Comics and Movies

They're making it look like Shuri is the new Black Panther and I hope that's true because she's the logical choice. If they go with someone else it would be stupid.

Rather than reboot the cast of T'Challa ?

As we've seen it done with Peter Parker -Spiderman, ..Bruce Wayne Batman.. and Superman/Clarke Kent several times over.
So why not T'Challa-Black Panther ?

I would have had no problem with rebooting the character again.
But i think the sudden shock and untimely passing of Chadwick prompt honoring him by not following up with a new casting and rebooting of a new T'Challa.

Plus Shuri (portrayed by Letitia Michelle Wright) was probably the only of the very few stand out characters among the original cast that could have been chosen
as an appealing lead character as the new Wakanda leader and Black Panther.

The only other probability would have been ' Danai Jekesai Gurira' aka Okoye, a Wakanda member and leader of Wakanda all female special forces bodyguards.
Rather than reboot the cast of T'Challa ?

As we've seen it done with Peter Parker -Spiderman, ..Bruce Wayne Batman.. and Superman/Clarke Kent several times over.
So why not T'Challa-Black Panther ?

I would have had no problem with rebooting the character again.
But i think the sudden shock and untimely passing of Chadwick prompt honoring him by not following up with a new casting and rebooting of a new T'Challa.
I would be 100% against recasting T'Challa and believe Marvel/Disney made the correct decision. Your examples are one reason why.

Spider-Man Eras
  • Tobey Maguire
  • Andrew Garfield
  • Tom Holland
Superman Eras
  • Christopher Reeve
  • Brandon Routh
  • Henry Cavill
Batman Eras
  • Michael Keaton/Val Kilmer/George Clooney
  • Christian Bale
  • Ben Affleck (DCEU primary)
  • Robert Pattinson (alternate subset)
What is the difference between all of the above and the current Black Panther franchise? Answer: total lack of continuity. There are zero ties between any of the Spider-Man and Superman eras. None.

Batman eras? Those are interactively convoluted. The middle two are clearly distinct between Bale and Affleck. However, distinctiveness is skewed with the introduction of Pattinson's elseverse Dark Knight.

Now, the FIRST Batman era is internally the same as what you would suggest. Sure, Michael Gough's Alfred ties all four movies in that era together while flipping through Keaton, Kilmer and Clooney. I was not a big fan of that transitioning. Kilmer stepped in and did a good job but Clooney was a joke fest. And all-in-all, audiences certainly received a different persona and feel for... each... Batman/Bruce Wayne.

That is not needed for T'Challa. The MCU itself is a concrete connection between every Black Panther appearance thus far--all of which were showcased by Boseman. The Black Panther continuity is uninterrupted. There is one Black Panther. There are no gaps or voids amounting to years between Black Panther franchises because there is just the single version.

...but someone is going to just step into Boseman's shoes and keep the character flow silky smooth? I severely doubt that would happen. That sort of thing does not even happen in soap operas. And that is entertainment that sees MANY recasting of characters without interruption. "Now playing the role of T'Challa is ____________"

uh uh. Nope. Do not like. Glad Disney/Marvel quickly squashed that alternative like a bug with a steamroller. :thumbdown:
Looks to me like most all of them are being gender-swapped as female at this point:

We had Jane Foster Thor, She-Hulk, female Hawkeye, and we’ll soon have the female Iron Man. And now we’ll have a female Black Panther. I’m all for equality, but the pendulum is now swinging too far in the other direction.

How about maybe just some ORIGINAL female characters?

i think it's possible to make the female "replacements" work ..

But just like the movies themselves, it flat out depends upon the directors the studios choose them for such a task.

The way they write the character role, direct the role. make her appealing, give her a dynamic plot and intriguing match up villain, her alter identity stand out., her supporting cast
and atmosphere, origin, serious role vs comical role ? (see she hulk) . can the directors develop and expand her ?, etc. etc.

That's when it becomes sink or swim, imo
i think it's possible to make the female "replacements" work ..

But just like the movies themselves, it flat out depends upon the directors the studios choose them for such a task.

The way they write the character role, direct the role. make her appealing, give her a dynamic plot and intriguing match up villain, her alter identity stand out., her supporting cast
and atmosphere, origin, serious role vs comical role ? (see she hulk) . can the directors develop and expand her ?, etc. etc.

