C'Boy Fans are in Denial

Don't ever tell me to leave with justification. Who the (blank) do you think you are? I have just as much right to disagree with you, and your team as I want to!

Besides, I'm not here for you, I'm here to support what few (for now) Eagle fans and to have clean, meaningful dialogue with sensible c'boy fans (they know who they are; you know who you're not).

By the way, "not fond" of something does not denote hate! The next time you pass by your dictionary (that's the book that has dust on it), look up the word "fond."

Since I've been here, you are the only c'boy fan that has invited me to leave. Even the mod-squad's warning wasn't as unhospitable as you! Just because I'm not "fond" of the C'boys? :confused:
I said if you don't like being here, leave. Dont make it harder for yourself, just leave, if you do like it hjere, stay...
By the way, "not fond" of something does not denote hate! The next time you pass by your dictionary (that's the book that has dust on it), look up the word "fond."
Ok. maybe if you read my quote "Leave if you DONT LIKE IT"
Now can you please tell me what not fond of means again?
Since I've been here, you are the only c'boy fan that has invited me to leave. Even the mod-squad's warning wasn't as unhospitable as you! Just because I'm not "fond" of the C'boys? :confused:
You are also the only eagle fan who said they don't like it here...
RW Thirty-one said:
Quote: A curse doesn't mean the teams bad, but they will never be the best.

So now you're the authority on curses!?!

Quote: The first one to go will be andy reid. The management will look at this team and decide its andy's fault.

What can I say ... you're full of it!

Quote: Bill will leave if we are not in contention for the next 2-3 years, if he wants to go, or if he puts up a performance like andy reid...

You're basically using the same formula to describe what all GM's will do in instances of non-performance. And it ain't necessarily so!

You and I must try to disagree without being disagreeable -- and that hard to do, but I'll try.

BTW; Don't tell me to stay either. In fact, don't tell me anything because you are always disagreeable! Don't tell me ...you disagree!?
RW31 said:
I said if you don't like being here, leave. Dont make it harder for yourself, just leave, if you do like it hjere, stay...

You ... you're good you (Analyze This -- Robert Deniro)!
RW31 said:
Ok. maybe if you read my quote "Leave if you DONT LIKE IT"
Now can you please tell me what not fond of means again?
You are also the only eagle fan who said they don't like it here...

You must be on drugs! Not being fond of your C'boys mean exactly what it says. Stop snorting crap. I enjoy a lot about this website ...

I like the subjects that other Eagle fans post

I like the autonomy that the mod-squad maintains

I don't like somethings about a lot of things, buit this site is not one of those things ...yet!
RW31 said:
Ok. maybe if you read my quote "Leave if you DONT LIKE IT"
Now can you please tell me what not fond of means again?

Can't find that dictionary huh? Ok, look up the word "fond," then factor in the opposite of that definition. You won't find "hate," and you won't find, "I don't like being on this site!"

BTW "curse" is not a good thing ...so it must be a bad thing. If you consider a team cursed, it is not a good team! Go figure. :eek:
Can't find that dictionary huh? Ok, look up the word "fond," then factor in the opposite of that definition. You won't find "hate," and you won't find, "I don't like being on this site!"

BTW "curse" is not a good thing ...so it must be a bad thing. If you consider a team cursed, it is not a good team! Go figure. !:eek:
Just say what fond is. Then say what not fond means. Then say what don't like means...Figured it out yet?
Can't find that dictionary huh? Ok, look up the word "fond," then factor in the opposite of that definition. You won't find "hate," and you won't find, "I don't like being on this site!"

BTW "curse" is not a good thing ...so it must be a bad thing. If you consider a team cursed, it is not a good team! Go figure. !:eek:
Im a cubs fan, and they're cursed. I still think they are a good team, but they are cursed until they break it in my book...
RW31 said:
Im a cubs fan, and they're cursed. I still think they are a good team, but they are cursed until they break it in my book...


I'm not fond of any fan that considers the Eagles cursed! Besides, the term "cursed" is so animatedly stupid -- I just don't believe in a curse! Do you also believe in Voodoo? :eek:

I'm not fond of any fan that considers the Eagles cursed! Besides, the term "cursed" is so animatedly stupid -- I just don't believe in a curse! Do you also believe in Voodoo? :eek:

Never heard of Damballah I guess? ;)

Now, let me ask you a question (actually, for all c'boy fans). Since I'm Unfamiliar with C'boy history, when was the last time the C'boys won the NFC East championship? Also, how many years will C'boy GM give Billy Par to produce an NFC East/higher championship before they give him the cowboy boot?[/QUOTE]

As Cowboys fans we don't put much into winning the NFC East, we care about Super Bowls.

When we were winning the East in the early 90's. Washington was coming off the Super Bowl with Gibbs, the Giants were good, the Eagles had Cunningham and a great defense, hell, even the Cardinals were in games. Then we had to get past a great 49er team and a future Champion in GB to get to the Super Bowl.

You were winning the East against 5-11 Cowboys teams, a fantasy football owner screwing up Washington, and a roller coaster Giants team. In other words you had no CONSISTENT challenge to win the East.
C'boy fans are always criticizing McNabb. Is McNabb a top five/ten QB? Is he capable of taking the Eagles to the next level? Can McNabb throw the long ball to T.O.? Just read through some of the harsh criticism you guys have had in various threads/posts.

But what about Carter? You guys really haven't accepted the fact that Carter cannot possibly take you guys to the big show! If he could, Bill the teddy bear Parcels wouldn't have signed on Testaverde. Now Testaverde does have the experience and skill required. But he hasn't shown anything much since His glory days with the Jets.

My advice (and I know you all want it)...get another QB that can lead the team. No Offense, But you really don't have a team leader. I think you have a solid Lineup.

Toughest competition: Commanders.

Good luck C'boys :D

Both Carter and McNabb are up for criricism - period. And this upcoming season is huge for both.

McNabb now has a real weapon in TO and QC job is on the line.

Their performance on the field is especially open to criticism this year.

Here's how I see it (no pun intended :) )

No excuse needed. They were beat by a better team 3-times (dah!!!!!!)

Hate to break this to you, sunshine, but the Eagles choked the last two years. In no way were Tampa Bay and Carolina considered better teams until after the homefield eggs laid by the eaglettes.
M'Kevon said:
Hate to break this to you, sunshine, but the Eagles choked the last two years. In no way were Tampa Bay and Carolina considered better teams until after the homefield eggs laid by the eaglettes.

The funny part of it with Tampa was.....Philly's curse helped Tampa break it's own perceived curse (the ability to beat a team in cold weather).

I guess one curse had to fall :p
AJM1613 said:
The Giants got to the Super Bowl in 2000.

What does 2000 have to do with the Eagles winning the East in 2001, 2002, and 2003?
blindzebra said:
What does 2000 have to do with the Eagles winning the East in 2001, 2002, and 2003?
What does the "future champion Green Bay Packers" have to do with the Cowboys wining in 1992, 1993, and 1995?
M'Kevon said:
Hate to break this to you, sunshine, but the Eagles choked the last two years. In no way were Tampa Bay and Carolina considered better teams until after the homefield eggs laid by the eaglettes.
Tampa Bay has one of the greatest defenses of all time, the only reason why no one thought they would win was because we owned them the previous three seasons and because they couldn't win in the cold. Did you watch their game the week before? They destroyed the 49ers.

I don't know if you remember watching any of the pregame shows the day of the Carolina game but they were split 50/50, half the people (Bradshaw the one that comes to mind) thought that the Eagles would lose because CAROLINA WAS THE BETTER TEAM. When McNabb got hurt, they definitly were the better team.

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