Cleveland pick in 08: Please give us this guy!

HeavyHitta31;1542798 said:
"In some situations" being the key term you chose to ignore

YOU were the one who made the flat declarative statement... that statement did not leave room for "in some situations", so this is basically you, backpedalling just as fast as you can...

Now, it may hurt like Hell if it gets hit again, but it won't "hurt" you in the sense that it won't cause you any physical harm outside of discomfort.

I see, pain doesn't hurt...

HeavyHitta31;1542804 said:
According to team doctors, it is not what he had

Or maybe you don't really have a handle on what a "severe" stinger really is...

Funny thing is, McCoy was only carted off the field as a precaution, and was up and around the next day, talking to reporters and fans, with not so much as a sling on.

See how tough he is??
HeavyHitta31;1542806 said:
This is a true statement

Because it is a true statement, I will use a step by step lesson to show hw, based on your own statement of fact, McCoy did not have a serious injury:

1: Nerve damage only occurs when the nerves are hyperextended along with tissue

2: So for nerve damage to occur, the nerves would have to be hyperextended, and thus there must also be structural damage

3: tu team doctors stated, unequivically, that there was no structral damage

4: Therefore, anyone with half a brain can conclude that no structural damage = no nerve damage = no injury

OK, seems that I've figured out what your problem is-- you think there are two levels of stingers, severe and not severe...

Your problem is, there seems to be FOUR levels of stingers out there:

• Transient neurapraxia is a transient block of the neural conduction owing to temporary loss of myelin (Schwann Cell) function around the axon. Since it usually takes only a few minutes for this process to be resolved, it is most likely only a mechanical and vascular response of the neural elements with no structural damage. Once myeline function is restored, the player is symptom free, but may still have some soreness and bruising around the shoulder and at the supraclavicular triangle.

• Neurapraxia is a injury to the myelin sufficient to cause the body to actually absorb the injured cells and synthesize new Schwann Cells, which then go through a maturation process to replace the damaged ones. This reparative phase takes varying amounts of time depending on the number of cells needing to be replaced and their location. Most of the neural function is back to normal within 2 to 6 weeks.

• Axonotmesis occurs when the injury is sufficient to cause damage to the axon and the myelin, which results in actual degeneration of the motor unit organization , which causes the clinically detected weakness. The findings in the electrophysiology during this phase should correlate with the findings clinically (weakness). This type of nerve injury usually regenerates to proximal muscles in 5-6 months.

• Neurotmesis is damage of the axon, surrounding myelin, and adjacent connective tissue, sometimes including the epineurium that is so extensive that regeneration is very poor and loss of function is permanent. The problem is that during the regeneration phase, the structures of the involved axons are too severely damaged to allow regeneration . The only increase in strength comes from collateral sprouting of spared axons into the denervated muscle fibers to create larger than normal muscle fibers per motor axon.

You and I would seem to have had transient neuropraxia, the first type, while McCoy had neuropraxia, the second type... and it would appear that to the doctors at Brackenridge Hospital at least, anything above transient neuropraxia qualifies as a "severe" stinger... while you'd have us believe that only the last two types qualify as "severe"...

Well, once again, I'll just point out that REAL doctors, at a highly respected hospital, characterized the injury as severe, and until you can offer something of more substance than YOUR opinion to rebut theirs, you're shovelling up a big steaming pile of bovine fecal matter...

In a contest of your opinion versus theirs, you lose... incidentally, I see nothing about tissue damage in any of their definitions of the varying levels of stingers...

FWIW, they also have this to say:

Participation is withheld until the player is examined by the appropriate professional to ensure that no weakness has developed.

So, if your trainers let you back in the game after you suffered your stingers without having you examined by a doctor, they were basically violating standard treatment for that injury... and it has been widely reported that McCoy DID have weakness...

So to bring this back around to your original, lunatic claim, McCoy wanted to go back into the game, but the team trainers, being responsible professionals, wouldn't allow it... they fallowed the standard treatment protocol for that injury...

And that hardly makes McCoy a "bleeding uterus"... he wasn't given any choice in the matter...
Mods, PLEASE take this ******** UT vs ATM nonsense to the appropriate board. This has NOTHING to do with the Cowboys, and is nothing more than a fanboi pissing match.
HeavyHitta31;1542808 said:
You can giggle all you want, in terms of medical expertise, you have shown to be fairly low on the food chain. You're wrong, and that is the simple fact of the matter.

One of us has presented documentable facts, complete with links, to support his argument, the other hasn't...

So if I'm wrong, you're doing a mighty bad job of proving it... you haven't backed up your asinine opinions with ANYTHING, apparently thinking we're gonna take you at your word...

Well, you put your credibility in the crapper a long time ago, so you're back to needing some documentable facts to support your argument... your word alone carries no weight whatsoever in here, and not just with me (and not just with Horns fans)...
JustSayNotoTO;1542818 said:
Mods, PLEASE take this ******** UT vs ATM nonsense to the appropriate board. This has NOTHING to do with the Cowboys, and is nothing more than a fanboi pissing match.

Hey, they can move it anywhere they want, I have no problem with that...

