Comics and Movies

Like Wordle but with frames from a movie. Here's how they describe the game:
Can't directly link the website because it has a banned abbreviation in the web address, but here's an indirect link:
Framed #113
⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛


This is all I get when I try to share it, but I got it on the first try, but only because I saw the picture of the house in one of the posts
I agree for the most part although I have favored the Eternals moreso than the Inhumans. That is likely due to my enjoying more of the Eternal characters than Inhuman.

I did not really care much for anyone outside of Black Bolt and Karnak. Medusa is okay but I could never get beyond the manipulating hair thingy. I would have preferred the traditional snakes/freezing people power than all that red hair flowing everywhere. :rolleyes:

Crystal made so many appearances in Fantastic Four's comic, which was one of my favorite titles, but she was often so useless that it did not make sense as to why she would be part of the story. Gorgon was supposedly super strong but I do not remember him dominating any opponents with super strength.

Lockjaw should be adorable to me but I am not the biggest bulldog breed fan. Then he is HUGE on top of that. Love his teleportation power but his mug has always been a turnoff lol.

i had more intrigue with the Inhumans, ..than i did the Eternals. .both i never chase either of them because their issues were never upfront in stores as it was with
Fantastic Four or the Avengers .. and those group came thru and were introduced thru those two aforementioned groups .

Aside from Sersi, who i caught mostly from her days with the Avengers - the Eternal issues i did get a hold of ,, i wasn;'t impressed and intrigue with the characters
and their plots.

Inhumans were different, mainly because of Medusa, Lockjaw, Crystal, Maximus and of course ...Black Bolt
Quicksilver Can Run as Fast as DC's Flash (But He Never, Ever Should)
By Adam J. Brunner | Screen Rant
July 2, 2022


It is generally accepted that DC Comics' Flash is faster than Marvel Comics' Quicksilver. In Avengers #688 though it is shown that Quicksilver can actually run as fast as the Flash, but that it is incredibly dangerous to do so. That means this legendary matchup is not as Quicksilver vs. Flash simple as everyone assumes.

These two heroes have battled for the title of fastest comic speedster for many years, most notably in the pages of DC vs. Marvel (1996), where the outcome was decided by fan voting. However, even without fans weighing in on the matchup, most metrics put Flash, (especially the Wally West version) as much faster than Pietro Maximoff. Quicksilver is amazingly speedy, but his feats tend to fall into the hypersonic spectrum, whereas Flash can actually move at lightspeeds, and even travel through time. In Pietro’s defense, it's hard for any speedster to compare to a hero like Flash that can actually lap himself in a race, but Quicksilver may not be as slow as some people think.

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Spider-Man: The Animated Series’ Writer Is Willing To Do A Revival Of The Classic Marvel Show, But It Comes With A Major Condition
By Adam Holmes | CinemaBlend
July 2, 2022


In addition to live-action superhero TV shows being more plentiful than ever, there also remains a steady stream of animated small screen tales spotlighting Marvel and DC characters. And yet, there are some classics that still stand the test of time, such as Spider-Man: The Animated Series, which aired on the Fox Kids Network from 1994 to 1998. I recently had the chance to talk with John Semper, the main writer on Spider-Man, and he told me he’d be willing to do a revival of the Marvel TV show, but it comes with a major condition.

In case you missed the news back in November 2021, there’s a revival of fellow Fox Kids Network show X-Men: The Animated Series, which aired from 1992 to 1997, that will premiere to Disney+ subscribers in 2023. So with fans having X-Men ’97 to look forward to, a revival of Spider-Man: The Animated Series doesn’t sound so farfetched. However, the only way John Semper would return is if he had the same amount of creative control as he did in the ‘90s. The writer explained:

"Everyone asks me that, and my answer now that’s well rehearsed is, ‘If they gave me the same kind
of creative control.’ I had a ridiculous amount of creative control after we did the first 13 [episodes]
on my series. So the first 13 they were beating me up left and right, it was very difficult, but after the
first 13, and it wasn’t a gift, it was just sort of like, ‘Just go do your job,’ and they left me alone. And I
had the entire Marvel universe to play with. I was the early version of Kevin Feige. So if I had that kind
of freedom, I would love to do it.​
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Eventually there's gonna be a DC vs Marvel battle movie .or series ..

