Casey Anthony trial starts today...*Found not guilty*

joseephuss;3985867 said:
I am fine with the decision only because I don't want to be on the same side of the argument as Nancy Grace.

oh come on, I dont agree with her all the time but i do think shes passionate when it comes to kids.
The verdict was a disgrace. At worse she was guilty of felony murder. She wrapped the babys head in duct tape probabaly to keep her quiet and as a result she died. That is felonoy murder. Nobody but Casey did it. Her father had no part in it. What person takes a horrible accident and makes it look like a murder. George loved that little girl more than anything in life. HIs wife appears to be a controlling you know what, his daughter is a lying piece of crap, and this baby loved him unconditionally. No way George helps Casey get rid of the body. This was a man that buried his animals. Anyone that thinks he was part of a murder cover up (like the jurors apparently) has no idea how this man grieved over losing his grandaughter. And then to have your daugher come out with lie number 279 and say her dad abused her.

I love my daughters more than anything but if they ever made that horrendous accusation, I would probably disown them.

Pinellas County Jurors can now go down as stupid as the OJ Jurors. This case was as evident as that case to the guilt of the defendant. She will probably get out of jail Friday on time served. Hopefully she gets out and is the outcast to society the way OJ is. Rumor has it her and her attorney are already doing it so we will probably see them together for a while. Disgusting verdict.
FloridaRob;3985911 said:
Pinellas County Jurors can now go down as stupid as the OJ Jurors. This case was as evident as that case to the guilt of the defendant. She will probably get out of jail Friday on time served. Hopefully she gets out and is the outcast to society the way OJ is. Rumor has it her and her attorney are already doing it so we will probably see them together for a while. Disgusting verdict.

Not a valid comparison. OJ's jury really had no choice because of how badly the police screwed up and made vital evidence inadmissable. Even had they found him guilty the verdict likely would have been thrown out on appeal.

The jury in this case had a real choice to convict her though but didnt based on valid legal reasons. She's guilty, but by our current justice system they made the right call. It sucks, but until something changes that is the way it is.
casmith07;3985847 said:
I think there are multiple things being said here and multiple conversations. Theo and I were talking about Hoofbite's concerns about infallibility of the judiciary.

And I was talking about the same. Hoofbite wasn't claiming that prosecutors shouldn't have to prove their case, he was merely saying that a finding of not guilty in the courtroom doesn't necessarily mean the person is not guilty - as am I.

You said she was not guilty - you did not say she was found not guilty in court. Both Hoofbite and I are merely recognizing that they are not necessarily the same thing.
FloridaRob;3985911 said:
The verdict was a disgrace. At worse she was guilty of felony murder. She wrapped the babys head in duct tape probabaly to keep her quiet and as a result she died. That is felonoy murder. Nobody but Casey did it. Her father had no part in it. What person takes a horrible accident and makes it look like a murder. George loved that little girl more than anything in life. HIs wife appears to be a controlling you know what, his daughter is a lying piece of crap, and this baby loved him unconditionally. No way George helps Casey get rid of the body. This was a man that buried his animals. Anyone that thinks he was part of a murder cover up (like the jurors apparently) has no idea how this man grieved over losing his grandaughter. And then to have your daugher come out with lie number 279 and say her dad abused her.

I love my daughters more than anything but if they ever made that horrendous accusation, I would probably disown them.

Pinellas County Jurors can now go down as stupid as the OJ Jurors. This case was as evident as that case to the guilt of the defendant. She will probably get out of jail Friday on time served. Hopefully she gets out and is the outcast to society the way OJ is. Rumor has it her and her attorney are already doing it so we will probably see them together for a while. Disgusting verdict.

Look, I agree with you about the mom's guilt, but you have to reasonably admit that the case you are presenting is circumstantial and there is no concrete evidence to prove the mom wrapped the baby's mouth in duct tape and the baby died from it. That scenario is plausible, even likely, but there was no direct proof of it. That alone lays the foundation for reasonable doubt.
theogt;3985729 said:
The fallibility of the court system is why evidence needs to be sufficient in order to convict.

