Chilling comment from Babe Laufenberg

I don't know that you can use Bradford as a good example or not at this point. I think the Rams are still trying to figure out what they have with Bradford. I understand the trail by fire line of thought but think about this. We basically did that with Troy and that worked out OK for us but lets say we did draft Manziel, for example. Remember back to Troy's first few years. Do you think that Manziel could survive the pounding Aikman took in those 1st few years? Every QB is different and some will be able to survive a trial by fire but most, IMO, are not like Troy. In fact, I haven't seen another Troy since the last Troy.

Good post and a good point.
I don't know that you can use Bradford as a good example or not at this point. I think the Rams are still trying to figure out what they have with Bradford. I understand the trail by fire line of thought but think about this. We basically did that with Troy and that worked out OK for us but lets say we did draft Manziel, for example. Remember back to Troy's first few years. Do you think that Manziel could survive the pounding Aikman took in those 1st few years? Every QB is different and some will be able to survive a trial by fire but most, IMO, are not like Troy. In fact, I haven't seen another Troy since the last Troy.

I use Bradford as an example b/c the Rams are sticking with him despite the fact he has had obvious growing pains (though, not really sure if he's growing, but I digress...)

I'm not sure that a QB would take anymore hits being inexperienced than a slower, older vet (especially if you have a decent line), but there would undoubtedly be more mistakes while they learn the system and nuances of NFL defenses.

The point being, I believe that a rookie who starts the first couple of years will be more ready than a rookie who rode the pine, though the team may be in better shape in the interim with the latter situation.
I use Bradford as an example b/c the Rams are sticking with him despite the fact he has had obvious growing pains (though, not really sure if he's growing, but I digress...)

I'm not sure that a QB would take anymore hits being inexperienced than a slower, older vet (especially if you have a decent line), but there would undoubtedly be more mistakes while they learn the system and nuances of NFL defenses.

The point being, I believe that a rookie who starts the first couple of years will be more ready than a rookie who rode the pine, though the team may be in better shape in the interim with the latter situation.

I don't really agree here. Not because I don't believe that a QB can learn more from the bench but because I believe that most teams are not going to be in a position to be drafting 1st round QBs very often. Most times, what you will get is a development type QB who will need to learn before they are anywhere near being ready to come in and play. There is a great deal a QB can learn by sitting and learning. The difference, IMO, is that you don't need a QB immediately when you are developing in this manner. You probably already have someone to fill the void. When you are throwing a QB to the wolves, you probably need that person to play ASAP.
I have had the surgery and I had to have a second surgery due to the cycle of degeneration it started in my disc. The doctors are saying that I will need a third surgery to correct the current problems I am having. I think the long term recovery is different for everyone. I found out that the older I get, the harder it is to recover. I have had three neck surgeries by the way and currently need surgery to remove another bad disc.

Do you have degenerative disc disease? Or were you previously with PBR?
What controversy? The better player starts, the other one sits. I know that is a bit of a foreign concept given how our team has been run over the last several years. If Manziel is better he'll play, if not he'll sit and learn under Romo and Garrett.

Oh god, that last sentence sounds frightening.

Dallas will be a circus with Johnny football on the team. Every time Romo throws an interception or take the sack people cry for Johnny football. In fact any time when the Cowboys lose the game they want Johnny football to take over that's just the way it is in Dallas.

You think people Dallas would actually let Johnny sit on the bench?! Dallas will be the laughingstock of the country because the circus around it.

It is only a simple case that the best player wins that will work but that's not the case with QB in Dallas.
They would be spending one pick. How is that throwing away an entire draft class? Why will that one pick cost the team in future drafts? This QB may or may not be good. You are right about that. Every player in this draft may be good or may not. You made one heck of a post that contained nothing but jibberish.

The way you move up in drafts is to trade away multiple draft picks. To move up high enough to get Manziel you would give up multiple 1st round draft picks like RGKnee. I am sorry my" jibberish" is understanding how the draft works.
They would be spending one pick. How is that throwing away an entire draft class? Why will that one pick cost the team in future drafts? This QB may or may not be good. You are right about that. Every player in this draft may be good or may not. You made one heck of a post that contained nothing but jibberish.

The way you move up in drafts is to trade away multiple draft picks. To move up high enough to get Manziel you would give up multiple 1st round draft picks like RGKnee. I am sorry my "jibberish" is understanding how the draft works.
I'll take Bortles, Manziel and would even consider Carr at 16. I've seen enough of Tony hobbling around the last few seasons to know he's on the decline physically.

I don't think he'll hold up for a full season with that back.

I wonder how close Carr falls within spitting distance of 2nd pick. He is my favorite QB in this draft, value wise.
Balls batted down as nothing to do with height. Look at the 2012 leaders in passes batted down:

Brandon Weeden: 6-4
Andrew Luck: 6-4
Josh Freeman: 6-6
Ryan Tannehill: 6-4
Andy Dalton: 6-2

Yeah. I know. That is my point.
Do you have degenerative disc disease? Or were you previously with PBR?

Yeah, I have severe degenerative disc disease in several parts if my spine. I feel like I was with PBR. I have torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders with bone spurs that needs surgery now.
Yeah, I have severe degenerative disc disease in several parts if my spine. I feel like I was with PBR. I have torn rotator cuffs in both shoulders with bone spurs that needs surgery now.

You a mess, bro!

Seriously, a general rule regarding opting for surgery is this: If you would be happy with a 50% improvement over the current level of debility and pain, then you might be satisfied with the results. If the expense, hassle, rehab, and surgical risks would require a much greater than 50% improvement for you to be happy, then I wouldn't recommend it.

Best of luck with your worn-out frame.
Might have been said already but ...

March 2013 when Tony inked the contract, did Boys know about his "cyst" ... and would you have mentioned it if you were Tony and you couldn't walk upstairs good, if you had that dough coming?

I'd walk as straight as a soldier.

"Hey Jerry" (Tony says walking down hall at VR) about that time ...

It may be like MLB players who might have juiced for one year and studied how to avoid the tests, so they could skip the $50,000 AAA contract, and get a contract at least at the minimum half-million MLB for you pray just one year, or much more if you are lucky. If you can beat the rap, you are set for life practically. If you don't, and get the urine sample masking wrong, then OK, you are a AAA player and that's not too bad. Still feeds wife and kids. You don't go to jail if you lose the bet.

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