CBZ40: A Sad Bit of News For The Members Here... Cbz40

RIP Cbz40.....My prayers go out to his family.

To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die..........
MichaelWinicki;2881799 said:
An even better person than he was a fan. And he was the best as a fan. :(

AdamJT13;2881906 said:
I move to rename the Daily Zone after Cbz40.

Totally agree with both of you, as well as all the other sentiments already expressed. Thinking back, it's kind of funny. Any time I found an article that I wanted to post, I just knew he had already posted it and, on the off chance he hadn't, I felt I was somehow on his level by contributing to the site in that way -- Imitation being the highest form of flattery and all that. I now know that there is no imitation and that he was truly one of a kind.

May God give you and your family peace, Mr. Parkhill. You've touched us all and we are better people for having known you.
R.I.P. Cbz... one of the first posters to welcome me here years ago.
May you rest in peace, pops.

I will miss your posts.

Hope Cowboys win it all this year for you.
If the players on the team had the passion that Pops did for the game and the franchise, we would never have to complain about a lack of effort like we saw last night. I will miss your posts Pops...hope the Dr. Peppers taste better in heaven sitting next to Coach Landry and Tex....
please pass condolences to his family from me. That is a hard battle to fight.
I did not know anything about his struggle with cancer and am very saddened by his passing. He will certainly be missed and my heart and prayers go out to his family. RIP my friend.
If anyone wants to, they can use this sig for a time. I don't have much graphic skills, but it's all I could put together.



I always enjoyed my interactions with him on the site. He was always classy and knowledgeable. Just seemed like such a genuine person filled with passion. R.I.P prayers will go out to his family.
May you take your place among the stars over Cowboys Stadium
I'll stay out of your yard too...
My condolences to Cbz's family.

May the peace of God be with them during this difficult time.
Godspeed " Pops ". Truly the classiest person who ever graced this forum. I have shed tears through every post in this thread. I have never known my real Dad and every time news like this hits close to home, it has the same effect as if it were my own Dad. Hos. , I'm feeling ya buddy.

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