Comics and Movies

Best Animated Superhero Movies, Ranked
By Annie Banks | MovieWeb
July 4, 2022


Animation has been undermined and overlooked for far too long in the grand scheme of cinema. An innovative, imaginative, and unapologetically creative form of entertainment, animation is at the disposal of its artists. The beginnings of two-dimensional animation are considered to be the roots of the art form and have inspired triumphs for future generations of animators. Animation has represented itself across broad reaches of entertainment media and has spanned across the spectrum of pop culture. Video games, film, television, and other media have utilized animation to the most of its power.

Superheroes and superheroism have left an indelible impact on today’s most popular and sought-after industries. The comic book industry has excelled since its inception and has promised that it will continue to flourish as time carries on. Prominent publishing houses have dominated the genre both in print and in live-action as the DC Extended Universe and the Marvel Cinematic Universe have possessed the box office for decades. Indeed, animation and superhero-centric media were destined to complement one another as superheroism did not solely pertain to comic books. The endlessness of possibilities that came with new heroic tales — or dreaming up villains to take them on — was not inherently required to stick to what was circulating in print. Animated superhero movies rapidly began to take new shape as studios knew there would be an evergreen interest at play. They bound artistry with inspiration from the world around them to understand the elasticity of who or what a hero could be. While animated superhero movies are finally being given the recognition they deserve, these select few remain to be the best.

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5. The Incredibles
4. Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part 1 & 2
3. Batman: Under the Red Hood
2. Big Hero 6
1. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
This cover page:


And i had to look up ThunderBolts again ..and discovered it was indeed Marvel Comics property.

Imagine how well Inhumans, Eternals, even the MicroNauts, were more popular than Thunderbolts, to which i admit i had never heard of them
in Marvel, ..until just so very recently.


Those covers you’ve been sharing are repurposed from originals. I’m guessing fan made stuff.
Those covers you’ve been sharing are repurposed from originals. I’m guessing fan made stuff.

When it comes to certain issues - (such as one displaying below) ... i actually have and still personally possess these classics issues,
with these, they are not repurposed, fan made anything .. i have 'em. :D


.... But whooooaa be the damn prices they are now, if purchased elsewhere !! ... Yikes

if fact i was gonna check into one of my old comic collecting studios such as Mile High Comics, for certain issues, but once i saw the current prices,
..i think i'll wait until income tax return time to even consider it. .. :oops:
When it comes to certain issues - (such as one displaying below) ... i actually have and still personally possess these classics issues,
with these, they are not repurposed, fan made anything .. i have 'em. :D


.... But whooooaa be the damn prices they are now, if purchased elsewhere !! ... Yikes

if fact i was gonna check into one of my old comic collecting studios such as Mile High Comics, for certain issues, but once i saw the current prices,
..i think i'll wait until income tax return time to even consider it. .. :oops:

This is the original cover for Avengers #130. Let me know if it looks familiar to you.

The original was great. Is that where the last picture is from?


I could be mistaken, but this last pic image you're referring to, looks like it's from Spiderman Animated series - 1994

I admit that i am so old school, as i like and prefer the Hanna Barbara 67 spider man version when you think of Spider man,.. it's the 67 theme song
that we tend to think about ..right ? ...." Spiderman, Spiderman ... Does whatever a Spider Can .."

yeh, this 67 artwork doesn't compare to later years upgrade, but I've always been so big on music intro's, themes, and background music scores .
.... (probably that's why i so adore '67 Speed Racer so much) :D


Hey Dallas East
. I noticed that this title name of this thread changed from " Marvel Comic movies" .. to " Comic and Movie threads " ..?

was that to expand the overall talk and discussion of comic movies altogether ?
Instead of just Marvel .. to also include DC Comics, independent comics , etc.?? . :cool:

I could be mistaken, but this last pic image you're referring to, looks like it's from Spiderman Animated series - 1994

I admit that i am so old school, as i like and prefer the Hanna Barbara 67 spider man version when you think of Spider man,.. it's the 67 theme song
that we tend to think about ..right ? ...." Spiderman, Spiderman ... Does whatever a Spider Can .."

yeh, this 67 artwork doesn't compare to later years upgrade, but I've always been so big on music intro's, themes, and background music scores .
.... (probably that's why i so adore '67 Speed Racer so much) :D

The original had one episode that was really trippy, like the artist was on drugs when he drew it. It was dark and eerie, and very cool.

