Coast Guard ends search for missing boaters...

i have a degree in marine biology, but I thank the Lord that I get sea sick.....actually i get motion sickness on dry land as well.....this ailment kept me from pursuing my degree and thus never having such a fate.

it sucks to go out on a boat for a nice day on the water, only to have it turn into some tragic event. i only hope that if they did indeed die, that it was quick.....and that they didnt have to deal with what that couple from Open Water had to deal with.
It would appear that this is unfortunately going to end in a very sad manner but my prayers are with the men and their family and friends.
k0wb0y;2662824 said:
i'm not trying to sound like a jerk or anything.....

but how does this all end? do they at some pt. look for the bodies? or do they just declare them dead and thats that?....

..this is messed up....

As others said they will be considered lost at sea, there is not much searchers can do
wow. this is terrible and unbelievable. prayers to them. hoping for a miracle.
It is always tragic when the young die. God keep and hold their families in their time of difficulty.
adbutcher;2663142 said:
It is always tragic when the young die. God keep and hold their families in their time of difficulty.
very sad. just as amazing is with all the technology available (GPS specifically, but radio's, flotation devices, etc) that families can still suffer this kind of loss. Hopefully something will be found, and they will survive, hopefully.
This is is like finding a needle in a haystack...
Sal Pal was on Mike & Mike this morning. He used to be in the Navy he said, and he was saying that if they had life preservers on, they typically figure they need to find them within 72 hours. If no life preservers, obviously it looks worse in those kinds of conditions.

He also said that the Coast Guard had a briefing this morning. Apparently the search has been widened from 750 square miles to 3,000 square miles. That doesn't sound to good, but hopefully they had their life preservers on. He also said the seas have calmed down and today would be their best bet to find something.
Sad. Four men missing. Keeping my fingers crossed.

Aside from the sadness, three things that bother me: Only one of the four was experienced in boating. From a couple of jaunts in the Carib, I have found out and have been told that the norm is to have at least two experienced boatsmen aboard that size of craft, unless you stay close to the harbor/dock. Also, if the boat went 50 miles out, that is too far for fishing. You can do your fishing half the distance out.
Also, I'd like to know why the bad weather conditions were not forecast in time for the four to be warned, or did they even get the forecast?

I hope the Coast Guard finds them VERY soon.
The Coast Guard expands the search per ESPN.

Let's hope they find them.
this really sucks for all 4 people and families, but i feel worse for Corey he was a local star in my parts of the states..:(
My prayers are with the men and their families, the sad thing is, is I went to a restaurant down were some Bucs fans said they saw them leaving a local Marina that morning.
The boat they were (are) in is a very well designed and built boat. It is completely foam filled, sandwiched between an inner and outer hull. The boat will not sink even if broken up. It will flip over of course.

There is still some hope.
Vtwin;2663303 said:
The boat they were (are) in is a very well designed and built boat. It is completely foam filled, sandwiched between an inner and outer hull. The boat will not sink even if broken up. It will flip over of course.

There is still some hope.

Mast or engine-driven?
Just to be clear they are on the gulf side of florida near Clearwater they think.
Local News out of Tampa says that a Boat was found by the Coast Guard overturned with one person hanging on to it but are not saying if that is the boat they are looking for or not.

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