That's when it becomes sink or swim, imo

I’d like to see sone ‘sink or swim’ happen before it gets to that point. I think the gender-swapping thing is a cheat. Rather than create a character of their own, they take the easy route and piggyback off of a well-established character.

If you want to make your own female character, do that! More power to you! But sink or swim on your own merits, not a formula that’s been successful for decades for a male character. Create a NEW CHARACTER, don’t repurpose an ESTABLISHED CHARACTER.
I would be 100% against recasting T'Challa and believe Marvel/Disney made the correct decision. Your examples are one reason why.

Spider-Man Eras
  • Tobey Maguire
  • Andrew Garfield
  • Tom Holland
Superman Eras
  • Christopher Reeve
  • Brandon Routh
  • Henry Cavill
Batman Eras
  • Michael Keaton/Val Kilmer/George Clooney
  • Christian Bale
  • Ben Affleck (DCEU primary)
  • Robert Pattinson (alternate subset)
What is the difference between all of the above and the current Black Panther franchise? Answer: total lack of continuity. There are zero ties between any of the Spider-Man and Superman eras. None.

Batman eras? Those are interactively convoluted. The middle two are clearly distinct between Bale and Affleck. However, distinctiveness is skewed with the introduction of Pattinson's elseverse Dark Knight.

Now, the FIRST Batman era is internally the same as what you would suggest. Sure, Michael Gough's Alfred ties all four movies in that era together while flipping through Keaton, Kilmer and Clooney. I was not a big fan of that transitioning. Kilmer stepped in and did a good job but Clooney was a joke fest. And all-in-all, audiences certainly received a different persona and feel for... each... Batman/Bruce Wayne.

That is not needed for T'Challa. The MCU itself is a concrete connection between every Black Panther appearance thus far--all of which were showcased by Boseman. The Black Panther continuity is uninterrupted. There is one Black Panther. There are no gaps or voids amounting to years between Black Panther franchises because there is just the single version.

...but someone is going to just step into Boseman's shoes and keep the character flow silky smooth? I severely doubt that would happen. That sort of thing does not even happen in soap operas. And that is entertainment that sees MANY recasting of characters without interruption. "Now playing the role of T'Challa is ____________"

uh uh. Nope. Do not like. Glad Disney/Marvel quickly squashed that alternative like a bug with a steamroller. :thumbdown:

Because a particular superhero character is so extremely popular and ongoing,. .it’s bound to likely carry various directors, actors coming and going, new faces, new ideas, new looks,
new approaches,
And directors and actors where it likely starts and ends, and makes the monster difference.

- It’s been quite a difference making turnover in how a Tim Burton Joel Schumachher (ugh) a Christopher Nolan .. and etc, etc. is going to carry out that character.
Ditto with Spidey and the likes of Sam Raimi, Marc Webb, Jon Watts,

- If we talk about continuity (or lack thereof).. ending contracts negotiations, a different career move, conflicts, it all plays a big part in both actors and directors, that
is just a part of the nature of Hollywood business. It very well may play a part in continuity.

- Pre-Wakanda Forever, Black Panther franchise has only been into a single film, with a single director.
Time will tell how long director Ryan Cooler carries it, and have success with it’s stretch run.

Otherwise we could eventually see be given a different direction with different, various directors into the same stigma that stage all the various Supermans, Batmans. Spidermans- with the irony of
All the various directors we’ve experienced among their respective superhero character films.

- Now with particular actors/character roles, which did you end up liking … and did not like.
What worked .. vs what did Not work ?

- Yes, opinions will vary but I for one was not a fan of Val Kilmer’s Bruce Wayne as his bland, stonecold face approach did nothing to stand that Wayne character out at all.
It gets worse with Clooney’s ‘ head -neck shaking’ Wayne that just did nuhin’ but envision me more to his Seth-From Dusk til Dawn role.

- Ditto with Ben Afflick that continue the fact that I saw the face of the actor ..rather than the portrayal role. These are directors issues. They usually have the final say in casting.
If the Studios blows it with the choosing of the directors,.. the directors are gonna eventually blow it with the film itself.
I’d like to see sone ‘sink or swim’ happen before it gets to that point. I think the gender-swapping thing is a cheat. Rather than create a character of their own, they take the easy route and piggyback off of a well-established character.