I have the original theme song on my Spider-Man soundtrack (first Toby Maguire movie).

One day at work, I was sitting in a bathroom stall, and click on a link on my phone, and just then someone else walked in and stood at the urinal. At that moment the link downloaded and that first bleating trumpet sound from the cartoon sounded, like a big announcement was coming, before I could pause it.

From the urinal I heard my boss say, "What the Hell was that?"

I said, "Just my way of letting you know something's about to happen in here!"
Hey Dallas East . I noticed that this title name of this thread changed from " Marvel Comic movies" .. to " Comic and Movie threads " ..?

was that to expand the overall talk and discussion of comic movies altogether ?
Instead of just Marvel .. to also include DC Comics, independent comics , etc.?? . :cool:
Yes, I believe he even added a post explaining that, quite a while back.
Hey Dallas East . I noticed that this title name of this thread changed from " Marvel Comic movies" .. to " Comic and Movie threads " ..?

was that to expand the overall talk and discussion of comic movies altogether ?
Instead of just Marvel .. to also include DC Comics, independent comics , etc.?? . :cool:
Correct. Yes. Yes.

I made the change on the same day I posed the question back on May 26:

Actors Who Should Play Zatanna in the DCEU
By Richard Fink | MovieWeb
July 4, 2022

Since her introduction in November 1964 in Hawkman #4, Zatanna has become one of the most iconic characters in the pantheon of DC superheroes. She has been a member of The Justice League, led their supernatural spin-off team Justice League Dark, and has been a member of Seven Soldiers and Sentinels of Magic. The daughter of the Golden Age superhero Giovanni Zatara, Zatanna is a stage magician and sorceress who casts spells in the form of speaking backward.

In many ways, Zatanna is the face of the supernatural side of the DC Comics Universe (the way Doctor Strange is of the MCU) and has been adapted into several television properties, including Batman: The Animated Series, Smallville, and Young Justice. It makes a certain amount of sense that a character this iconic would eventually get her own feature film, and the time finally appears to be coming.

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Zooey Deschanel
Camila Mendes
Alexandra Daddario
Geraldine Viswanathan
Milana Vayntrub
Rosa Salazar
Meghan Ory

I think they're all too old for the part. Remember that they'll want someone that can do multiple movies over several years. They should go for a younger and less known actress. I know that the popular thing to do know is go for well-known and often A-listers, but that comes back to bite them on the butt later in negotiations.

The perfect example is Tom Holland. He was relatively unknown and cast as Spider-man anyway and look how it turned out.
I think they're all too old for the part. Remember that they'll want someone that can do multiple movies over several years. They should go for a younger and less known actress. I know that the popular thing to do know is go for well-known and often A-listers, but that comes back to bite them on the butt later in negotiations.

The perfect example is Tom Holland. He was relatively unknown and cast as Spider-man anyway and look how it turned out.
I agree for the most part. Even the article's author acknowledges Geraldine Viswanathan was the youngest actress on the list at 27 and could cover for the role of a younger Zatanna.

Personally, I think the character should neither be written as a teenager or older than thirtysomething. Instead, I would foresee movie version Zatanna starting out in her mid-20s. Viswanathan could pull off the age but not so sure she could pull off the persona. Everyone else would be too mature from the list.

I am a Milana Vayntrub fan of sorts but do not understand why anyone would frame her as the magic wielder. Think they are thinking, "Zatanna would be such a cute looking wise <expletive>!" Definitely not the presentation I would be envisioning for the magician.

