Comics and Movies

Was he killed by Baron Zemo.. or the Kree ?
Neither. Zemo's attack put Simon into a death-life coma. The Kree's bomb mutanted his physiology into living energy.
Was he resurrected by his half brother Grim Reaper and Nekra ? .. or the Scarlet Witch ?
Depends on your definition of resurrection. The Grim Reaper had Nekra's voodoo reanimated Simon's body like a zombie. It was Arthur Parks, a.k.a. The Living Lazer, who re-awakened Simon's consciousness via a devious power scheme of his own.

In my opinion, Wanda did not technically resurrect Simon. His physical body did die but he was already a energy hybrid being. It is just my own theory but I think the Scarlet Witch reconstructed his physical body and his energy matrix filled that "shell." Just my two cents.
How did the hell Scarlet Witch's Hex powers able to " resurrect" Simon (Wonder Man) from the dead ?

..when did she get resurrection powers that even the immortal Asgardians and Olympians or Eternals, or power cosmic guys like Silver Surfer don't even have. ?
Again, I do not think Marvel gave her abilities over life and death during that period but they were very wishy-washy about just how powerful her hex powers truly were also. Her powers were often erratic in nature, which was primarily why Agatha Harkness tried mentoring her for so long--even though Wanda's power were not witchcraft based.

So very long ago, that i need to look back into this, as i thought i remembered that Wanda resurrected Simon's dead half brother Grim Reaper. instead of Simon..
Do not remember the exact details but Simon helped the Reaper after the Scarlet Witch brought back Simon.
- Glad 'Ultraviolet " was not on this list - so forgettable !
And one of the worst comic and live action adaption movie concepts –. And it was supposedly based off a comic series.
(I never saw it or read it , but heard about it)
If you saw the movie, it didn’t have much of any hint or glimpse at vampire life ?
She damn did not ever bite anyone.
I saw the movie. The premise was a contagion that changed human DNA with fangs as a by-product. Additionally, the disease shortened victims lifespans considerably.

I am glad it did not make the list also but one thing is certain. Milla Jovovich looked really good in the movie. :laugh:
I saw the movie. The premise was a contagion that changed human DNA with fangs as a by-product. Additionally, the disease shortened victims lifespans considerably.

I am glad it did not make the list also but one thing is certain. Milla Jovovich looked really good in the movie. :laugh:
Not as good as in The Fifth Element. "Like I said...perfect!"

i was re-watching Crimson Tide, (great movie!) .. when Denzel had to break up a crew fight on a Navy submarine fight, that involved the Silver Surfer ... one member was vouching for
Jack Kirby's Silver Surfer version ... while apparently the other crew member was vouching for " Moebius " version of Silver Surfer.

i thought i had the Silver Surfer's writers and origin covered. .. Kirby most definitely heard and know of .... but 'Moebius' ?
Does Moebius mean a nickname term for several Silver Surfer writers ?

Moebius is a French artist, can't remember what his real name is, his art is amazing, very fantasy, kinda psychedelic style. I know him mostly through Heavy Metal and Epic, Marvel's version of Heavy Metal. In the original "Heavy Metal" movie the whole Taarna segment is inspired on a Moebius creation.


One Guardians of the Galaxy Character Was Briefly A DC Hero
By Alex Schlesinger | Screen Rant
June 23, 2022


The 1970s was a bit of a "lawless" time in the world of comic books, so unregulated in fact that Mantis of the Guardians of the Galaxy was actually written into comics under 4 different publishers by her creator Steve Englehart. Mantis, or the "Celestial Madonna," has always been much more cosmically important in Marvel Comics than in the MCU, so important that Englehart brought her into DC, Eclipse, and Image Comics!

Raised in a Kree-worshiping religious sect called The Priests of Pama, the martial artist and superheroine Mantis debuted in 1973's The Avengers #112, introduced as a half-Vietnamese, half-German woman with incredible fighting skills and a tendency to refer to herself in the third person. Originally created by Steve Englehart, known for legendary runs on Green Lantern, The Avengers, and Doctor Strange, the author used Mantis as a major character throughout his run on The Avengers, and loved the character so much that he decided even Marvel Comics couldn't contain her.

