isn't what you do a month after you know you're child dies....

Her behavior is the most telling thing to me..only because I've dealt with an uncontrollable situation where someone had my child and I wasn't dancing, nor feeling like it.

Unlike Scott Peterson, she has breasts and generally juries don't convict females as much statistically last time I checked.

In any case, poorly done by the state of Florida.

Someone killed that little girl.

My hunch is the role of the cop and boyfriend was played in to imply he could have maybe told her not to call and report because she'd potentially be charged with murder by the defense, yet downplayed by the state.
RoyTheHammer;3986193 said:
Im pretty sure everyone agrees she is guilty of at least being involved in the killing of her daughter, if she didn't do it herself. That's not the point though man.

The point is, in the courtroom, the jurors are given a set of criteria to follow in determining if a murder charge is warrented or not, and its the prosecutors job to prove all those conditions existed beyond a shadow of a doubt. They failed.. big time. Reason, emotion, etc.. be damned. The jurors have to go on the evidence provided and nothing else for their decision. That's why she got off.

Its all good though.. that fake name she gave to police about being a nanny?

That lady is suing her arse in civil court and will most likely win her defamation lawsuit, so Casey will have to penny up. Although im sure her parents will pay it for her anyway and she'll have plenty of money to spend after the media pays her millions of dollars for her story and all that crap.

Sick world we live in ladies and gentlemen..

Sick indeed.

The defamation may not go far even with a civil burden of proof....

I just think the police and courtrooms in these big towns are not equipped with the talent, resources, particularly space with court rooms and on crowded dockets...

It's a shame, we set up a great system. Then we added a McDonald's assembly line to it, from the process of making it to profit or the money and the people who work there.

On the other hand, not only did the media make a killing off of this, but I think Orlando benefited from it a lot. But the media involvement most of the time exposes the ineptitude of prosecutors and the tightly-budgeted court system we're so fond of as "Americans".

The least we could have done was set an example that if you neglect your child it's a criminal act. I've argued this in public forums actually.

As most state laws, or at least systems, child neglect is a civil issue where parents can only be deprived of their parental rights.

My point is, it's always optional to be a parent. If you don't want to, willfully give up your child. But if you neglect your child in any event while you are the said parent of the child, you should be charged criminally.

Again, conversely, that's not the case.
RoyTheHammer;3986195 said:
Anything else they could charge her for wouldn't be a felony anyway so itd just be pointless. She got off on the murder and manslaughter charges so they can't charge her for those again.

She pretty much just gets off scot free.. until karma comes back around that is.

Brings me back to my point of doing away with the civil aspect and the CPS hoopla. Make neglect a criminal offense.
Half-joking, it's pretty easy to get away with killing your child as long as you don't use a gun (bullet trace) and the child doesn't fight back (chance of DNA) and no witnesses.

Very difficult to prove otherwise. Just say someone kidnapped them. Most people will believe that over the parents murdering their own child

Jon Benet and Kaylee have laid out the gameplan for future murderers. :)
RoyTheHammer;3986121 said:
I think we all agree that she probably did it.. if that's what you keep trying to get at.

The fact is.. her not reporting the death isn't proof that she did it.

True, but that fact along with many other facts prove she did. Not only did she not report it, she lied to her parents about her whereabouts for over a month (she lived at their house with Caylee), she lied to the police about what happened to the little girl when they offered to help her find her, she tells the police she had been looking for her for over a month but we later found out she had been partying and never mentioned the baby being gone to her friends, she was driving around a car that was proven to have decomposing flesh and a hair from Caylees head after death, (she was the only one that drove the car) in phone calls after being arrested she did not want to talk about Caylee, when Texas Equisearch came to her house she refused to cooperate to find her little girl. She basically admitted in her defense that the baby died under her care (even though she lied about it was the pool) Duct tape was found over the babys face.

Not one fact proves she did it. But all the facts show she and she alone was responsible for her death. Who puts duct tape over a baby in an accident.

Anybody that thinks George had something to with it I can tell you is not a grandparent.

Meanwhile the alternate juror questions whether or not the baby was ever in the car. What a moron. No duffuss, the smell that was still there two years later was from moldy cheese. And the hair from Caylees head after she had died proves nothing. He believes it was an accident and a coverup. Yea again duffuss, anytime there is an accident, people stage it to look like a murder scene.
The one question I had is.......and I never heard anyone ask it......if Caylee drowned accidentally as claimed - why did Casey allow a "manhunt" to go on for weeks? Why allow hundreds of people search for your daughter and you not say anything? Was it because you didn't know what your defense would ultimately be? I dunno.

Doesn't pass the smell test.
Sarge;3986209 said:
The one question I had is.......and I never heard anyone ask it......if Caylee drowned accidentally as claimed - why did Casey allow a "manhunt" to go on for weeks? Why allow hundreds of people search for your daughter and you not say anything? Was it because you didn't know what your defense would ultimately be? I dunno.

Doesn't pass the smell test.

That is because the lie at that time (before the baby was found) was that the Nanny had her. As soon as the body was found, the lie changed to it was an accident. She had to keep the appearance up that the Nanny had her. As the prosecution proved beyond a SHADOW of a doubt, Casey stuck to the same lie until that lie is proven wrong. Who can forget her prancing convincingly thru Universal with cops in tow to PROVE she worked there. And only until she took that charade to the very last second ( I guess she thought the cops would back off and say uh, ok we believe you now) did she admit she lied. Who lies to the police about the whereabouts of their child unless they are hiding something.
right or wrong, If I was on that jury everyone would still be waiting on a verdict. but then again I have 4 kids, 2 grand kids, loads of common sense and a backbone. I guess someone like me would never make it on to the jury though.
jimmy40;3986215 said:
right or wrong, If I was on that jury everyone would still be waiting on a verdict. but then again I have 4 kids, 2 grand kids, loads of common sense and a backbone. I guess someone like me would never make it on to the jury though.

Absolutely not, and not because of "common sense and a backbone" but because during jury selection you'd probably obviously show a bias toward kids/grandkids. Voir dire is a pretty serious process.
casmith07;3986219 said:
Absolutely not, and not because of "common sense and a backbone" but because during jury selection you'd probably obviously show a bias toward kids/grandkids. Voir dire is a pretty serious process.

This. People with children and (especially) grandchildren are red flags during jury selection even if the case isnt about kids. They just view the world differently than those without kids.

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