Comics and Movies


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Just a trailer but it has an initial look and feel of Captain America: The Winter Soldier in my opinion. It would be a major hit for Disney/Marvel if it actually nears or exceeds that film. Throwing in Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Giancarlo Esposito and even Liv Tyler gives the movie the *enough* star power to do the job. Will directing, script writing and cinematography be equally up to the task? Keeping fingers crossed...
Seeing that much of Esposito in the trailer tells me that this film has undergone an extensive amount of rewriting and reshoots.


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CowboysZone DIEHARD Fan
Just a trailer but it has an initial look and feel of Captain America: The Winter Soldier in my opinion. It would be a major hit for Disney/Marvel if it actually nears or exceeds that film. Throwing in Anthony Mackie, Harrison Ford, Giancarlo Esposito and even Liv Tyler gives the movie the *enough* star power to do the job. Will directing, script writing and cinematography be equally up to the task? Keeping fingers crossed...
Was Liv in the trailer?


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That actually looks… good. I wasn’t hyped for this one at all until watching that trailer.

They are very lucky that Hurts died and Harrison Ford got the role because he lifts the film and you can tell it just by the trailer.

Reminds me of Air Force One, Patriot Games and some of those Ford action greats.

And think it’s very cool how they borrow the Ed Brubaker espionage/politics theme that I always thought were the only Captain America stories that were worth reading. They appear to do it even better than Part II.

And of course the Hulk tie-in stuff is always cool. Hulk is my favorite of the Marvel characters and wish they would make more stuff for him besides the She-Hulk show.

With this, Deadpool 3, dismissing Kang, and F4, starting to have hope that Marvel is getting its act together again.