Oh, the humanity.
All this outpouring of self-serving grief is touching.
We shall go forward, then, applauding crunching bone-smashing hits on Sundays (and Thursdays), trading insults with Skins and Eagles fans and then shedding untold alligator tears when someone in another state meets his maker.
Pal, shed those tears for the less fortunate in your own backyard.
dry those tears and roll up your sleeves and work for your community to save some underprivileged kid or help some family who can't pay their mortgage.
That is compassion, not self-serving tears and alms and accolades for someone you never met and who probably would give you the finger because you wore the star.
I and many other fans were horrified this shooting could happen. And more horrified that it happens every day in every city in every state. Yet, we don't stop the world and shed tears and shroud our homes in dark maroon or Eagles green when things like this happen. We go on and take care of our own.
Where is the daily handwringing of kids being blown apart or bystepped by an uncaring system that caters to the rich and powerful and ones with great attorneys?
Get a sense of proportion.
You are like the knee-jerk who shows up at the vigil with a candle in his hand and all dewey-eyed over someone you never met (Princes Di or Kurt Cobain) but bypass the red kettle or think 10% is all you owe as a tithe. Yes, ignore the food pantries in your hometown and pass by that homeless person and shrug your shoulders when a soldier is cut down in a foreign land.
Yet, you and others rush to the altar of the rich and famous.
Let your neighbors eat cake, but boy, if youc an get the spotlight on you holding that candle, then celebrity worship is jus all right with you.
By the way, I mentor two kids and put in a four-hour shift at a food pantry in the Metroplex and help repair playground equipment at schools in poor parts of town. I have little time for celebrity worship.
Go in peace. Serve your fellow man and enough with the sappiness and this I-can-outgrieve-you mentality.