Casey Anthony trial starts today...*Found not guilty*

The30YardSlant;3985950 said:
This is just patently false. DAs rarely pursue high profile cases they arent very confident they can win,

Stautner;3985921 said:
Look, I agree with you about the mom's guilt, but you have to reasonably admit that the case you are presenting is circumstantial and there is no concrete evidence to prove the mom wrapped the baby's mouth in duct tape and the baby died from it. That scenario is plausible, even likely, but there was no direct proof of it. That alone lays the foundation for reasonable doubt.

True. But the facts are there was duct tape wrapped around the babys head. The facts are the baby was in her care. The facts are the day the baby went missing she was out playing house with her boyfriend. The facts are she lied for 30+ days about her and the babys whereabouts. The facts are she lied about where the baby was until the body was found and then she came up with a new lie. Whether it was the duct tape that killed the baby or something else might be debateable. But there is no doubt some form of child abuse killed that baby. And if death results from child abuse, it is felony murder. Even if it was leaving her in a hot trunk.

Just heard some alternate juror say he believed George had something to do with it. What complete morons. I doubt this juror had the mental capability of the baby that was killed. George was a grieving Grandfather that would have killed himself to save that baby. I am a grandfather and I know I would react that exact way if something happened to one of them. Especially the one he is closest to.
BlueStar3398;3962064 said:
Most people would be frantic if they couldn't find their baby for 10 minutes! They have video of her in Target buying cases of beer and clothes to go out and party (she forged checks on a friend's checking acct to pay for it)! She entered a hot body contest and partied the night away like she didn't have a care in the World. Does this girl have a conscience? I can't wrap my mind around it. :confused:

They investigated her computer history and found where she had done a search on Chloroform! When they got her car out of the impound, it smelled like human decomposition.

Something is very wrong with this girl.

Yeah, the sad thing is I believe we get it wrong in our system. Child Protective Services, can murder your child, as they did mine and people don't flock from anywhere to see how this could happen nor hold anyone accountable.

It's just not dramatic enough. Oh, the corruption involved in the Foster care's so money driven and irks me. But yea, people flock from all over to see this girl, who I believe killed her child....Yet not guilty....

Only in what was once America. I'll be honest, I don't even feel like I live there anymore. People killing children and walking.... like it's nothing.
gmoney112;3985970 said:

Even taking out murder cases, criminal conviction rates across this country are still very high. Typically, a case that goes to the jury (in other words, not plead out) does not result in a conviction only when evidence gets thrown out or new issues come to light after the trial that damn the prosecution. Only rarely is someone found not guilty simply because the prosecution could not convince the jury with the initial evidence.

Like I said, in this case the DA likely felt confident because he, like everyone else, looked at the evidence and thought "slam dunk". Is it the prosecution's fault? Yes, they should have realized that they would likely need DNA, a murder weapon or eye witnesses. That doesnt mean the case is any less obvious.
The30YardSlant;3985966 said:
No one thing in this case proves anything, but everything together should remove reasonable doubt from the objective mind. Just because nobody caught her on video or found her severed toe at the scene doesnt mean the evidence isnt there. The system has removed common sense and juries no longer have the ability to connect the dots because they demand to see what they see on TV every week.

Casey was the last person seen with Caylee, a child she never really loved and no longer wanted by accounts of those who knew her, and she then dies. Casey then goes out and lives it up without reporting that her child is missing. A recording from days after Caylee went missing shows her mother expressing relief and joy over starting her new life. Caylee is found not far from her home and everything from the scene came from their home. The blanket she was wrapped in, the bag she was found in, the duct tape on her, etc. Casey's own father said he smelled a rotting body in Casey's car and believed she killed Caylee. HER OWN FATHER was more convinced of her guilt than 12 strangers. Casey then proceeds to tell lie after lie to cover up the crime. If she accidently died, why wouldnt Casey have just reported it? She wanted her dead anyway, so it would have been great for her. No reason to cover it up unless she did it.

She is guilty. Period. The justice system robbed the family of justice.

As I said earlier, based on the way the system is these days they made the correct call, but that doesnt mean justice was served in any capacity.

She's not guilty.. unless you can prove where Caley was, and when.. there's nothing to say Casey really did it. Its not that hard to understand. It could have been one of the family who ended up doing it and was covering it up the entire time.. and we'd never know because the prosecution did a horrible job with the investigation.

Could they prove she was involved? Possibly..

Did they prove she in fact killed her? No.

Common sense can lead to mistakes because things arn't always what they seem.

BTW.. i don't watch any kind of drama or reality TV.
RoyTheHammer;3985979 said:
Could they prove she was involved? Possibly..

That was proven beyond all doubt

Did they prove she in fact killed her? No.

That depends entirely on what your definition of proof is. I was convinced by the evidence enough to bet everything I own on her guilt. There was no reasonable doubt in my mind that she didnt do it.
The30YardSlant;3985984 said:
That was proven beyond all doubt

That depends entirely on what your definition of proof is. I was convinced by the evidence enough to bet everything I own on her guilt. There was no reasonable doubt in my mind that she didnt do it.

Sadly, we do enough gambling with people's innocence already.

Do i think she did it? Hellllllll yes.

Could i tell you that i know she's guilty? Sadly, no.
casmith07;3985657 said:
No evidence. Almost everything was purely circumstantial...going to be really hard to prove the elements of murder with that.

From a legal standpoint, justice was served. I know that's hard to swallow, but you can't convict if you have no evidence.

Now the OJ Simpson thing was a different story completely.

