This is still comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. Christian Bale concluded a successful seven-year run in 2012 featured in Christopher Nolan's story.
Four years later, Ben Affleck was cast as the Dark Knight in a totally different story. Affleck did not replace Bale though.
I was a member of the mass reaction when the news broke about Affleck's casting in
Batman v Superman. My disapproval was shaped from watching him play Daredevil previously. My stance has not changed after his multiple appearances in the DCEU as Batman. Personally, my disapproval would be different concerning a re-casting of T'Challa because Boseman would be replaced posthumously within the same story a.k.a. the MCU.
I will not delve into any Brie Larson dislike because I sit firmly on the opposite side of that fence. WB cannot do anything about her

and I doubt Disney has any intentions of recasting her role.
Personally, I believe Larson is a combination of being an introvert and, basically, just <expletive> with those who are say they do not like her playing Danvers on social media. She is not stupid. She knew an MCU commitment was a long-term deal, just like the actors who preceded her.
She had auditioned for several television shows and movies during her career, including
Thor and
Iron Man 2 in the MCU, and was rejected a number of times. Fast forward a few years and Disney/Marvel approached
her pitching Captain Marvel, twice, before agreeing to their concept. She got paid $5 million for
Captain Marvel and will likely get $15 million plus for
The Marvels.
This is my take. One, she's smart. Two, she has a lengthy steady gig. Three, she knows her bank account will be singing
"cha-CHING!" for a minute. I don't know. I'm an introvert like her. Harrison Ford is another celebrity introvert. Introverts are not the quitting types. Perhaps it would be best if those, who dislike her playing the role, should prepare many more negative social media postings because it is highly unlikely she will be disappearing any time soon.
I mean, seriously. When is
Avengers: Secret Wars coming out? 2025? 2026? Does any anti-Larsonists really think the human/Kree/Infinity Stone hybrid superhero will NOT appear in THAT movie at the earliest?
Perhaps some should stop headbutting her online and opt for punching her out with a Power Stone instead.