If you want to make your own female character, do that! More power to you! But sink or swim on your own merits, not a formula that’s been successful for decades for a male character. Create a NEW CHARACTER, don’t repurpose an ESTABLISHED CHARACTER.

You do realize that it could be sink or swim with Original, established characters, ..just as it could be with new characters as well ?

No matter what, it still comes down to the elements of what studio plans and approaches to those projects, and the choosing of the directors and portraying actors.

- " Ironheart " is gonna follow the concept of Tony Stark’s Iron Man, without a doubt, ..but what will the studio/directors do to make her more of an expanded development that is “advanced’
and ‘different’ than what we were used to with Stark character as well as his Iron Man ?

- What will both director Ryan Cooley and actress role 'Shuri " bring to the new Black Panther, that is gonna be different, expandedand still appealing to that role post Chadwick/Panther ?

Now if they do " pigg-back" and it's nuthin but a replay, same ole, same ole that looks like a mere duplicate Panther, or Iron Man, ..(or even a War Machine) nuthin impressively newly advanced brought to it, in addition to the alter identity role sucking badly too, ..then i'm right there with you on these then ripoff re-do's.
Last edited:
You do realize that it could be sink or swim with Original, established characters, ..just as it could be with new characters as well ?

I realize that there is a clear distinction.

No matter what, it still comes down to the elements of what studio plans and approaches to those projects, and the choosing of the directors and portraying actors.

- " Ironheart " is gonna follow the concept of Tony Stark’s Iron Man, without a doubt, ..but what will the studio/directors do to make her more of an expanded development that is “advanced’
and ‘different’ than what we were used to with Stark character as well as his Iron Man ?

- What will both director Ryan Cooley and actress role 'Shuri " bring to the new Black Panther, that is gonna be different, expanded
and still appealing to that role post Chadwick/Panther ?

It’s certainly advantageous, and that’s what I’ve said. But it’s no guarantee for success either, which I’ve never said.
I realize that there is a clear distinction.

It’s certainly advantageous, and that’s what I’ve said. But it’s no guarantee for success either, which I’ve never said.

I think we have to give them a chance and a benefit of the doubt, at proving they are worthy of the try at making it work.

Just as sometimes i'm initially skeptical of these reboots, ala Fantastic Four, ..Blade, etc.
But at the end of the day and at some point, i'll eventually give in to trying to give it a stay open, cross my fingers chance at it again.
I think we have to give them a chance and a benefit of the doubt, at proving they are worthy of the try at making it work.

Just as sometimes i'm initially skeptical of these reboots, ala Fantastic Four, ..Blade, etc.
But at the end of the day and at some point, i'll eventually give in to trying to give it a stay open, cross my fingers chance at it again.

Definitely. I never root for failure for any of these films or shows. I’m certainly not ‘anti female’, I’d just like to see people have the courage to do their own thing rather than ‘aping’ someone else’s success. Don’t ‘reimagine’ someone else’s work, create your own thing.
Because a particular superhero character is so extremely popular and ongoing,. .it’s bound to likely carry various directors, actors coming and going, new faces, new ideas, new looks,
new approaches,
And directors and actors where it likely starts and ends, and makes the monster difference.

- It’s been quite a difference making turnover in how a Tim Burton Joel Schumachher (ugh) a Christopher Nolan .. and etc, etc. is going to carry out that character.
Ditto with Spidey and the likes of Sam Raimi, Marc Webb, Jon Watts,

- If we talk about continuity (or lack thereof).. ending contracts negotiations, a different career move, conflicts, it all plays a big part in both actors and directors, that
is just a part of the nature of Hollywood business. It very well may play a part in continuity.

- Pre-Wakanda Forever, Black Panther franchise has only been into a single film, with a single director.
Time will tell how long director Ryan Cooler carries it, and have success with it’s stretch run.

Otherwise we could eventually see be given a different direction with different, various directors into the same stigma that stage all the various Supermans, Batmans. Spidermans- with the irony of
All the various directors we’ve experienced among their respective superhero character films.

- Now with particular actors/character roles, which did you end up liking … and did not like.
What worked .. vs what did Not work ?

