Coach Cupcake Strikes Again

FightingIrishman;3171639 said:
You sir make some pretty dumb posts. Read it again and think about it critically.

Your only comment in the initial post can be read as a criticism of the article, or as a criticism of Wade... it's not ice's fault that you lack the semantic precision to make yourself clear...

This from a poster who HAS "thought about it critically"... your failure lies in your ability to clearly spell out your agenda...
FightingIrishman;3171655 said:
Keep up with the detox. I am not going to translate English for you.

Go ahead and take issue with the author, but you can take your stupid games and go away from me, thank you.

And still you refuse to say you thought the article was stupid... still you refuse to explain your choice of the title for this thread, if that is indeed what you thought about the article...

Face it, you were trying to slam Wade, and when called on it, resorted to this PITIFUL semantic tapdancing...

If it walks like a weasel, and talks like a weasel, the chances are pretty good it's a weasel...
FightingIrishman;3171656 said:
Yes, I was simply posting an article. Read and Comprehend.

Smells like bovine fecal matter to me... what gives you away was your choice for the title of the thread... in that title, your agenda is revealed...

When one posts an article, one generally does so for one of two reasons-- to endorse the opinion being expressed, or to ridicule that opinion... when it's the latter, an ARTICULATE poster is very careful to make that clear...

In your case, for all your weaselling around (is that word??), your agenda is revealed by these four words:

Coach Cupcake Strikes Again

Here endeth the lesson, Captain Communication... :D
FightingIrishman;3171665 said:
Hey Einstein, the title of the thread reflects the title of the article. Learn to read please.

But you could have chosen to use the exact title of the thread, rather than a characterizaion of it...

Keep dancing, Skippy... nobody's buying your act but you, but keep on dancing...
FightingIrishman;3171673 said:
He is stupid and soft, but the title of the thread reflects the title of the article which is properly linked.

You guys are simply amazing sometimes.......

Which is better than being so completely pathetic that you can't even admit to your own reason for posting the article in the first place... your failure to disavow the opinions expressed clearly is a tacit endorsement of those opinions...

You need to pick your fights better, Irishman... LOL...
big dog cowboy;3171593 said:
This is new news?

Gotta wonder how many teams across the board had Christmas off.

I don't see what the big deal is.
I am one of Wade's biggest critics and I have no problem with him giving the guys Christmas off.
If some here think That football games are more important than with being with family at Christmas time , well, your priorities are screwed up.
Sarge;3172093 said:
Gotta wonder how many teams across the board had Christmas off.

I don't see what the big deal is.
If I had to make a guess, I'd say every team except the two who played on MNF.
This thread exemplifies why I don't like coming here anymore.

5 pages of arguing and name calling.

Why can't we talk about football without resorting to childish name calling and insulting one another??
Eddie;3172122 said:
This thread exemplifies why I don't like coming here anymore.

5 pages of arguing and name calling.

Why can't we talk about football without resorting to childish name calling and insulting one another??

when you start off a thread with the title "namecalling" and picking on someone, you kinda slap a target on your forehead. when you refuse to admit what you said/did, you beg for people to slap you around.

but point taken. i've been working on talking more football lately - i'll keep at it. : )
If we lose tomorrow night, I promise not to list "Christmasgate" as one of the reasons.
bbgun;3172200 said:
If we lose tomorrow night, I promise not to list "Christmasgate" as one of the reasons.
You shouldn't seeing as they got in the same amount of work they normally put in during game week.

I posted a similar thread a few days ago. Christmas or not, all Wade did was switch their off day from Tuesday to Friday. It really isn't a big deal.
You've got to be kidding? Complaining about this, yesterday you spent the day with your family, those players usually do not and you know how appreciative and in the debt of Wade they are?

You should really think outside the box, he did something for the players that give their bodies for him.

Long live Wade.
WoodysGirl;3172219 said:
You shouldn't seeing as they got in the same amount of work they normally put in during game week.

I posted a similar thread a few days ago. Christmas or not, all Wade did was switch their off day from Tuesday to Friday. It really isn't a big deal.

Most of us probably didnt have to work on Christmas. Does that mean we are not focused when we go back to work? I am sure the team has watched plenty of tape on Skins this week, they didnt forget how to play football.

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