Cold Pizza: Branch Has Stress Fractures in Leg


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From another board:

According to Dan Pompei on Cold Pizza this morning, Branch's draft stock is slipping because he has stress fractures in his leg and teams are taking him off their boards completely because they are unsure if he can hold up through a whole season. I hadnt heard this before and thought I should share!
Could be draft week rumor. Could be truth. I know some people want us to draft him to eventually replace Fergie, so I thought I'd post it.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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theogt;1461090 said:
From another board:

Could be draft week rumor. Could be truth. I know some people want us to draft him to eventually replace Fergie, so I thought I'd post it.

Have not heard this before.

Wonder if this was a problem when he was playing or a result of working out too hard leading up to the draft and combine.


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Here's a little blip about stress fractures. I wasn't too sure about their severity so this may help others as well:

One of the most common injuries in sports is a stress fracture. Overcoming an injury like a stress fracture can be difficult, but it can be done.

Here are some facts about stress fractures from the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

What is a stress fracture?

A stress fracture is an overuse injury. It occurs when muscles become fatigued and are unable to absorb added shock. Eventually, the fatigued muscle transfers the overload of stress to the bone causing a tiny crack called a stress fracture.

What causes a stress fracture?

Stress fractures often are the result of increasing the amount or intensity of an activity too rapidly. They also can be caused by the impact of an unfamiliar surface (a tennis player who has switched surfaces from a soft clay court to a hard court); improper equipment (a runner using worn or less flexible shoes); and increased physical stress (a basketball player who has had a substantial increase in playing time).

Where do stress fractures occur?

Most stress fractures occur in the weightbearing bones of the lower leg and the foot. More than 50 percent of all stress fractures occur in the lower leg.

What activities make athletes most susceptible to stress fractures?

Studies have shown that athletes participating in tennis, track and field, gymnastics, and basketball are very susceptible to stress fractures. In all of these sports, the repetitive stress of the foot striking the ground can cause trauma. Without sufficient rest between workouts or competitions, an athlete risks developing a stress fracture.

How are stress fractures treated?

The most important treatment is rest. Individuals need to rest from the activity that caused the stress fracture, and engage in a pain-free activity during the six to eight weeks it takes most stress fractures to heal.

If the activity that caused the stress fracture is resumed too quickly, larger, harder-to-heal stress fractures can develop. Reinjury also could lead to chronic problems where the stress fracture might never heal properly.

Here are some tips developed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons to help prevent stress fractures:

Slowly increase any new sports activity. For example, do not immediately start running five miles a day; instead gradually build up your mileage on a weekly basis. Running also can be done on alternate days. Try alternating the days you run on a weekly basis.

Maintain a healthy diet. Make sure you incorporate calcium-rich foods in your meals.

Use the proper equipment. Do not wear old or worn running shoes.

If pain or swelling occurs, immediately stop the activity and rest for a few days. If continued pain persists, see an orthopaedic surgeon.

It is important to remember that if you recognize the symptoms early and treat them appropriately, you can return to sports at your normal playing level.


Kane Ala
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Wow. I suspect its a rumor and if so it's the biggest one I can remember. How brutal this would be if so.

Pottsville Maroons

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The Rodrique Wright of this draft. First round? talent slips, in his case, to the 6th or 7th.

Sucks for us, in that it's one fewer player available when we pick.

Conversely, it could be good for us if he's there when we pick in the 6th and they decide to take a chance on him.


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What was the defensive tackle last year that played at UT who had some injury come up? Everyone penciled him as a top 10 pick if he had come out the previous year, but then that happened and some team got him in the 6th round. Anyone remember?


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Pottsville Maroons;1461107 said:
The Rodrique Wright of this draft. First round? talent slips, in his case, to the 6th or 7th.

Sucks for us, in that it's one fewer player available when we pick.

Conversely, it could be good for us if he's there when we pick in the 6th and they decide to take a chance on him.

Rod Wright. Thats the guy. Nevermind my above post.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Pottsville Maroons;1461107 said:
The Rodrique Wright of this draft. First round? talent slips, in his case, to the 6th or 7th.

Sucks for us, in that it's one fewer player available when we pick.

Conversely, it could be good for us if he's there when we pick in the 6th and they decide to take a chance on him.

Do you think he would drop that far?

I would think that if he just worked out too hard trying to increase his 40 times and to lose some weight for the combine and pro days leading up to the draft than teams might not be so hard on him in the draft.

Now if this is something that he has had problems with off and on during his college days that would be a different story.

But stress fractures are not some rare debilitating problem and is normally an easy fix with time and rest.


The Dog that Saved Charleston
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I doubt he'll drop that far just because of this. It could definitely drop him down, but I doubt it will be to the second day unless its confirmed and that he'll be in the league <5 years.