- Yes, opinions will vary but I for one was not a fan of Val Kilmer’s Bruce Wayne as his bland, stonecold face approach did nothing to stand that Wayne character out at all.
It gets worse with Clooney’s ‘ head -neck shaking’ Wayne that just did nuhin’ but envision me more to his Seth-From Dusk til Dawn role.

- Ditto with Ben Afflick that continue the fact that I saw the face of the actor ..rather than the portrayal role. These are directors issues. They usually have the final say in casting.
If the Studios blows it with the choosing of the directors,.. the directors are gonna eventually blow it with the film itself.
It all pretty much boils down to this:

Would the overwhelming number of moviegoers want a replacement for Chadwick Boseman in the character's current role?


Would the bulk of moviegoers prefer a non-MCU Black Panther movie starring another actor playing the character?

I believe Disney/Marvel made the wise decision based upon which choice would net them the most return in box office revenue. It would not surprise me if no actor plays T'Challa in live action movies and television either until the MCU ends or (at the earliest) after Phase Seven begins.

Plus, a good indicator, for which of the above will occur, may be how well the sequel performs at the box office without Boseman. It is callous to say but why should a new actor replace him if the current movie performs at or above studio expectations? Disney could both claim their continued respect for Boseman's legacy and laugh all the way to the bank.
It all pretty much boils down to this:

Would the overwhelming number of moviegoers want a replacement for Chadwick Boseman in the character's current role?


Would the bulk of moviegoers prefer a non-MCU Black Panther movie starring another actor playing the character?

I believe Disney/Marvel made the wise decision based upon which choice would net them the most return in box office revenue. It would not surprise me if no actor plays T'Challa in live action movies and television either until the MCU ends or (at the earliest) after Phase Seven begins.

Plus, a good indicator, for which of the above will occur, may be how well the sequel performs at the box office without Boseman. It is callous to say but why should a new actor replace him if the current movie performs at or above studio expectations? Disney could both claim their continued respect for Boseman's legacy and laugh all the way to the bank.

Maybe it depends upon the particular studio or director that chooses the actor – but my impression there will be the case where a casting actor
or replacement is gonna be forced upon those movie goers- by those very studios or directors, regardless of fan reaction.

- Remember the mass reaction when it was announced non-popular Ben Affleck was gonna portray iconic Bruce Wayne/Batman ?
Didn’t seem like they (studio/director) cared about movie goers distaste or demand.
As unpopular a move as that was (and apparently still i) .., isn’t Affleck supposedly still slated to continue as Bruce Wayne/Batman in future Warner Bros/DC films ?

- And now,..onto Brie Laurer’s portrayal as Captain Marvel, .. Pre-Capt. Marvel wasn’t met with the OMG reaction as Affleck, but apparently there’s been some significant
poor post- Capt. Marvel reaction from fans (per social media ?) that was enuff to trouble Laurer herself to even question if she wanted to return as CM, or if it is
enuff fan reaction to where it could be possible that WB could possibly ‘ replace “ her casting as Carol Danvers/CM.

If there is a second Marvel, that’s gonna be a studio and repeat director not caring about poor reaction fans and going with the green light with all that was planned
with a follow up sequel. much to those nay fans’ chagrin.
I’d like to see sone ‘sink or swim’ happen before it gets to that point. I think the gender-swapping thing is a cheat. Rather than create a character of their own, they take the easy route and piggyback off of a well-established character.

If you want to make your own female character, do that! More power to you! But sink or swim on your own merits, not a formula that’s been successful for decades for a male character. Create a NEW CHARACTER, don’t repurpose an ESTABLISHED CHARACTER.
And possibly ruin it.
It all pretty much boils down to this:

Would the overwhelming number of moviegoers want a replacement for Chadwick Boseman in the character's current role?


Would the bulk of moviegoers prefer a non-MCU Black Panther movie starring another actor playing the character?

I believe Disney/Marvel made the wise decision based upon which choice would net them the most return in box office revenue. It would not surprise me if no actor plays T'Challa in live action movies and television either until the MCU ends or (at the earliest) after Phase Seven begins.

Plus, a good indicator, for which of the above will occur, may be how well the sequel performs at the box office without Boseman.

