Coach McC, enjoy this honeymoon, my friend


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Another thread dwelling on the negatives before the season even starts. You people don't know how this coaching staff is going to do. Nor do you know how the best draft class in the NFL will do. You also have no clue how the best FA and post draft FA's are going to perform. Yet it's all doom and gloom. SMH.:facepalm:

Just want McC to feel the implicit love expressed by there being zero threads pertaining to him when I posted this last night. So, the OP comes from a good place, though of course it also invites the very debates that previously were missing, I know. But hey, it's a discussion board. We discuss things. :)


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Totally agree with your list of Garrett coaching flaws here. And to be clear, I despise Spagnola. But why was McC available? Unfortunately there's a reason McC was let go in GB and I think it may have been more than "just" his relationship with his QB.

Time will tell but imo the majority lauding this staff as some dream team of coaches might want to temper expectations. Because once the losing occurs, and it can't be the talent OR NOW the coaching, what will be left?
And I'm not a Garrett apologist by any stretch.

But where will all these blame posts be pointed then?

Stay tuned

Go Cowboys

You talk like McCarthy is no better? lol when you can see instantly in a 6 month span that he is. Might not be a dream team but I see one coach fully in charge. Not the usual weasel-like finger pointing and scapegoating that’s been a staple here. Who’s the coordinator? Who’s calling plays? Who will be scapegoated out of town this year? Trying to pin anything and everything on someone else! A team with no balls whatsoever over the past decade. If you’re still clinging to that it’s time to hang up the fan card. Which is exactly what I would’ve done if Garrett was back with a new contract.


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The honeymoon ends one of two ways:
  • The first loss of the season.
  • Jerry runs his mouth about a roster move or something the team is doing before even telling his head coach.
Good luck Coach. We want you to succeed. The more you disregard the guy in the owners box the better the on field results will be. Just win baby.

It ended for wade phillips after his first game that they won vs NY because the defense gave up a bunch of points on one of the hottest nights ever in texas stadium.

He got Dubbed "Mr. Fix it" by Randy Galloway and his crew of lackey's like Matt Mosley, Tim Cowlishaw, Bryan Broaddus etc..

and this was after a month of "Camp Cupcake" as Jen Engle...I think it was Jen Engle called it.


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once we sign ET, said honeymoon period is over,on the spot.


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I just thought to look up and down page 1 here, and I find zero apparent threads... zero... pertaining to fans' opinion of your work. Remember this time, and treasure it. You're about to become the third-most second-guessed person in the US, and thank goodness there's an election this year, or it might be #1.... :D .

By the way, also don't be misled... the DC media is only super affectionate and kissy face with you because they were so tired of the same answers, giving them practically no material to use to help up their word count and meet their deadline faster... soon enough, it will become more difficult for you to fascinate them. They're not evil. They're not lazy. But they do want you to make their job as easy as possible, and frankly, you're about as bland and uninteresting as your peer in Boston... but it's okay, so am I, and it doesn't keep me from being successful in my profession either.

So, just get prepared for the onslaught. It's coming, and Green Bay is tiddly winks in comparison.

That's all. Good luck.

Uneducated homers will always champion mediocrity. Then on the other side of the isle the leftover Garrett apologists will secretly be wishing for his demise so they can prop up their hero Garrett.

But those of us that understand the game and have no biased will base the analysis off what unfolds before them. Its plain to see already that MM won the offseason overwhelmingly. However he must now produce on the field and how he uses the pieces that he has. . .


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You talk like McCarthy is no better? lol when you can see instantly in a 6 month span that he is. Might not be a dream team but I see one coach fully in charge. Not the usual weasel-like finger pointing and scapegoating that’s been a staple here. Who’s the coordinator? Who’s calling plays? Who will be scapegoated out of town this year? Trying to pin anything and everything on someone else! A team with no balls whatsoever over the past decade. If you’re still clinging to that it’s time to hang up the fan card. Which is exactly what I would’ve done if Garrett was back with a new contract.

I base my opinions off past patterns.
Coach McC won a lot of games through offensive success as a coach of 2 back to back HOF QBs.
His lone SB was supported by a yr in which his DPOY(Matthews) led a turnover hungry defense to finally uphold their end of the team dynamic.
All his playoff defenses since that one were historically bad.
No, I do not believe he can achieve the same success he accomplished in GB for a variety of reasons but past playoff defensive performance would be a start.

He appears organized and in control but I with hold judgment on his full control until after I see him endure a little adversity.