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The 'Secret' Crossover Between Batman and Daredevil
By Brian Cronin | CBR
June 23, 2022


In the latest Comic Book Legends Revealed, learn about the "secret" crossover between Tim Sale and Jeph Loeb's Batman: The Long Halloween and Daredevil: Yellow.

Welcome to Comic Book Legends Revealed! This is the eight hundred and forty-third installment where we examine three comic book legends and determine whether they are true or false. As usual, there will be three posts, one for each of the three legends.

In January of 1997, D.G. Chichester and Scott McDaniel, the acclaimed creative team of Daredevil circa 1993-94, reunited (along with inker Derek Fisher and colorists Gregory Wright and Digital Chameleon) to produce a crossover comic book that teamed up Batman and Daredevil called Daredevil and Batman: Eye for an Eye (this was during McDaniel's acclaimed run on Nightwing and a little bit before he took over art duties on the main Batman series)....

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The Rundown: June 23, 2022
By Reid Carter | Multiversity Comics
June 23, 2022

In case you missed it, we revealed the contributors to Mad Cave Studios’ Ukraine charity anthology “Lower Your Sights,” and took a look at September’s Mignolaverse books. Image Comics also announced the miniseries “Flawed.”

– Fresh off of this week’s debut of the “Walking Dead” spinoff graphic novel “Clementine Book One” from Eisner Award-winning creator Tillie Walden, Skybound imprint Skybound Comet has revealed the details for its follow-up. has the exclusive first look at “Clementine Book Two,” which picks up the tale of Clementine and her new friends, as they are taken in by an island community led by an enigmatic doctor. The graphic novel series follows the central character of Telltale Games’ The Walking Dead video games for a story about coming-of-age during dark times. “After the games ended, we thought Clementine’s story was over. And now she’s been through so much more after book one, but it is all really just the beginning,” said Tillie Walden. “Clementine has much further to go, more obstacles to face, and much more growing up to do.” “Clementine Book Two” goes on sale October 2023.

– Marvel Comics will release a special giant-sized one-shot with an all-star roster of writers and artists to herald a new era of Miracleman comics. “Miracleman” #0 will feature classic Miracleman creators Neil Gaiman and Mark Buckingham reuniting for a new story that will “deliver an exciting prelude to their upcoming new chapter of Miracleman.” Joining the pair with stories of their own are Jason Aaron, Mike Carey, Ty Templeton, and Ryan Stegman, with more creators to be announced. “Miracleman” #0 features a cover by Alan Davis, and will blast onto shelves this October.

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Neil Gaiman Explains Why An Adaptation Of ‘The Sandman’ Took So Long To Get Made
By Trey Griffeth | Heroic Hollywood
June 23, 2022


Neil Gaiman has opened up on why it took so long for a live-action adaption of The Sandman to get made.

Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman was a comic series that was published by DC Comics and later Vertigo Comics from January of 1989-March of 1996. In a decade that was full of genuinely terrible books and bad business decisions on the part of the entire comic book industry, Gaiman’s story stood out and was perhaps the best thing to come out of the entire decade. Oddly enough, when it comes to the various comic book properties making a live-action adaptation of The Sandman was seemed like an impossible task.

Since The Sandman wrapped up its original run, various attempts had been made to adapt it to live-action. One of the more recent attempts was made by Joseph Gordon-Levitt who eventually dropped out of the project. Eventually, a live-action adaptation took the form of a Netflix series that released its latest trailer earlier this month. However, it does beg the question as to why it took so long for us to see some kind of live-action adaption of the series. On that front, it appears, that the blame lies with both Neil Gaiman and the others who attempted to adapt it.

