You are claiming "NOW" I'm saying he should never have gotten the contract. That's a blatant lie. I posted several times before the season started; he should not be extended unless he takes us deep into the playoffs this year.
Dak does suck this year. That doesn't mean he sucked every year like you foolishly claim.
His OC did suck. Especially your boy KM who refuses to run the ball. It was same with Romo and JG. The best season Romo had was when we had Callahan who fixed the run game and Linehan actually ran the ball.
You claimed KM would show how great he was once he had a real QB to work with like Herbert. How that work out?

KM's best seasons were when he had Dak as his starting QB. Still.
Romo's contract was set to expire after 2013 season. He got extended for another 6 years in March 2013. It was one of the bigger QB contracts at the time. This after he failed to take the team deep into the playoffs. Just like Dak's extension, it was stupid for Jerry to extend him at the time. He should have waited and see what Romo would do in 2013 season. Just like previous two year, we ended up 8-8 and not make the playoffs in 2013.
Even if Romo had his best season in 2014, that was a terrible contract. He only ended up playing 2014 and two full and two partial games in 2015 before retiring due to injuries. That's only one full season on a 6 year extension. More importantly, he failed to get us deep into the playoffs. If Dak has his best season next year but we don't get to at least the NFCC game, are you going to say his contract was worth it? I doubt it. As I said, it's stupid to extend a QB after they start ~8 seasons and not get you to where you want. They are most likely not going to do it on that team after 8 years.
I get it. You are a Romo fanboi and you probably would have followed him to his next team had he not retired. You'd be cheering him on to win if he was playing against us. I supported and defended Romo as much as anyone here. Same with Dak because I felt they were good QBs and didn't deserve the BS criticism they were getting. But unlike you I'm a Cowboys fan. I support what's best for the Cowboys and not individual players.