Was brainstorming for a bit. Only two actresses pop out at me as candidates, who are in the age bracket I am thinking, have relatively new careers and a 'Zatanna' look: Abigail Cowan (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina) and Amandla Stenberg (The Darkest Minds). At this time, both actresses' resumes are similar to Holland's pre Spider-Man: Homecoming work. I think Holland could be viewed as a relative unknown by comparison since the bulk of his brief roles before being cast as the webhead originated in England/Europe.
Spawn Was Almost a Member of Image Comics' Version of the Teen Titans
By Drew Mollo | Screen Rant
July 4, 2022


As he prepared to confront the man who murdered him, Spawn revealed that he was originally approached to join Youngblood, a team based partially on a rejected pitch for DC's Teen Titans. Although the original Youngblood team was created by Rob Liefeld during his time with Megaton Comics, the incarnation that debuted in Image Comics was one of Image's first publications and was a high-selling book despite its criticisms. One can only imagine how much different Al Simmons' life would have been if he had joined the celebrity superhero team and if that choice could have prevented him from becoming Spawn completely.

Following his death and resurrection thanks to the deal made with the demon Malebolgia, the former Lt. Colonel Al Simmons had difficulty adjusting to his second life on Earth. While he struggled to understand his new role as Spawn and the powers that came along with the title, he also sought to regain his memories of his past life, his recollections fragmented with bits and pieces coming to him by nefarious design. After handling an impressive barrage of enemies ranging from the Violator to Angela, Simmons was able to decipher the truth behind an ominous skull seen within memories of his death. It was not a macabre Grim Reaper with heavy artillery, it was the memory of the man who killed him: Bruce Stinson aka the grim superhero and soldier called Chapel.

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So I see this article posted today...
10 Best Superheroes Who Can Fly, According To Ranker
By Lukas Shayo | Screen Rant
July 5, 2022

Flight is an essential power for many superheroes, but not every hero has the ability. Still, among those who do, who wields it best? Blah blah blah Read More

10. Captain Marvel
09. Hawkman
08. Thor
07. Green Lantern
06. Starfire
05. Rogue
04. Shazam
03. Silver Surfer
02. Supergirl
01. Superman


--and my head immediately fills with questions like:

  • How is Silver Surfer not ranked #1?
  • How is Shazam ranked higher than Captain Marvel?
  • How can characters using artificial means of flight like Thor (hammer) and Green Lantern (power ring) but STORM (wind) is omitted?

Something smells, so I went to the source of the today's list:

The current list (it is continually being updated via new voting) is still warped but the former herald of Galactus has moved to at least number 2 thank goodness. And Storm sits at number 10 right now. There is still a huge gap between Shazam and Captain Marvel though. :rolleyes: And Sentry is slotted at #15??? :facepalm:

Okay. I'm casting my votes now.
So I see this article posted today...
10 Best Superheroes Who Can Fly, According To Ranker
By Lukas Shayo | Screen Rant
July 5, 2022

Flight is an essential power for many superheroes, but not every hero has the ability. Still, among those who do, who wields it best? Blah blah blah Read More

10. Captain Marvel
09. Hawkman
08. Thor
07. Green Lantern
06. Starfire
05. Rogue
04. Shazam
03. Silver Surfer
02. Supergirl
01. Superman

--and my head immediately fills with questions like:

  • How is Silver Surfer not ranked #1?
  • How is Shazam ranked higher than Captain Marvel?
  • How can characters using artificial means of flight like Thor (hammer) and Green Lantern (power ring) but STORM (wind) is omitted?

Something smells, so I went to the source of the today's list:

The current list (it is continually being updated via new voting) is still warped but the former herald of Galactus has moved to at least number 2 thank goodness. And Storm sits at number 10 right now. There is still a huge gap between Shazam and Captain Marvel though. :rolleyes: And Sentry is slotted at #15??? :facepalm:

Okay. I'm casting my votes now.

Totally agree with the ones needing solid objects to give them their flight ability – ala Thor’s hammer, Green Lantern’s ring..... :thumbup:

Should that also includes Hawk Man, in those needing object flight aid with his suit and 9th metal ? … and yet he’s no. 9th overall ?

and yes, 100% definitely agree that No one upon no one .... not even Superman, should be anywhere near what Silver Surfer's flight speed, who has been known
to travel over 500,000 light years per second.. !

He easily hits interstellar hyper space.... yet” Super Girl “ is over Silver Surfer ? wow.

Which “ Captain Marvel “ is this article link referring too?
Is it the West Coast Avenger called Spectrum ( aka Monica Rambeau aka formerly Captain Marvel) ..?