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One Guardians of the Galaxy Character Was Briefly A DC Hero
By Alex Schlesinger | Screen Rant
June 23, 2022


The 1970s was a bit of a "lawless" time in the world of comic books, so unregulated in fact that Mantis of the Guardians of the Galaxy was actually written into comics under 4 different publishers by her creator Steve Englehart. Mantis, or the "Celestial Madonna," has always been much more cosmically important in Marvel Comics than in the MCU, so important that Englehart brought her into DC, Eclipse, and Image Comics!

Raised in a Kree-worshiping religious sect called The Priests of Pama, the martial artist and superheroine Mantis debuted in 1973's The Avengers #112, introduced as a half-Vietnamese, half-German woman with incredible fighting skills and a tendency to refer to herself in the third person. Originally created by Steve Englehart, known for legendary runs on Green Lantern, The Avengers, and Doctor Strange, the author used Mantis as a major character throughout his run on The Avengers, and loved the character so much that he decided even Marvel Comics couldn't contain her.

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I've always liked Mantis character in her early Marvel comic days.

Mantis' looks have changed over her time in Marvel Comics, ..From i remembered from Avengers comics, was she was a brilliant master of martial arts, such that she could sense weak points of the opponents' body in an instant. And her mastery level of training gave her a certain amount of control that could affect heartbeat, bleeding, and breathing and
a tolerance to pain, and a sense of physical healing,

Her other powers such as telepathy, empathy and precognitive abilities i'm not as keen on. She eventually went on to marry the most boring Avengers' ally in the Swordsman.
The current Guardian Galaxy movie series watered her down as a very meek and passive character.
If your wife is a fan of Comics and the MCU and you want to make her spew water here is what you do:

Wait until she's mid-drink when taking a drink of water. Walk next to her and whisper in her ear "Hail Hydrate."
My wife has re-watched Captain America: The Winter Soldier more times than I have, although technically she skims more than watch from start-to-finish. :rolleyes: I gotta remember to say that next time I catch her in the act. :D
Remind her that, "That's Captain America 's ***!"
FWIW, she does not skim to gawk. There are OTHER movies she would watch more frequently if that were true. :D

It is her lack of patience that makes her a remote control demon. I do not know about everyone else's significant other but my wife is something else.

For example, a series might catch her attention on Netflix. This woman will USUALLY go to the final episode first BEFORE watching the FIRST episode.

Occasionally, I bug her, about any show I recommend she watch, must be "perfectly" available. Why? I started that after telling her Smallville was a series I thought she would really enjoy--throughout its TEN year run! Did she watch any episode with me? Nope. Not even a few minutes worth. Could not bother her with it.

What do y'all think she did AFTER the series ended and its reruns landed on TNT? You guessed it. She was glued to it from start to finish. Makes no sense. :banghead:

So. Whenever I think I have found a series she will like, I ask her, "Do you want to waste another ten years of not enjoying another show?"

Believe me. Her hate stare is well-worth it. :grin:
FWIW, she does not skim to gawk. There are OTHER movies she would watch more frequently if that were true. :D

It is her lack of patience that makes her a remote control demon. I do not know about everyone else's significant other but my wife is something else.

For example, a series might catch her attention on Netflix. This woman will USUALLY go to the final episode first BEFORE watching the FIRST episode.

Occasionally, I bug her, about any show I recommend she watch, must be "perfectly" available. Why? I started that after telling her Smallville was a series I thought she would really enjoy--throughout its TEN year run! Did she watch any episode with me? Nope. Not even a few minutes worth. Could not bother her with it.

What do y'all think she did AFTER the series ended and its reruns landed on TNT? You guessed it. She was glued to it from start to finish. Makes no sense. :banghead:

So. Whenever I think I have found a series she will like, I ask her, "Do you want to waste another ten years of not enjoying another show?"

Believe me. Her hate stare is well-worth it. :grin:
Ya got her watching Superman and Lois ? I love that show!
Ya got her watching Superman and Lois ? I love that show!
Not yet. Probably because I have not stopped long enough to watch more than one episode myself lol.

I will get around to it eventually. That's what I keep saying to myself. Said the same thing about Halo on Paramount+.