It is callous to say but why should a new actor replace him if the current movie performs at or above studio expectations? Disney could both claim their continued respect for Boseman's legacy and laugh all the way to the bank.

Imo, as we film followers know, the No.1 and leading indicating sign seems to always be the movie critics reviews and public reaction.

Like it or not, it is the movie critics’ reviews that seem to set the stage up for those movie goers that leads either the box office success ..or failure of films

.. “ Two thumbs up .. waaaay up ! .. for Wakanda Forever !!

… Or Vice Versa, with Rotten Tomatoes “Green “ limp tomatoes reviews … and then the disappointment box office numbers that possible follows.

I’ve only seen very rare exceptions with the superhero movie genre where bad reviews that had little to no impact on their opening box office weekend debut
Such as Venom,.. The Hulk, and recent Thor Love and Thunder, that manage to still bring in a surprising successful opening box office numbers despite critic downfall.

With Panther director Ryan Cooley’s first highly successful, record breaking first Black Panther film, I would not think nor anticipate he would fall from grace and trend
such as the most recent film that I can recall that fail from grace after it’s first successful box office original film, was Wonder Woman ’84. (uugh!! )

I just don’t expect Wakanda 4ever to come to the box office level of the original Black Panther that Boswick help bring it to with 200+ million jackpot.
As Panther was really building and gaining such enormous momentum, and public demand since his debut in Civil War.
Maybe it depends upon the particular studio or director that chooses the actor – but my impression there will be the case where a casting actor
or replacement is gonna be forced upon those movie goers- by those very studios or directors, regardless of fan reaction.

- Remember the mass reaction when it was announced non-popular Ben Affleck was gonna portray iconic Bruce Wayne/Batman ?
Didn’t seem like they (studio/director) cared about movie goers distaste or demand.
As unpopular a move as that was (and apparently still i) .., isn’t Affleck supposedly still slated to continue as Bruce Wayne/Batman in future Warner Bros/DC films ?

- And now,..onto Brie Laurer’s portrayal as Captain Marvel, .. Pre-Capt. Marvel wasn’t met with the OMG reaction as Affleck, but apparently there’s been some significant
poor post- Capt. Marvel reaction from fans (per social media ?) that was enuff to trouble Laurer herself to even question if she wanted to return as CM, or if it is
enuff fan reaction to where it could be possible that WB could possibly ‘ replace “ her casting as Carol Danvers/CM.

If there is a second Marvel, that’s gonna be a studio and repeat director not caring about poor reaction fans and going with the green light with all that was planned
with a follow up sequel. much to those nay fans’ chagrin.
This is still comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. Christian Bale concluded a successful seven-year run in 2012 featured in Christopher Nolan's story. Four years later, Ben Affleck was cast as the Dark Knight in a totally different story. Affleck did not replace Bale though.

I was a member of the mass reaction when the news broke about Affleck's casting in Batman v Superman. My disapproval was shaped from watching him play Daredevil previously. My stance has not changed after his multiple appearances in the DCEU as Batman. Personally, my disapproval would be different concerning a re-casting of T'Challa because Boseman would be replaced posthumously within the same story a.k.a. the MCU.

I will not delve into any Brie Larson dislike because I sit firmly on the opposite side of that fence. WB cannot do anything about her :muttley: and I doubt Disney has any intentions of recasting her role.

Personally, I believe Larson is a combination of being an introvert and, basically, just <expletive> with those who are say they do not like her playing Danvers on social media. She is not stupid. She knew an MCU commitment was a long-term deal, just like the actors who preceded her.

She had auditioned for several television shows and movies during her career, including Thor and Iron Man 2 in the MCU, and was rejected a number of times. Fast forward a few years and Disney/Marvel approached her pitching Captain Marvel, twice, before agreeing to their concept. She got paid $5 million for Captain Marvel and will likely get $15 million plus for The Marvels.

This is my take. One, she's smart. Two, she has a lengthy steady gig. Three, she knows her bank account will be singing "cha-CHING!" for a minute. I don't know. I'm an introvert like her. Harrison Ford is another celebrity introvert. Introverts are not the quitting types. Perhaps it would be best if those, who dislike her playing the role, should prepare many more negative social media postings because it is highly unlikely she will be disappearing any time soon.