But is somebody forcing you to read this thread?? As threads often do, they start out about one thing, and just kind of morph into something entirely different... permit me to assure you that I neither want nor desire your input as to what is or isn't an appropriate response to a thread...

I've seen you involved up to your neck in some pretty freakin' stupid threads too...
silverbear;1542820 said:
Hey, they can move it anywhere they want, I have no problem with that...

But is somebody forcing you to read this thread?? As threads often do, they start out about one thing, and just kind of morph into something entirely different... permit me to assure you that I neither want nor desire your input as to what is or isn't an appropriate response to a thread...

I've seen you involved up to your neck in some pretty freakin' stupid threads too...

Did I click on a thread thats topic is about some stupid shoulder injury to some small time college QB? I think not.
JustSayNotoTO;1542821 said:
Did I click on a thread thats topic is about some stupid shoulder injury to some small time college QB? I think not.

Oh, grow up... you've been on message boards long enough to understand that threads get sent off in many, mysterious directions...

And when you saw which way this one was going, indeed has been going for many posts now, all you had to do was exit it... apparently, you lack that basic mental discipline, or you think there's a rule that when you start reading a thread, you have to read it all the way through...

Like I said, I have no problem with the mods moving this thread if they think it belongs in another forum, I didn't put it here in the first place... but I have little patience for those who whine because they're incapable of censoring their own reading to their personal tastes...

Me, if a thread doesn't look interesting to me, I don't bother opening it... and if a thread I thought might be interesting takes a twist in a direction that I don't find interesting, I find it quite easy to just move on to another thread...

If you don't like this thread, stop reading it... it really is just that simple... and if you absolutely MUST whine to the mods, you probably ought to do it in a PM...

I mean, your posts to this thread here haven't exactly been about the Cowboys either, have they?? Particularly your pathetically juvenile attempt to bait me with your crack about the "small time college QB"... that makes your complaints ring pretty hypocritical, don't you think??
silverbear;1542823 said:
Oh, grow up... you've been on message boards long enough to understand that threads get sent off in many, mysterious directions...

And when you saw which way this one was going, indeed has been going for many posts now, all you had to do was exit it... apparently, you lack that basic mental discipline, or you think there's a rule that when you start reading a thread, you have to read it all the way through...

Like I said, I have no problem with the mods moving this thread if they think it belongs in another forum, I didn't put it here in the first place... but I have little patience for those who whine because they're incapable of censoring their own reading to their personal tastes...

Me, if a thread doesn't look interesting to me, I don't bother opening it... and if a thread I thought might be interesting takes a twist in a direction that I don't find interesting, I find it quite easy to just move on to another thread...

If you don't like this thread, stop reading it... it really is just that simple... and if you absolutely MUST whine to the mods, you probably ought to do it in a PM...

I mean, your posts to this thread here haven't exactly been about the Cowboys either, have they?? That makes your complaints ring pretty hypocritical, don't you think??

Give me a break, talk about your small time college football quarterbacks in the sports zone where everyone has a clue as to what they are clicking on.
JustSayNotoTO;1542824 said:
Give me a break, talk about your small time college football quarterbacks in the sports zone where everyone has a clue as to what they are clicking on.

Still reading the thread, I see...

It's not my job to "give you a break", and frankly, I don't like you well enough to want to cut you any slack... as long as I'm obeying the rules of the board, I'll post as I wish, thank you very much...

And again, for somebody who claims to be annoyed by the way this thread is going, your comments about the "small time college football quarterbacks" is curious behavior, given that it's intended to try to provoke an angry reaction in me...

The thing is, the only reaction I can summon up to calling the guy who plays for one of the biggest college programs in the entire NCAA, a guy who just tied the NCAA record for most TD passes ever by a freshman, "small time" is amusement... so you're p*****g against the wind with that feeble ploy...

It's gonna be fun, watching how many posts you make trying to pursue this little flame war, even as you claim to be disgusted by such behavior...
silverbear;1542825 said:
Still reading the thread, I see...

It's not my job to "give you a break", and frankly, I don't like you well enough to want to cut you any slack... as long as I'm obeying the rules of the board, I'll post as I wish, thank you very much...

And again, for somebody who claims to be annoyed by the way this thread is going, your comments about the "small time college football quarterbacks" is curious behavior, given that it's intended to try to provoke an angry reaction in me...

The thing is, the only reaction I can summon up to calling the guy who plays for one of the biggest college programs in the entire NCAA, a guy who just tied the NCAA record for most TD passes ever by a freshman, "small time" is amusement... so you're p*****g against the wind with that feeble ploy...

It's gonna be fun, watching how many posts you make trying to pursue this little flame war, even as you claim to be disgusted by such behavior...

Blah blah blah, where is that jerk off emoticon?
JustSayNotoTO;1542826 said:
Blah blah blah, where is that jerk off emoticon?

Still reading this thread?? I'd say that the ******* emoticon is the right one for you, all right... you KNOW what this thread is about, and you claim that you're not interested in it, yet you're STILL reading it, indeed you're PROLONGING it...

How very intelligent, how very mature, of you... ROTFLMAO...

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