and i don't know about players only doing it for the media coverage thing. We've seen how owners and coaches have reacted negatively to the protests. Why risk your roster spot and potentially being black-balled just to get your face out there? especially the low level players who haven't made anywhere near the amount of money Kaep has?
Of course I could very well be wrong, especially now with my attention/sanity being directed at Irma. There are some owners like Stephen Ross who had no issues with his players kneeling and encouraged them to do what they felt was right.
I just feel Kaep took one for that team last year when he was the face of the protest. He donated a good amount of money to causes and at least had thought out responses to countless interviews. It's one thing to kneel, it's another to actually donate/backup the kneeling with positive action whether in donating to causes or helping out the community.
I don't know if the players who are kneeling have coaches/owners that hate or don't care about it. Lower level, churn players are taking a risk, I agree.
It's all about how your message is perceived.
Perception is reality.
If I perceive that you're vandalizing my house, any rational message you're trying to send
might be drowned out by my shotgun blast.
Sort of what I was getting at.
People build up emotion without looking/fully analyzing at the big picture. I know if I heard a bottle bounce off my house, I would have the mindset of, "*** who is this XXXX throwing **** at my house". Then go outside quite heated. Of course I would cool down and realize why the bottle was thrown, but not everyone would/could see why it was thrown and get pissed off. Making the situation much worse.