
ethiostar;1795719 said:
Hmmmm.............. you were saying something about being self serving, claiming to be great and sensitive.

Ironic, isn't it?? I mean, the guy blasts us for being "self-serving", when all we're doing is dropping our antagonism to our traditional "enemies" in a time of trouble for them, and that for just a short time, while he's REAL quick to lay out his credentials as a sensitive, caring individual...

How very self-serving of him...
CanadianCowboysFan;1795736 said:
It might not have been eloquently written, but there is validity to the take.

People die every day, children lose their parents, parents lose their children. I agree for the most part we are nobodies except to the people who know us so our death does not seem as important. However, as a guy on radio said, since March 2003, 27000 black men have been murdered in the US. Taylor is just one.

So, we should just ignore that Taylor got murdered??

Gee, I guess we need you moral guardians to tell us what we should or shouldn't talk about on a football message board...

Well, sorry, but if I'm gonna look for moral guidance, it sure as s*** won't be to somebody who lacks anything resembling a heart...

It does seem that in today's society, especially with internet indignation all over the place, you cannot question if someone's "condolences" is over the top because you are branded cold, heartless or classless.

Seems that you and the hick from Farmer's Branch are about the only ones who saw anything "over the top" in what we did in here... meanwhile, we had scores of Skins fans coming over here and registering, simply to thank us for the kind gesture on Reality's part...

That alone makes your whining, and GTB's, tolerable... annoying, but tolerable...

So take your opinions on this subject and stick them where the sun never shines... I don't care what you think on this subject, I'm proud of the admins on this board, and with a coupla notable exceptions, proud of the way my fellow Cowboys fans have responded to this...
CanadianCowboysFan;1795741 said:
Please, do not insult my intelligence by making out that deaths of non celebrities treated the same way.

The point is, do we make a big deal of those deaths on this forum??

As for insulting your intelligence, first I'd have to find it... at this point, I have only theoretical evidence to suggest it exists...
silverbear;1796326 said:
The point is, do we make a big deal of those deaths on this forum??

As for insulting your intelligence, first I'd have to find it... at this point, I have only theoretical evidence to suggest it exists...

Oooo you went for the "you are stupid" comment. Shouldn't you have gotten over that by Grade 1?
CanadianCowboysFan;1797068 said:
Oooo you went for the "you are stupid" comment. Shouldn't you have gotten over that by Grade 1?

Blame yourself, for the equally witty "you've insulted my intelligence"...
CanadianCowboysFan;1795812 said:
It's a discussion forum so all comments about him are fair game.

However, check out why I wrote what I just wrote. The previous poster said he was much more than a football player "To those that bask in their ignorance, they only know him only as a rival's football player, but to most people he is much much more" is what was written.

Then again, I guess there is some truth that he much much more than a football player but I will leave it up to you to set out what first came to your mind when you heard the name Sean Taylor November 25.

Don't let your missplaced guilt of what you thought of him before his death cloud your thinking. Search your feelings, you know I am right.

I am trying to figure out some ample logic in your posts to suggest that you really believe what you are writing. To me, it sounds like it is written with a pinch on jealousy and a pound of legalistic bull.

You speak of all these other deaths that go ignored all while we give condolences to one man's family. You give stats on how many black men were murdered in the last year and I wonder what does the color of his skin have to do with anything, especially when you can make a better point in counting all people murdered and saying he is just one of them.

You seem so ingrained to change the minds of us who are doing what any human being would do, and that is give respect to a man we relate to (football player) and know by association as fans. If an organization raises money to find ways to cure AIDS, do you go to them and say "Hey, what about all those with diabetes, cancer, heart disease?!" Do you reach out to those orginizations that raise money for autism research and say "Hey, what about the homeless?!"

The answer is no because we all understand that someones mission usually begins with an association with the particular cause they are trying to aid.

One person can not look out for all, but all can look out for the one.
CanadianCowboysFan;1795843 said:
well he didn't deserve it either but I am alway skeptical of those who found the Lord before their death, be it timely or untimely.

however, the posts are never going to be seen by his family so writing them makes the poster feel better but does nothing for the intended recipient because that person never sees them.