And of course the original Capt. Marvel (Mar-vell) passed away.
Whatever flight Carol Danvers was as Ms. Marvel, ..then that's the same exact flight speed of Rogue .. (who also should not be declared top 10)
BTW,.... Rogue's fly speed is so incredibly mice-small and faint when comparing to Spectrum's fly speed. .
So I see this article posted today...
10 Best Superheroes Who Can Fly, According To Ranker
By Lukas Shayo | Screen Rant
July 5, 2022

Flight is an essential power for many superheroes, but not every hero has the ability. Still, among those who do, who wields it best? Blah blah blah Read More

10. Captain Marvel
09. Hawkman
08. Thor
07. Green Lantern
06. Starfire
05. Rogue
04. Shazam
03. Silver Surfer
02. Supergirl
01. Superman

--and my head immediately fills with questions like:

  • How is Silver Surfer not ranked #1?
  • How is Shazam ranked higher than Captain Marvel?
  • How can characters using artificial means of flight like Thor (hammer) and Green Lantern (power ring) but STORM (wind) is omitted?

Something smells, so I went to the source of the today's list:

The current list (it is continually being updated via new voting) is still warped but the former herald of Galactus has moved to at least number 2 thank goodness. And Storm sits at number 10 right now. There is still a huge gap between Shazam and Captain Marvel though. :rolleyes: And Sentry is slotted at #15??? :facepalm:

Okay. I'm casting my votes now.

Updated Ranker's updated Spectrum (aka Monica Rambeau) still has her at only No.17th overall, ..and she can fly at the speed of light ..many light forms ..
wow,. and only 17th overall ?
Which “ Captain Marvel “ is this article link referring too?
Is it the West Coast Avenger called Spectrum ( aka Monica Rambeau aka formerly Captain Marvel) ..?
~pops in from work~

Both and refer to the 2012-present Carol Danvers a.k.a. Captain Marvel and the 2013-present Monica Rambeau a.k.a. Spectrum.

Most of the 'common folks' do not take into account the litany of aliases and alter-egos comic book characters have accumulated through the years. They only 'know' what's current. ;)

~pops out back to work~
Updated Ranker's updated Spectrum (aka Monica Rambeau) still has her at only No.17th overall, ..and she can fly at the speed of light ..many light forms ..
wow,. and only 17th overall ?
She is up to just 16th now. Crazy.

I have been thinking about the leader, Superman. He would have gotten my number one vote also if not for 1985's Crisis of Infinite Earths. DC rebooted its characters after that crossover event and Kal-El was enormously depowered.

Before Crisis, Superman was regularly flying throughout universes. Not solar system. Not Milky Way. Not just nearby galaxies. Not just this universe. Universes. And usually in quick fashion. That Superman was so fast that I doubt even The Surfer could have beaten him in a race.

This is why I think much of the voting is being cast by folks who do not know the characters that well. The current Kryptonians are fast but they should all fall behind Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, Spectrum and Sentry from the list. Heck. I would slot anyone from the Green Lantern Corps above them too.
She is up to just 16th now. Crazy.

I have been thinking about the leader, Superman. He would have gotten my number one vote also if not for 1985's Crisis of Infinite Earths. DC rebooted its characters after that crossover event and Kal-El was enormously depowered.

Before Crisis, Superman was regularly flying throughout universes. Not solar system. Not Milky Way. Not just nearby galaxies. Not just this universe. Universes. And usually in quick fashion. That Superman was so fast that I doubt even The Surfer could have beaten him in a race.

This is why I think much of the voting is being cast by folks who do not know the characters that well. The current Kryptonians are fast but they should all fall behind Silver Surfer, Captain Marvel, Spectrum and Sentry from the list. Heck. I would slot anyone from the Green Lantern Corps above them too.
It's not asking to rank by who's fastest or strongest, but just simply, who's your favorite, who has the best aerial moves. It's not really surprising that lesser known or not as popular heroes aren't higher on the list. Personally, I would say Silver Surfer.. He doesn't need the surfboard to fly, but he has a friggin' flying surfboard, so why not use it...... he wins on style points alone. I wouldn't have any Green Lantern on that list, there's just nothing cool about any Green Lantern, you lose one Green Lantern.... so what there's another Green Lantern, there's thousands of them.

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