***CBA APPROVED - 102m Cap***

NFL | More details on labor agreement
Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:14:02 -0800

Mark Maske, of the Washington Post, reports NFL owners agreed to a system that increases the degree to which the teams share locally generated revenues, easing the concerns of some owners about a growing economic divide between clubs. The deal sets the salary cap for the players at slightly less than 60 percent of a greatly expanded pool of league revenues. The league's free-agent market is scheduled to open at 12:01 a.m. (EST) Friday, March 10. Teams must be under the new salary cap by Thursday night, March 9.
Weren't the skins at like $118 mil or so? If that's the case, they'll still have quite a bit of restructuring and cutting to do... even further if they want to be able to sign anyone.

Over at the CPND board the skins fans are acting like they have tons of money to spend. I don't see how that could be so. Some are saying as much a 15 million below the cap. That can't be, because that would put them at about $90 mil, which would've been below the non-CBA cap figure of $94 mil.

If the skins are $15 mil below the cap then we gotta be about $40 mil or so, lol.

I think the skins will still have a lot of cutting and restructuring to do to get to $104 mil.

the contracts are now pro rated at 5 years instead of 6 for this year.
NFL | Salary cap for 2006 season and 2007 season set
Wed, 8 Mar 2006 18:41:45 -0800

Correcting a previous report, ESPN.com's Chris Mortensen reports the salary cap for the 2006 season will be set at $102 million. The salary cap for the 2007 season will be set at $109 million. The signing bonuses signed for the 2006 season will also only be pro-rated over five years.
theogt said:
At least for the owners its 6 more years of profitable football.
Less profitable. Some of the owners caved in about $100 million in equity on the franchise values, including Jerry. Take that pill and swallow it, it is not an easy decision.
burmafrd said:
Mort says 102 mil as the cap.

Not to completely change the subject, but some perspective... Baseball = no salary cap... The Yankees have a payroll approaching $200 million, for 25 players!! Basically, twice the money for half the players on a roster
Snyder really is a weasel. Al Davis has one foot in the grave. Ralph WIlson is DUMB. He really sounded STUPID to the MAX.
Typhus said:
Danny Snyder proves to be a genius regarding cap-enomics,, we should all take notes from the mastermind.

Huh? Are we living in Bizarro world now?

I'm sure 'Skins fans are happy they aren't in "cap hell." They most likely were never going to be, but seriously, what has Danny's spending sprees bought them? Nothing yet. So, I don't understand why some 'Skins fans think this is some sort of victory or something. Sure, as a Cowboys' fan, I would have loved to have seen the 'Skins screwed over for their previously apparent captastrophe. But, in the end, all I want is the best possible team that JJ, BP, and company can put on the field. And that is all that matters.
5 Super Bowls said:
Less profitable. Some of the owners caved in about $100 million in equity on the franchise values, including Jerry. Take that pill and swallow it, it is not an easy decision.
More profitable. I was comparing 6 years of cap to 6 uncapped years.
I'm happy to see the CBA extended even if it means the Skins won't really have the cap hell we envisioned. Still, all the other NFC East teams have more cap $ to spend and that will allow them to bid higher if they really want a player that is also coveted by Washington. There's a lot of FAs who are going to have a good time this year. A positive for the Skins is that their team will have become closer due to this adversity. I think that will make the rivalry even better and the games more competitive, otherwise it would have been like big bully-boy OU stomping Boise State College for the Blind or some of those other weaklings they schedule every year just add to their stats because they are afraid to schedule games against real teams for fear they'll lose. I was born in Oklahoma and I can say that about my home state if I want to.
Welcome to all the Skins fans who have joined the board lately. I guess you have come here to enjoy the freedom of speech that is not available on extremeskins. If ya'll will keep the tone civil and mature, we can have some pretty good discussions and I'm looking forward to them. Get childish and we won't even miss you.
burmafrd said:
Snyder really is a weasel. Al Davis has one foot in the grave. Ralph WIlson is DUMB. He really sounded STUPID to the MAX.
Yep, yep, and really yep.
notherbob said:
Welcome to all the Skins fans who have joined the board lately. I guess you have come here to enjoy the freedom of speech that is not available on extremeskins. If ya'll will keep the tone civil and mature, we can have some pretty good discussions and I'm looking forward to them. Get childish and we won't even miss you.

Agreed, tempered opposition usually breeds good conversation.

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