Seeing is believing so its up to him to produce onfield championship caliber ball.

I admit I am skeptical.

Just another opinion. In the meantime I'll keep on hoping.

Go Cowboys

Chocolate Lab

Run-loving Dino
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The Garrett Fan Butthurt Detector is pinging like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl on this one.


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The Garrett Fan Butthurt Detector is pinging like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl on this one.

What happens if you don't like either?
I'm my own category...

Hater is the term I believe, too funny. :)

Go Cowboys


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I think Big Mac gets respect similar to the Tuna rather than JG.

Um. Depends on your definition of "similar." If you said less than Tuna but more than Red, I'm with you. But he doesn't command a room like either Tuna or Red did. I hate to even say this, but if you didn't know he'd won a Super Bowl, you'd think he was some college coach because his voice, his body language, and the shallowness of his responses are that of someone who is feeling a bit overwhelmed still and scared of putting anyone off as-if he's someone special. He's friendly, but he's also something short of assertive. And I mean, he's not an unknown quantity. We all saw him give interviews in GB, both when things were rolling and when things were going backwards. I'll be honest, I'd just like to see more of that presence he communicated when things were rolling. Right now, he conveys something in-between and it's a little dissettling when he's in this honeymoon period where he really could get away with being more Tuna like.


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The Garrett Fan Butthurt Detector is pinging like a Geiger counter at Chernobyl on this one.

Well played. Love the word picture.

But it's at least as much... if not wholly... a thread that offers comment on the reality of how sports fans in general and Cowboys fans in particular tend to obliviously and... yeah let's call it what it is... arrogantly... regard their analysis of situations to be omnisciently informed... and some of whom become hypercritical... maybe "turbocritical" is the better term, come to think of it... perhaps owing to some subconscious jealousy that they deserve to be calling the shots instead of the inferior person who somehow got the job.

Know what I mean? ;)


Well-Known Member
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Um. Depends on your definition of "similar." If you said less than Tuna but more than Red, I'm with you. But he doesn't command a room like either Tuna or Red did. I hate to even say this, but if you didn't know he'd won a Super Bowl, you'd think he was some college coach because his voice, his body language, and the shallowness of his responses are that of someone who is feeling a bit overwhelmed still and scared of putting anyone off as-if he's someone special. He's friendly, but he's also something short of assertive. And I mean, he's not an unknown quantity. We all saw him give interviews in GB, both when things were rolling and when things were going backwards. I'll be honest, I'd just like to see more of that presence he communicated when things were rolling. Right now, he conveys something in-between and it's a little dissettling when he's in this honeymoon period where he really could get away with being more Tuna like.

Nice post.


Well-Known Member
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Well played. Love the word picture.

But it's at least as much... if not wholly... a thread that offers comment on the reality of how sports fans in general and Cowboys fans in particular tend to obliviously and... yeah let's call it what it is... arrogantly... regard their analysis of situations to be omnisciently informed... and some of whom become hypercritical... maybe "turbocritical" is the better term, come to think of it... perhaps owing to some subconscious jealousy that they deserve to be calling the shots instead of the inferior person who somehow got the job.

Know what I mean? ;)

I do. :)


The Cook
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Another thread dwelling on the negatives before the season even starts. You people don't know how this coaching staff is going to do. Nor do you know how the best draft class in the NFL will do. You also have no clue how the best FA and post draft FA's are going to perform. Yet it's all doom and gloom. SMH.:facepalm:
People got to itch Rock...Just smile and nod. ;)


Junior College Transfer
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I just thought to look up and down page 1 here, and I find zero apparent threads... zero... pertaining to fans' opinion of your work. Remember this time, and treasure it. You're about to become the third-most second-guessed person in the US, and thank goodness there's an election this year, or it might be #1.... :D .

By the way, also don't be misled... the DC media is only super affectionate and kissy face with you because they were so tired of the same answers, giving them practically no material to use to help up their word count and meet their deadline faster... soon enough, it will become more difficult for you to fascinate them. They're not evil. They're not lazy. But they do want you to make their job as easy as possible, and frankly, you're about as bland and uninteresting as your peer in Boston... but it's okay, so am I, and it doesn't keep me from being successful in my profession either.

So, just get prepared for the onslaught. It's coming, and Green Bay is tiddly winks in comparison.

That's all. Good luck.

When dak throws a pick-6 and Coop and Cee Dee feel frustrated about so many passes thrown to their ankles.


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Call it a hunch but I think MM will be fine.