She googled how to make the chemicals...then, her mother says it was her who googled it. And because a family pet died. The prosecution made a good point when they said she was buried like the rest of their family pets.


Holy Cow!
theogt;3985745 said:
I paid next to zero attention to the trial. But the verdict and reaction has intrigued me to the point that I may make an attempt to read up on it. At this point, I really know nothing about the evidence presented other than it's "circumstantial". Most evidence is circumstantial.

One of those coincidences that isn't a coincidence after you read how the evidence contextualizes itself around the fact this bar-hopping bimbo murdered her daughter--then got a soft jury and a slick lawyer.
Honestly, the biggest question i have is how the State Attorney or the DA even allowed this case to go to trial with the BS they spewed out during.

They had no idea how the remains got in the woods, who put them there, where Caley was at any point in time pretty much, if she was ever in the car that smelled supposedly, etc, etc..

The whole time im sitting there like.. how much effort did these guys even put into the case?
The child was last in Casey's care!
The child found dead, stuffed in a bag, wrapped in a blanket and duct tape!
Casey said it was the babysitter that didn't exist!

Think about that for one second. If that confuses you or that's not enough evidence, then I feel sorry for your brain cell...because it's awfully lonely in there.

If I leave the house with a child and the child winds up dead left in a swamp, it's my fault unless there's a real explanation as to who else did it. If my excuse was a magic purple rabbit took her, then that I'm sorry, I'm guilty. If you're excuse is to blame someone that doesn't're either guilty or covering for someone. No one else was proven to have done it so it sits squarely on Casey's shoulders. This is a pretty cut and dry case in my eyes...I have a lot of common sense and my IQ is well past single digits. I have a feeling the jurors were passing around 5 braincells and took turns using them.
evidence is key

no evidence that casey killed her.

no motive (past abuse)

no witnesses

no confession

no fingerprints

no cause of death

she is just guilty of lying and partying

case has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt even though i think she did it but we can all think what we want if the evidence doesnt back it up, you have to say not guilty
July 4, 2011 - a happy day for America

July 5, 2011 - a sad day for America
With the specialist now involved in jury selecting it is a wonder anyone is convicted. You have people that are trained to review a jurors profile and determine if they would be pro prosecution or pro defense. I thought it was supposed to be based on evidence. Not based on how much common sense someone does not have. Apparently this jury was eat up with the dumb you know what.

Juries should be picked out of hat. Given them a short interview to determine if they are convicted felons. Then give then an IQ test to determine if they have the mental capacity to process information. You know the questions. If two trains leave the station at the same time, one at 50 mph and one at 100 mph. How long will it take the train traveling 50 mph to go 100 miles. How long will it take the train going 100 mph. This question probably would have discounted most of the people that made up this jury. At least there won't be a tainted jury pool as to which way their profile says they should repond.
I get reminded by the game "Clue" when thinking about this case. You need a suspect, a crime scene, a method of murder, a motive, etc. They (the prosecution) got close on a few of those, but ultimately came up short with the lack of hard non-circumstantial evidence. As an analyst said during the verdict discussion, the prosecution had to play the hand they were dealt. If you judge them on that view, they did an A+ job. The problem is that they were dealt a pair of 2's.
FloridaRob;3986020 said:
With the specialist now involved in jury selecting it is a wonder anyone is convicted. You have people that are trained to review a jurors profile and determine if they would be pro prosecution or pro defense. I thought it was supposed to be based on evidence. Not based on how much common sense someone does not have. Apparently this jury was eat up with the dumb you know what.

Juries should be picked out of hat. Given them a short interview to determine if they are convicted felons. Then give then an IQ test to determine if they have the mental capacity to process information. You know the questions. If two trains leave the station at the same time, one at 50 mph and one at 100 mph. How long will it take the train traveling 50 mph to go 100 miles. How long will it take the train going 100 mph. This question probably would have discounted most of the people that made up this jury. At least there won't be a tainted jury pool as to which way their profile says they should repond.
Both sides have equal opportunity to affect the makeup of the jury.
kmp77;3986005 said:
The child was last in Casey's care!
The child found dead, stuffed in a bag, wrapped in a blanket and duct tape!
Casey said it was the babysitter that didn't exist!

Think about that for one second. If that confuses you or that's not enough evidence, then I feel sorry for your brain cell...because it's awfully lonely in there.

If I leave the house with a child and the child winds up dead left in a swamp, it's my fault unless there's a real explanation as to who else did it. If my excuse was a magic purple rabbit took her, then that I'm sorry, I'm guilty. If you're excuse is to blame someone that doesn't're either guilty or covering for someone. No one else was proven to have done it so it sits squarely on Casey's shoulders. This is a pretty cut and dry case in my eyes...I have a lot of common sense and my IQ is well past single digits. I have a feeling the jurors were passing around 5 braincells and took turns using them.

Clearly, you don't have any idea how the legal process works. Its got nothing to do with what "probably" happened or what was "likely" to have happened. Common sense has nothing to do with it.

Just because you leave the house with a child and she ends up dead, doesn't mean you committed murder or manslaughter. Clearly, you're letting your emotions get in the way of things.
She did it. It's the only thing that makes sense. The jury didn't feel that the prosecution proved their case.

R.I.P. sweet Caylee :(
BlueStar3398;3986057 said:
She did it. It's the only thing that makes sense. The jury didn't feel that the prosecution proved their case.

R.I.P. sweet Caylee :(

When you're dealing with sick minds of criminals.. some things don't make sense sometimes though.

RIP Caylee.

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