Man, you're really working overtime at playing the jerk these days... this goes WAY beyond being a Canuck contrarian...

I'm quite confident that NONE of us who posted our thoughts about Taylor's death ever thought for even one second that those thoughts would be seen by a member of his family, so clearly, that's not even close to the reason why we posted...

It's a measure of either your callousness or your ignorance that you can't seem to figure out why we DID post these sentiments... basically, we posted them because we were shaken by what happened, and by verbalizing our thoughts, we're dealing with this the best way we know how to... as time goes on, I'm sure the thoughts will morph from expressions of sympathy to discussions about what really happened in that house that night, and how much of a role Taylor's past lifestyle played in it... that's just human nature... but to me, this is a time to be respectful... I loathed Sean Taylor as a player and as a person, thought he was little more than garbage... but I wouldn't have wished death on him, and as the days go by, I'm learning that he seemed to be genuinely trying to get his life on the right track... I was skeptical when those claims were coming from inside Commanders Park, but when I read where our own Roy Williams says that Taylor's finding religion was genuine, I tend to take him at his word...

So when I mourn his death, I grieve for what might have been... he might have wound up a role model we could all have been proud of, he might have turned his life around... and I fear greatly that his death was directly caused by his past behavior, that karma did him in... that would be a bitter pill to swallow...

Some of us also posted in the hopes that fans of the Commanders would see our thoughts, and feel our solidarity right now... maybe you can't empathize with them for the sudden, PERMANENT loss of one of their star players, but I can... I can remember Michael Irvin having his career ended in Philly, and how much that hurt, and of course we still have Michael with us, so that wasn't NEARLY as bad as what's happened here... and regardless of our "rivalry", it doesn't hurt me or diminish my fanhood one little bit to tell them now that we know how they're feeling, and we feel bad for them...

While you're sittin' here snarlin' about a perfectly lovely gesture on Reality's part, I'm sittin' here thinkin' I'm proud of him for what he did, and proud of my fellow Cowboys fans (exempting you and GimmeTheBall from that pride) for the classy way they've "come through" for our rivals in this sad, sad time... it shames me that I'm surprised at all of this...

I can wait for the start of next week to get back to raggin' on the Skins and their fans... I know that when the hurt from all this settles, we'll be back to the same old relationship we used to have with Skins fans, though I hope that deep down, we'll remember some of the good that has come from our talking with them these past few days, and both sides will remember that the fans on the other side are human, too...

Basically, I just don't understand what's got your panties in a bunch here... it seems beyond silly, with an undertone of churlishness that does not reflect well on you... one hopes you never find yourself in a position where a few kind words from some stranger or strangers will give you comfort, because the way you act, it's unlikely that you'll find anybody to care about you and your pain...
CanadianCowboysFan;1795849 said:
unheard and unseen by the recipient?

It is like the old line, if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there, does it make a sound

clearly the answer is no because sound is only what a person perceives it to be

if Taylor's family never sees the comments, they are meaningless to them so to them, it is like they never existed

It's beyond idiotic of you to assume that's the agenda of the posters these days... but we HAVE heard that the folks inside Commanders Park are aware of Reality's gesture, and have reports that they were touched by it... even Joseph LaCanfora, beat writer for the Skins at the Washington Post, mentioned what we did, mentioned this board by name... so people close to Sean ARE aware of what we've said and done, ARE appreciative of it...

A surprising side benefit of Reality's gesture is a recent upsurge in folks registering to post on this board, and as we've seen, not all of them have been Skins fans... he got a little favorable publicity for this board, and a few Cowboys fans who weren't aware we were around are now joining the dialogue... I'd be interested to learn how many new members we've signed up since Taylor's death...

It's really sad that you can't see the good that has been accomplished by what this board has done...
This just isn't that hard to understand. There are enemies and there are sports rivals. Things you might wish on an enemy you would never wish on a sports rival. You may shout, curse, swear at the opposing player. "John Riggins is a overgrown walrus" and so forth. But rivals also create some of the fondest memories you have.

Moments, for example, like this one:


:eek: :eek: :eek:

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