Claiborne's excuse for not playing?

This makes no sense. So, Jordy Nelson got hurt? What does that have to do with Claiborne not playing?

Why take a chance with an injury prone player on a bad field that was front page news here in the Bay Area. You know your field is terrible when its on front page newspaper on a Sunday
Team player? This guy ran to his car crying last year when he got benched.

I noticed that you didn't address any of my points, specifically the most important one - that teh coaches made the decision to not play him.
Sitting out of preseason games isn't going to speed up his development. You can't just throw him out there when the real bullets start firing in Sept and expect him not to be shot down. We saw what happened last season with no preseason action.
I got two strong words for you......come onnnn

I go two more..

Why come Dez no play!?! Why!?!

/OP, there is a reason why you aren't a coach on the Cowboys.
This doesnt show he has an agenda- the only agenda here is one by Claiborne in order to get the most amount of money out of the team (that he already has) by doing the least amount of work and putting on the facade that he is "working hard."

There was even a quote from like 3 weeks ago when someone asked Mo how he felt and he was like- "I feel great. Best i've ever felt. EVEN IF I DONT PLAY IN PRESEASON, i'll be good for week one." Why would he even make that comment? He wasn't planning on playing in preseason ever.

Or perhaps his confidence will be shattered after he is abused by backups (which is honestly a reason as to why I think he isn't playing).

Wow!!! Some of you guys seem to be as dumb as a stump. The coaching staff decides who is going to play and who isn't. They get input from the trainers as well.
Morris Claiborne. Football player. Cornerback. Searching for a way to tap into the hidden strengths that all first rounders have.

Then an accidental overdose of self confidence alters his mental chemistry. And now when Morris Claiborne grows angry or outraged, a startling metamorphosis occurs.

The athlete is driven by fan self-doubt and pursued by the DMN. ["Mr. Gosselin, don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."]

The athlete is wanted for a first round draft pick he didn't hand in. Morris Claiborne's career is believed to be dead, and he must let some fans think it is dead, until he can find a way to control the raging playmaker that dwells within him...

This made me LOL.

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