I mean, seriously. When is Avengers: Secret Wars coming out? 2025? 2026? Does any anti-Larsonists really think the human/Kree/Infinity Stone hybrid superhero will NOT appear in THAT movie at the earliest?


Perhaps some should stop headbutting her online and opt for punching her out with a Power Stone instead. :laugh:
Perhaps some should stop headbutting her online and opt for punching her out with a Power Stone instead. :laugh:

Sorry, she brought a lot of the hatred on herself with her comments. Does she deserve all of it? No. But she deserves a lot of what was thrown her way. You don't attack the people that pay your salary.
Sorry, she brought a lot of the hatred on herself with her comments. Does she deserve all of it? No. But she deserves a lot of what was thrown her way. You don't attack the people that pay your salary.
I found this article:

There are six or so additional articles linked to it. Does it and the others provide a reasonable summary describing public resentment with Brie Larson in your opinion?
This is still comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. Christian Bale concluded a successful seven-year run in 2012 featured in Christopher Nolan's story. Four years later, Ben Affleck was cast as the Dark Knight in a totally different story. Affleck did not replace Bale though.

I was a member of the mass reaction when the news broke about Affleck's casting in Batman v Superman. My disapproval was shaped from watching him play Daredevil previously. My stance has not changed after his multiple appearances in the DCEU as Batman. Personally, my disapproval would be different concerning a re-casting of T'Challa because Boseman would be replaced posthumously within the same story a.k.a. the MCU.


. :laugh:

I never thought of Ben Affleck as a replacement for Christopher Bale either.
Christopher Nolan and Bale agreed to a trilogy, and i thought it ran it’s course accordingly. Nolan had already made it clear he planned to call it quits after the 3rd one.

Now Don Cheadle immediately “replacing” the fired Terrence Howard as Rody in the Iron Man trilogy ..that was a replacement.!
Apparent bad blood boiling over betwixt producer director Jon Favreau vs supporting actor Howard as i heard it.
That was abruptly right in the middle (per sequel IM 2) of the series production

However Shurki (Letithia Wright) is replacing T’Challa (Boswick) as the new Black Panther, and of course as very well known, this is a different, and very unusual exception.
The huge key is how director Ryan Coolgler is gonna be how he sets the stage around the main character Shuri, as well as how the actress herself performs as the lead,

As studios hire directors, directors tend to seek out their own preferred actors in both lead and supporting roles.
That’s where the various actors, (per names as you’ve already previously posted) comes in.

Frankly that is why I also was utterly ‘ Stunned “ that Disney made the decision to bring over the leftover cast from Netflix in their respective hero series.

Usually a studio opts to go with a entirely different a with a new fresh from scratch approach, a totally clean slate.
But something compelled Disney to actually keep the crew of Daredevil, - by far the most popular of the Netflix superhero series.
Still to this day, i'd be interested to see how and why Disney decided differently.



I never thought of Ben Affleck as a replacement for Christopher Bale either.
Christopher Nolan and Bale agreed to a trilogy, and i thought it ran it’s course accordingly. Nolan had already made it clear he planned to call it quits after the 3rd one.

Now Don Cheadle immediately “replacing” the fired Terrence Howard as Rody in the Iron Man trilogy ..that was a replacement.!
Apparent bad blood boiling over betwixt producer director Jon Favreau vs supporting actor Howard as i heard it.
That was abruptly right in the middle (per sequel IM 2) of the series production

However Shurki (Letithia Wright) is replacing T’Challa (Boswick) as the new Black Panther, and of course as very well known, this is a different, and very unusual exception.
The huge key is how director Ryan Coolgler is gonna be how he sets the stage around the main character Shuri, as well as how the actress herself performs as the lead,

As studios hire directors, directors tend to seek out their own preferred actors in both lead and supporting roles.
That’s where the various actors, (per names as you’ve already previously posted) comes in.

Frankly that is why I also was utterly ‘ Stunned “ that Disney made the decision to bring over the leftover cast from Netflix in their respective hero series.

Usually a studio opts to go with a entirely different a with a new fresh from scratch approach, a totally clean slate.
But something compelled Disney to actually keep the crew of Daredevil, - by far the most popular of the Netflix superhero series.
Still to this day, i'd be interested to see how and why Disney decided differently.