Pottsville Maroons

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BrAinPaiNt;1461113 said:
Do you think he would drop that far?

I would think that if he just worked out too hard trying to increase his 40 times and to lose some weight for the combine and pro days leading up to the draft than teams might not be so hard on him in the draft.

Now if this is something that he has had problems with off and on during his college days that would be a different story.

But stress fractures are not some rare debilitating problem and is normally an easy fix with time and rest.

Well, people have been questioning his work ethic and then this comes along a week before the draft. Like you said, Rod Wright might not be the best comparison since he had a torn rotator cuff, not something this minor, and didn't he have questions about his work ethic, as well? I used him since he was a highly ranked DT that fell due to medical/work ethic issues.

Regarding Branch, I'd like to think it's possible that he'd be there that late, if some teams are taking him completely off their boards, but 3rd or 4th Round is probably more realistic. If he's there in Round 3, it would sure be a tempting proposition. How far do you think he'd fall?

Rod Wright was taken by Miami in the 7th, btw.

Edit: I used the 6th Round pick example to continue with the parallel with Rod Wright, as I thought he was eventually drafted in that round.


Zone Scribe
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It would explain why he looked lethargic and out of shape this offseason. I don't see any way he drops to the 2nd day. I still think he goes in the 1st round. Worst case scenerio is he drops to the 2nd round like Shaun Rogers or Marcus McNeil.

I gotta say, I would still be heavily interested as long as you did your medical homework. The Cowboys don't need rookies to step in right away, and they don't have enough roster room to fit 10 draft picks. This guy is a legitimate Top 5 pick when he's healthy and full speed. I would also look at guys in later rounds who are good talents who might need a "red shirt" year that you could stow away on IR. Michael Bush and Brian Smith in particular.


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acxcording to another board:

I think the report is bogus. Branch is on Sirius Radio right now and he isn't saying anything about a rumored injury. The Sirius guys have asked him all the questions under the sun regarding some of the rumors out there about him, but no injury has been mentioned……

They wrapped the interview up by naming three teams: Atlanta, Miami, and DC. He said He would love to play for any of those teams but he has no clue who is more likely to take him


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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Pottsville Maroons;1461158 said:
Well, people have been questioning his work ethic and then this comes along a week before the draft. Like you said, Rod Wright might not be the best comparison since he had a torn rotator cuff, not something this minor, and didn't he have questions about his work ethic, as well? I used him since he was a highly ranked DT that fell due to medical/work ethic issues.

Regarding Branch, I'd like to think it's possible that he'd be there that late, if some teams are taking him completely off their boards, but 3rd or 4th Round is probably more realistic. If he's there in Round 3, it would sure be a tempting proposition. How far do you think he'd fall?

Rod Wright was taken by Miami in the 7th, btw.

Edit: I used the 6th Round pick example to continue with the parallel with Rod Wright, as I thought he was eventually drafted in that round.

One good thing out of this, IF the rumors turn out true, we will not have to worry about moving UP to get him in the first. :cool:


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InmanRoshi;1461172 said:
It would explain why he looked lethargic and out of shape this offseason.

I gotta say, I would still be heavily interested as long as you did your medical homework. When he's fully healthy, this is a Top 5 caliber talent that you can get on discount with the 22nd pick. The Cowboys don't need rookies to step in right away, and they don't have enough roster room to fit 10 draft picks. I would look at guys in later rounds who are good talents who might need a "red shirt" year that you could stow away on IR. Michael Bush and Brian Smith in particular.

So correct IR.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CrazyCowboy;1461183 said:
I say chance it in the 4th rd....

I honestly don't think he falls to the second day if it is just stress fractures brought on after the season.

But hey who knows, others have fallen further before in the draft.


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I am not a fan of Branch, but I highly doubt this rumor. While it would explain the out of shape part, he (and his agent) would be the biggest fools around to try and hide it- teams find out about it and he drops down to the second day or even worse. Besides, the medical exam at the combine should have turned up something if it was true.


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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burmafrd;1461192 said:
I am not a fan of Branch, but I highly doubt this rumor. While it would explain the out of shape part, he (and his agent) would be the biggest fools around to try and hide it- teams find out about it and he drops down to the second day or even worse. Besides, the medical exam at the combine should have turned up something if it was true.

Well you bring up some good points.

Should have been found in the combine if they were there.

Unless they happened after the combine and he was still training hard to improve on his pro day.

Not sure about the agent situation. I could see your point being valid but I could also see some of them trying to hide it thinking that he would fall further.

Just don't know if the rumors are true.

Sometimes they come out before a draft, however other times we see players fall fall fall in the draft and only find out later why they fell. Seems the teams knew about the reason but the media and fans did not.

This should be interesting to keep an eye on.


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the agent has got to think about his future- if he were to try and pull a stunt like that, no NFL team would ever trust him again.