Climate Change

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To paraphrase Dennis Miller, do you really think Homer and Elmer gave a rat's rear end about the accuracy of measurements for future generations, all while they were walking to the outhouse in freezing cold weather, a thermometer in one hand and the Sears Roebuck catalog in the other?:)

Dennis Miller has had one of the most back and forth careers of any comedian (ideology wise). When he was on SNL he leaned one way, but once he began Dennis Miller Live and then onto to do stand up tours, his leanings took a complete 180. He is one of the funnier comedians even if I don't agree with his "ideas". He is the anti George Carlin in a way (not the crude part;))
Tempered safety glass panels, solar power needs light, glass panels being driven on with god knows hat crap is in the tires will eventually get scratched to the point of either breaking or reducing light transmission to he solar panel.

They are fixed solar panels which are the most inefficient so they will not have enough ability to draw a power surplus to handle overcast days or nights.

The LEDS in the panels would draw too much power, for the LEDs to do what they say they can do they would have to be high power LEDs to compensate for the sun. Again net power gain is not there.

They talk about a heating element in it to keep the roads ice and snow free again it goes to they cannot draw that much power and keep the panels working around the clock.

Proclaim to be lower maintenance but if one panel goes bad one panel has to be replaced, we are talking about 3ft by 3ft panel, think your x-mas lights.

Not to mention the labor costs to install would be astronomical.
You simply saying something doesn't mean anything is happening other than you blowing hot air.

Do you believe in math? That's what the atmospheric difference aspect boils down to.

Here. This is undergraduate level work. Albeit "organic chemistry" which would typically be someone's 3rd semester here in the US.

Heres a collaborative high school project measuring temperature differences at sea level and at altitude. Just their data collection procedures but the point is - high school students are undertaking the task and know what to record and look for.

This isn't sorcery, it's algebra. Provided historical temperature readings didn't include atmospheric pressure in the equation (I'm not sure if they did or didn't) it could be factored in right now.

Yeah, but Hoof, you gotta admit, Sorcery is much easier then Algebra. Back in the day, I could easily make an entire plate of wings disappear without a trace, no problem. However, solving for X, that was always way harder for me.

Yeah, but Hoof, you gotta admit, Sorcery is much easier then Algebra. Back in the day, I could easily make an entire plate of wings disappear without a trace, no problem. However, solving for X, that was always way harder for me.


Back in the day? My wing disappearing prowess has not diminished one bit. In fact, I'd say I'm in my prime.
Back in the day? My wing disappearing prowess has not diminished one bit. In fact, I'd say I'm in my prime.

LOL!!!! Not me. Anymore, I can't eat those Volcano wings like I used to. I can probably still put away 20 or so but not like I used to. 20 was just getting started and then you add the gallons of beer that accompanied it and, well, just can't put em away like I used to anymore.

However, if it is any consolation at all, solving for X is still hard for me.

I love me some Neil Degrasse Tyson!

He's trying to make science relevant again (ridding murican ideology) and is doing a pretty good job bc he doesn't have to resort to rhetoric, etc. Just facts or scientific facts anyway; you may not like them but they are what they are...;)

Love em

Coleman says in the video there are 9,000 PhDs and 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition saying that the CO2 global warming theory is a hoax. These climate change “non-believers” aren’t heard by most Americans because they don’t receive government funding. And they aren’t covered by the mainstream media because it almost always promotes the climate change theory.
He's trying to make science relevant again (ridding murican ideology) and is doing a pretty good job bc he doesn't have to resort to rhetoric, etc. Just facts or scientific facts anyway; you may not like them but they are what they are...;)

Love em


I try to watch as many YouTube videos of his, I can. I tried to go to a lecture, he was out by me, but they were sold out. The video of him arguing climate change with an ex-ceo of GM, on Bill Maher, was hilarious.

Coleman says in the video there are 9,000 PhDs and 31,000 scientists who have signed a petition saying that the CO2 global warming theory is a hoax. These climate change “non-believers” aren’t heard by most Americans because they don’t receive government funding. And they aren’t covered by the mainstream media because it almost always promotes the climate change theory.

These so called climate scientists have admitted to falsifying data.

It's garbage, and Obama is reaping the rewards.

This country is so ***** up anymore, I'm surprised that 20,000 illegals still want to cross the border every day.

Oh wait, they do because Obama helps them and cares for them.

These so called climate scientists have admitted to falsifying data.

It's garbage, and Obama is reaping the rewards.

This country is so ***** up anymore, I'm surprised that 20,000 illegals still want to cross the border every day.

Oh wait, they do because Obama helps them and cares for them.


Dude stay on topic here. Leave the rhetoric in your head. Are you aiming for the locked thread here? Just stop.
You simply saying something doesn't mean anything is happening other than you blowing hot air.

Do you believe in math? That's what the atmospheric difference aspect boils down to.

Here. This is undergraduate level work. Albeit "organic chemistry" which would typically be someone's 3rd semester here in the US.

Heres a collaborative high school project measuring temperature differences at sea level and at altitude. Just their data collection procedures but the point is - high school students are undertaking the task and know what to record and look for.

This isn't sorcery, it's algebra. Provided historical temperature readings didn't include atmospheric pressure in the equation (I'm not sure if they did or didn't) it could be factored in right now.

and you keep on blathering. It is amusing to watch how many others keep poking holes in something that already looks like swiss cheese
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