Right now, I have binge watched my way to the third season of For All Mankind on Apple+. Did not know about it until the a week or so ago when I was about to cancel my subscription until Foundation returned for its second season and it caught my eye in the programming window.
Amitabh Bachchan was a comic book Superman 40 years ago. In a tight, pink costume
By Yashika Singla | ThePrint
June 25, 2022


Quick question — who is the original Indian Superman? Some would say Hanuman or Shaktiman. But in the 1980s, it was Amitabh Bachchan. Not just because of his angry, action-hero image, but there was a comic book called The Adventures of Amitabh Bachchan. You would see him sporting a pink, fitting outfit with a wraparound on his waist, not underwear worn outside, a holster, a chakra pendant, and a pair of welder-type glasses. Off he went, saving people with no extraordinary powers but merely with brawn and brain.

That was almost 40 years ago, and today, the Amitabh Bachchan comics are a hot collectors’ item costing $199 on eBay. Back then, the comics cost Rs 4 each and were created by movie producer Pammi Bakshi Gautam and had Gulzar as the consultant. The comics ran parallel to the world of Batman, Superman and Laurel and Hardy comics that were an urban audience’s delight.

The Amitabh Bachchan comics depicted him as a mere actor in daylight who would turn into ‘Supremo’ at night — after dressing up in a costume that would not give away his dignity — and save the world. Every edition included an introductory note by Big B himself, addressed to young readers: “Don’t tell anyone I’m Supremo!” Bachchan’s signature followed. And these comics weren’t made for just the educated, English-speaking readers — Kisse Amitabh Ke, the Hindi version, was popular too.

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Phillip Kennedy Johnson Discusses His Take On James Bond In 007
By Anthony D Costa | Global Circulate
June 25, 2022


Many have taken on the task of writing James Bond. He’s an iconic spy who has seen his fill of action and adventure. And let’s not forget his colorful love life.

This summer Dynamite is releasing another installment in Bond’s history with 007. With art by Marco Finnegan and covers from Tommy Lee Edwards, Marc Aspinall, Marc Laming, and Soo Lee, writer Phillip Kennedy Johnson is at the helm of the new series. Johnson chatted with The Beat about adding his touch to the MI6 agent.

Deanna Destito: How has it been taking on the iconic 007 character and bringing your own spin to Bond?

Phillip Kennedy Johnson: It’s been a huge honor and a really fun challenge. Every Bond story has to include all the familiar elements that make it a Bond story: the car, the gadgets, the Bond girl, the scary-but-theatrical villain. But there’s also a responsibility not to just do all the same stuff that everyone has been doing for generations. We had to give the lifelong Bond fans the things they keep coming back for while also bringing new elements to hold their interest, keep them engaged and get them excited to see what happens next. We’re doing that with some new characters that I’m excited to introduce, and a renewed emphasis on espionage and deception that we don’t often see from Bond. We know he’s a spy in theory, but we almost always see him flexing his “special agent” muscles, the assassin who doesn’t mind making a lot of noise. I wanted to show audiences Bond the superspy for a change.

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Elvis Got His Iconic Look - From a Member of the Shazam Family?!
By Timothy Donohoo | CBR
June 24, 2022


Long before losing its name to a property from another company, the Shazam Family was once one of the most popular characters in comic books. Beyond just the original Captain Marvel, the family also included his sister Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel, Jr. The latter was essentially the teen sidekick of the group, but he was still a big name in his own right. In fact, he would go on to inspire one of the biggest names in pop culture.

Elvis Presley is still considered the king of rock 'n roll, but before that, he was also an avid comic book fan. His favorite character wasn't the World's Mightiest Mortal, but rather, his junior counterpart, the likes of whom would go on to heavily inspire the Memphis musician. With Elvis about to receive a glamorous new biopic, here's a look at how one of DC's most underrated heroes was his biggest inspiration.

Who Is Freddy Freeman, DC's Captain Marvel, Jr.?

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