I'm not surprised that Disney would try to retain the "Daredevil" cast, it was arguably the best Marvel series and acclaimed by fans and critics. Retaining the cast retains that fan base and puts them ahead in the marketing and promotion for the new series, fans are eager and waiting to embrace it. Trying to recast such a popular series would be an uphill battle, there would have been a lot of opposition and uproar. Disney and whatever foolhardy actor(s) that would have agreed to replace Cox(and D'Onofrio) would have been roasted mercilessly. Disney probably would have had to decide to wait a few more years for a DD replacement if they chose to recast, but why do that when they have a proven cast and fans begging for more.

Batman is a different story, it's been well established going back 30 years of different actors portraying the Dark Knight, kinda like James Bond. The mantle gets passed after that actor's run of the character.
This is still comparing apples and oranges in my opinion. Christian Bale concluded a successful seven-year run in 2012 featured in Christopher Nolan's story. Four years later, Ben Affleck was cast as the Dark Knight in a totally different story. Affleck did not replace Bale though.

I was a member of the mass reaction when the news broke about Affleck's casting in Batman v Superman. My disapproval was shaped from watching him play Daredevil previously. My stance has not changed after his multiple appearances in the DCEU as Batman. Personally, my disapproval would be different concerning a re-casting of T'Challa because Boseman would be replaced posthumously within the same story a.k.a. the MCU.

I will not delve into any Brie Larson dislike because I sit firmly on the opposite side of that fence. WB cannot do anything about her :muttley: and I doubt Disney has any intentions of recasting her role.

Personally, I believe Larson is a combination of being an introvert and, basically, just <expletive> with those who are say they do not like her playing Danvers on social media. She is not stupid. She knew an MCU commitment was a long-term deal, just like the actors who preceded her.

She had auditioned for several television shows and movies during her career, including Thor and Iron Man 2 in the MCU, and was rejected a number of times. Fast forward a few years and Disney/Marvel approached her pitching Captain Marvel, twice, before agreeing to their concept. She got paid $5 million for Captain Marvel and will likely get $15 million plus for The Marvels.

This is my take. One, she's smart. Two, she has a lengthy steady gig. Three, she knows her bank account will be singing "cha-CHING!" for a minute. I don't know. I'm an introvert like her. Harrison Ford is another celebrity introvert. Introverts are not the quitting types. Perhaps it would be best if those, who dislike her playing the role, should prepare many more negative social media postings because it is highly unlikely she will be disappearing any time soon.

I mean, seriously. When is Avengers: Secret Wars coming out? 2025? 2026? Does any anti-Larsonists really think the human/Kree/Infinity Stone hybrid superhero will NOT appear in THAT movie at the earliest?


Perhaps some should stop headbutting her online and opt for punching her out with a Power Stone instead. :laugh:
I'm not an "anti-Larsonist", I've seen her in a couple other roles and liked her well enough. For me, it's a combination of the character and the actress. I'm not a big Captain Marvel fan, I don't dislike the character, but in general I'm not a fan of overpowered superheroes (eg. Superman). I'm more of the "take it or leave it" crowd and to really get into the character would take a stellar performance by the actor, something that sparks my curiosity.

Larson wasn't bad and I didn't dislike her performance, but the combination of character/actor doesn't make me say "Wow, I can't wait to see more!"
I'm not surprised that Disney would try to retain the "Daredevil" cast, it was arguably the best Marvel series and acclaimed by fans and critics. Retaining the cast retains that fan base and puts them ahead in the marketing and promotion for the new series, fans are eager and waiting to embrace it. Trying to recast such a popular series would be an uphill battle, there would have been a lot of opposition and uproar. Disney and whatever foolhardy actor(s) that would have agreed to replace Cox(and D'Onofrio) would have been roasted mercilessly. Disney probably would have had to decide to wait a few more years for a DD replacement if they chose to recast, but why do that when they have a proven cast and fans begging for more.

Batman is a different story, it's been well established going back 30 years of different actors portraying the Dark Knight, kinda like James Bond. The mantle gets passed after that actor's run of the character.
There's also the possibility of flashbacks, which would be much easier keeping the original cast.

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