The evidence was sufficient to convict unless you believe in multiple miraculous coincidences coming together at once on a regular basis. There was faux reasonable doubt due to the nature of our court system, but there was no actual reasonable doubt in the mind of any rational person. The reasonable doubt was created by the parameters of a system that basically requires the defendent to be caught on tape, lose a quart of blood at the crime scene or stand up and say "I did it" in order to remove doubt.

Prosecuting attorneys have come to jokingly call the above the "CSI/Law and Order effect"
the american justice system failed caylee. :(

casey anthony is a *****!!!!
The30YardSlant;3985924 said:
The evidence was sufficient to convict unless you believe in multiple miraculous coincidences coming together at once on a regular basis. There was faux reasonable doubt due to the nature of our court system, but there was no actual reasonable doubt in the mind of any rational person. The reasonable doubt was created by the parameters of a system that basically requires the defendent to be caught on tape, lose a quart of blood at the crime scene or stand up and say "I did it" in order to remove doubt.

Prosecuting attorneys have come to jokingly call the above the "CSI/Law and Order effect"

You know how easy it would be to do something heinous and frame someone else for it if we didn't have to have as much evidence to convict someone as we do now?
peplaw06;3985823 said:
I know about as much about this case and the evidence as you do, so take this for what it's worth.

But I've been hearing that the medical experts couldn't even pinpoint a cause of death... I don't see how you could convict anyone of wrongdoing when there's a dead child but no one knows how the child died. There are hundreds of ways a child could die. Was it strange that Casey was out partying for 30 days or whatever after Caylee went missing? Sure. But acting strangely doesn't mean she killed her.

Sad story though, for sure... all the way around.

I dunno if I can get on board with that. If there's sufficient evidence that a murder was committed, how it was done really doesn't matter. I need not hear the gruesome details to arrive at a conclusion that someone killed a baby. Especially not given some of the ridiculous facts of this case.
1. Caylee last seen with Casey
2. Caylee dies
3. Casey parties and tells NO ONE caylee is dead or missing
4. 30 days later her mom calls 911
5. Now its the babysitter that took her. That's the story. That is the explanation. Casey knows where Caylee is, with the babysitter.
6. Babysitter doesn't exist and there never was a babysitter.
7. Caylee's skeleton is found near the Anthony home wrapped in a blanket from the home, inside a bag from the home, ducttape over the face from the home, clothes from the home
7. That right there should be enough. If you're the last person with the baby and your explanation is a flat out lie, you are responsible.
8. HANG DA' *****!!!!!
The30YardSlant;3985924 said:
The evidence was sufficient to convict unless you believe in multiple miraculous coincidences coming together at once on a regular basis. There was faux reasonable doubt due to the nature of our court system, but there was no actual reasonable doubt in the mind of any rational person. The reasonable doubt was created by the parameters of a system that basically requires the defendent to be caught on tape, lose a quart of blood at the crime scene or stand up and say "I did it" in order to remove doubt.

Prosecuting attorneys have come to jokingly call the above the "CSI/Law and Order effect"

Yes because it should be easier for DA's to convict innocent people. They already pursue convictions against anything with a pulse.
kmp77;3985935 said:
1. Caylee last seen with Casey
2. Caylee dies
3. Casey parties and tells NO ONE caylee is dead or missing
4. 30 days later her mom calls 911
5. Now its the babysitter that took her. That's the story. That is the explanation. Casey knows where Caylee is, with the babysitter.
6. Babysitter doesn't exist and there never was a babysitter.
7. Caylee's skeleton is found near the Anthony home wrapped in a blanket from the home, inside a bag from the home, ducttape over the face from the home, clothes from the home
7. That right there should be enough. If you're the last person with the baby and your explanation is a flat out lie, you are responsible.
8. HANG DA' *****!!!!!
  • Caylee's mother tells police that it smells like a dead body has been in the car.
  • George Anthony, who was once a homicide detective in Ohio, told investigators he feared the smell of rotting flesh in the car was coming from his daughter or granddaughter.
  • The manager at the tow yard, where the car was stowed for several weeks, also testified to the smell.
  • Orange County Deputy Jason Forgey, whose K-9 partner, Gerus, is trained to detect human decomposition, said the smell of death, which he is familiar with, was obvious from Anthony's car. "I smelled it. Clear as day," he said.
The State of Floriday FAILED !!!

