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It is difficult for me to sit and watch overseas' anime conception of American superhero characters. While I 100% respect the cultural interpretation, it is not easy for me to unpack 'what I am used to seeing' for a new presentation of what I have always watched and read. Plus, I shy away from subtitles whenever I can, lol.

That aside, the artwork and non-live cinematography is often beautiful coming out of a serious production. This trailer shows snippets of what may be awaiting the viewer's eyes:
  • Batman falling through dozens of bats - very reminiscent of a Batman Begins scene
  • Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz?) riding on the wing of the Batplane above the city buildings
  • Billowing fog or smoke, of different hues and density, surrounding The Flash standing in the middle of a darkened street
  • Batman and Robin walking through a complex garden scape, with intricate near and far objects imposed in the background, 'moving' backwards as they walk forward
The sheer attention to drawn or computer enhanced details puts the bulk of American animation to shame. This country birthed great cartoons but has rarely attempted high quality stuff like this. There have been exceptions, like Avatar: The Last Airbender. This is standard fare for top Japanese, Korean, Chinese, etc., production companies.

ha. It always make me a little envious. Apologies for the rambling. :)