Chargers rookie arrested

ThreeSportStar80;1547718 said:
I'm 26, everyone in my family owns guns! :laugh2:

if you insist on having one then don't insist on using it to "teach people lessons"
abersonc;1547721 said:
if you insist on having one then don't insist on using it to "teach people lessons"

No way! I only carry it for self protection, I don't flaunt it, my dad was a military guy so he's taught me about about the damage weapons can inflict.
MarionBarberThe4th;1547719 said:
It seems like self defense in my o*inion.

He was attacked first

That's a pretty silly definition -- it is only self-defense if you have a reasonable expectation that your life continues to be in danger and you have no other recourse. I see plenty of other options here.
abersonc;1547707 said:
I'm going to bet that this argument plays out along age lines -- with the kids screaming "i'd kick his butt" and us, umm, more mature folks suggesting a wiser path.

I'm forty three, I would have kicked his butt. :D Call the cops and the Judge slaps his wrist and he buys a windshield.
ThreeSportStar80;1547726 said:
No way! I only carry it for self protection, I don't flaunt it, my dad was a military guy so he's taught me about about the damage weapons can inflict.

So why exactly did you bring up the gun in the first place?

Seriously. Do you REALLY need to carry that around? I mean it is fine that you have a shotgun so that you can shoot possums and squirrels for dinner. But how often do you need that pistol you are carrying? What real purpose does it serve.?
Dave_in-NC;1547729 said:
I'm forty three, I would have kicked his butt. :D Call the cops and the Judge slaps his wrist and he buys a windshield.

Glad to see I'm not alone with that feeling, throwing objects at a vehicle traveling over 45 mph is NOT cool!
Dave_in-NC;1547729 said:
I'm forty three, I would have kicked his butt. :D Call the cops and the Judge slaps his wrist and he buys a windshield.

And as we see in this case you have that outcome plus you'd end up with a big fine too. Is kicking his butt really going to give you that much extra satisfaction?
abersonc;1547731 said:
So why exactly did you bring up the gun in the first place?

Seriously. Do you REALLY need to carry that around? I mean it is fine that you have a shotgun so that you can shoot possums and squirrels for dinner. But how often do you need that pistol you are carrying? What real purpose does it serve.?

Self protection, when folks see you drving around in nice cars and living the good life they tend to get jealous..;)
Why can't you do both? Kick his butt AND call the cops.

When the cops arrive, state that the bruises were from when you tackled him and he landed on the pavement.
WoodysGirl;1547735 said:
Why can't you do both? Kick his butt AND call the cops.

When the cops arrive, state that the bruises were from when you tackled him and he landed on the pavement.

WoodysGirl;1547735 said:
Why can't you do both? Kick his butt AND call the cops.

When the cops arrive, state that the bruises were from when you tackled him and he landed on the pavement.

Interesting. So you are subscribing to the 3 wrongs make a left turn theory?
abersonc;1547733 said:
And as we see in this case you have that outcome plus you'd end up with a big fine too. Is kicking his butt really going to give you that much extra satisfaction?

Lets see........ yup. Most young adults don't fear the police or the justice system.
He did throw a rock at another persons car while it was moving no less.
He didn't know about police? He didn't care, these people know what to expect, slap on the wrist. I would expect this wouldn't have been the first time this kid had the cops called on him. Look at the charges, would that scare you?
Dave_in-NC;1547745 said:
Lets see........ yup. Most young adults don't fear the police or the justice system.
He did throw a rock at another persons car while it was moving no less.
He didn't know about police? He didn't care, these people know what to expect, slap on the wrist. I would expect this wouldn't have been the first time this kid had the cops called on him. Look at the charges, would that scare you?

Many young adults don't know anything about the justice system -- that sort of brush with the law could be enough to scare him straight.

Of course, he might also kick YOUR butt. What sort of message does he get from that - "yeah I threw a rock -- then I beat down this crazy old man who got in my face - hehe, that was awesome!"
abersonce somehow seems to think that the kids of today are scared of the justice system.
abersonc;1547737 said:
Interesting. So you are subscribing to the 3 wrongs make a left turn theory?
Not subscribing to any theory.

Here's what probably happened using both sides of the coin.

Guy throws rock, hits your window.
You pull over, sees the guy who busted your window. Calls the police. Guy sees you and runs to who knows where. Description you gave is vague, because you're probably not close enough to see his features only what he was wearing.

Guy gets lost in the wind and you're stuck w/a busted window.


Guy throws rock, hits your window.

You pull over, sees the guy who busted your window. Goes after him. Bust him up a little bit... Willing to let him go if he'd just taken his butt whooping like a man.

Instead the guy who got busted up calls the cops. He's going to get cited for throwing rocks at a moving vehicle... The player is still going to have to pay for his windshield regardless. The case will probably get thrown out of court.
Well I would like to think I would call the cops and just make sure the guy stayed there (even if I had to tie him up or something) until the cops got there.

But I have to be honest and say I would probably put a hurting on the guy. Not that it is the right thing to do but I would probably be furious and make sure he would never do something that stupid again.
burmafrd;1547755 said:
abersonce somehow seems to think that the kids of today are scared of the justice system.

Doesn't matter if they are scared of it or not. The punishment is the same regardless.

Of course, if these kids lived in the midwest, they'd be too busy volunteering and do-gooding to cause these problems
abersonc;1547760 said:
Doesn't matter if they are scared of it or not. The punishment is the same regardless.

Of course, if these kids lived in the midwest, they'd be too busy volunteering and do-gooding to cause these problems

My parents and my grandmother live next door to each other. My mom basically takes care of my grandmother.

So some young kids one night decided to have some fun being stupid and tore up some lawn decorations on my mother and grandmothers lawn. They were christmas decorations.

Well Mom called the cops and they figured out the two GIRLS not guys that did it.

Now I don't know what official sentence was given to the girls but I know they were scared afterwards from the cops. Plus the cops made the two girls come up and clean the mess up while my mother was out on the porch verbally ripping them a new one. Funny thing is the girls knew better to talk back because the cops where shaking their heads in agreement and also the girls parents were doing the same.

So a week goes by and we are up at my parents for christmas and I see a car pull up. I had not seen the girls that had done this so I did not know who it was.

The girls parents had driven them and made the girls give mom and grandmother a few little gifts and again say they were sorry.

Chances are that type of thing would not happen in many other places as the kids would not be scared and the parents would probably not care.

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