End of story.

But...people aren't stupid as some might think. Most people are shocked at this verdict.

Tell me what kind of life this woman is going to have now.

She might find herself someday wishing she had been in jail. Society is going to be ruthless w/ her.

Hide your kids, your girlfriends, your husbands....

Casey Anthony is ready to PARRTAYYY!!

RoyTheHammer;3985932 said:
You know how easy it would be to do something heinous and frame someone else for it if we didn't have to have as much evidence to convict someone as we do now?

1: Intentionally framing someone correctly and convincingly is in no way "easy" and wouldnt be regardless of whether or not DNA was required. This is another product of TV crime dramas.

2: It has nothing to do with the amount of evidence. The evidence in this case was overwhelming. The issue is what kind of evidence is required these days by the legal system and by juries that are essentially impossible to satisfy.
gmoney112;3985939 said:
Yes because it should be easier for DA's to convict innocent people. They already pursue convictions against anything with a pulse.

This is just patently false. DAs rarely pursue cases they arent very confident they can win, which is why straight up "not guilty" verdicts are relatively rare in high profile cases. They want to keep their winning % up and the quickest way to ruin that is to haphazardly pursue every case. This is one of the few times these days when they actually go all out against someone without DNA evidence and/or multiple eye witnesses, presumably because they thought the MOUNTAINS of other evidence would be enough.
casmith07;3985949 said:
This thread has become a circus...just like the trial was.

What's it like sitting up there talking down to everyone? :eek:

Puff your chest out.... ;)
The30YardSlant;3985948 said:
1: Intentionally framing someone correctly and convincingly is in no way "easy" and wouldnt be regardless of whether or not DNA was required. This is another product of TV crime dramas.

2: It has nothing to do with the amount of evidence. The evidence in this case was overwhelming. The issue is what kind of evidence is required these days by the legal system and by juries that are essentially impossible to satisfy.

You want to convict for murder.. you have to prove murder. They did nothing to PROVE that Casey killed her. Duct tape being on her face doesn't mean Casey put it there. You can't let emotion get involved in court cases, which is what alot of you are doing. Its black and white.

Again.. im sure almost all the jurors there feel like she did it, but the verdict is based on the evidence given.. which wasn't enough to prove she killed her clearly.

Also, im embarassed at the prosecution in this case. They were horrid.

"One piece for the nose, one for the mouth.. and then uhhh.. you need a third one, ya know.. just in case, or uhh.. to cover up loose ends or something. Need that third one, its vital.

So one, two, three.. she's dead."

I thought i was watching a school play for a second there.. good grief.
if the glove doesn't fit you must acquit

the State did not have enuf evidence

you guys are watching to much Nancy Grace
RoyTheHammer;3985952 said:
You want to convict for murder.. you have to prove murder. They did nothing to PROVE that Casey killed her. Duct tape being on her face doesn't mean Casey put it there. You can't let emotion get involved in court cases, which is what alot of you are doing. Its black and white.

No one thing in this case proves anything, but everything together should remove reasonable doubt from the objective mind. Just because nobody caught her on video or found her severed toe at the scene doesnt mean the evidence isnt there. The system has removed common sense and juries no longer have the ability to connect the dots because they demand to see what they see on TV every week.

Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, a child she never really loved and no longer wanted by accounts of those who knew her, and she then dies. Casey then goes out and lives it up without reporting that her child is missing. A recording from days after Caylee went missing shows her mother expressing relief and joy over starting her new life. Caylee is found not far from her home and everything from the scene came from their home. The blanket she was wrapped in, the bag she was found in, the duct tape on her, etc. Casey's own father said he smelled a rotting body in Casey's car and believed she killed Caylee. HER OWN FATHER was more convinced of her guilt than 12 strangers. Casey then proceeds to tell lie after lie to cover up the crime. If she accidently died, why wouldnt Casey have just reported it? She wanted her dead anyway, so it would have been great for her. No reason to cover it up unless she did it.

She is guilty. Period. The justice system robbed the family of justice.

As I said earlier, based on the way the system is these days they made the correct call, but that doesnt mean justice was served in any capacity.

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