although i would think Disney-Marvel would have to gain an agreement sharing rights with DC

Just like there was a Batman vs Superman movie made ... Would Disney/DC be interested in doing a similar matchup
with a movie that included the biggest say Avengers vs Justice League





Quicksilver Can Run as Fast as DC's Flash (But He Never, Ever Should)
By Adam J. Brunner | Screen Rant
July 2, 2022


It is generally accepted that DC Comics' Flash is faster than Marvel Comics' Quicksilver. In Avengers #688 though it is shown that Quicksilver can actually run as fast as the Flash, but that it is incredibly dangerous to do so. That means this legendary matchup is not as Quicksilver vs. Flash simple as everyone assumes.

These two heroes have battled for the title of fastest comic speedster for many years, most notably in the pages of DC vs. Marvel (1996), where the outcome was decided by fan voting. However, even without fans weighing in on the matchup, most metrics put Flash, (especially the Wally West version) as much faster than Pietro Maximoff. Quicksilver is amazingly speedy, but his feats tend to fall into the hypersonic spectrum, whereas Flash can actually move at lightspeeds, and even travel through time. In Pietro’s defense, it's hard for any speedster to compare to a hero like Flash that can actually lap himself in a race, but Quicksilver may not be as slow as some people think.

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" While hypersonic speeds are nothing to sneeze at, the Flash's speed from the Speed Force absolutely trumps Quicksilver's... by a lot. Amazingly, The Flash is way faster than anything Quicksilver has ever displayed in the comics thus far. Flash has moved so fast before that he can phase through solid objects, and can also create enough friction and momentum where he's able to throw lightning bolts at his foes. However, his most impressive display of speed occurred within the pages of 1997's JLA #89. "

"It should be noted that the source of The Flash and Quicksilver's super speed come from two very different places.
Pietro was born with his powers due to his unlocked X-gene as a mutant. He's always had his powers as a result of genetics. Comparatively, The Flash got his powers when he was stuck by lightning, granting him access to the Speed Force, an energy field which gives him his power that is responsible for moving the very fabric of time and space forward. "
Would Disney/DC be interested in doing a similar matchup with a movie that included the biggest say Avengers vs Justice League

Warner Bros/DC.

Disney did try to acquire Time Warner in 2016 but the deal fell through. If it had happened, crossover events would have been a good bet for movies and television. It did not happen, so the likelihood is extremely slim to non-existent.

In my opinion, Warner Bros can increase the odds of something happening from practically zero to slim IF they gain cohesion and continuity with their adaptations. Then they could approach Disney with solid ideas that might be more attractive.

If-and-until that happens, there is nothing Warner Bros can offer that would make Disney gamble sullying its big and small screen Marvel media properties with anything to do with DC. Why take a non-existing off-ramp to meet DC halfway when Marvel's partnership with Disney has superhighways already built and concrete plans for more in the immediate future?

Warner Bros/DC.

Disney did try to acquire Time Warner in 2016 but the deal fell through. If it had happened, crossover events would have been a good bet for movies and television.
It did not happen, so the likelihood is extremely slim to non-existent.

In my opinion, Warner Bros can increase the odds of something happening from practically zero to slim IF they gain cohesion and continuity with their adaptations. Then they could approach Disney with solid ideas that might be more attractive.

If-and-until that happens, there is nothing Warner Bros can offer that would make Disney gamble sullying its big and small screen Marvel media properties with anything to do with DC. Why take a non-existing off-ramp to meet DC halfway when Marvel's partnership with Disney has superhighways already built and concrete plans for more in the immediate future?

- who would've thought the giant Marvel studios would ever be bought out ? (by Disney)

- who would've thought there would ever be "a" or "any" crossover of Marvel vs DC (see below)
...and then eventually more and more crossovers by Marvel and DC.. Marvel vs DC comic issues ?

- who would've thought that subscription cable TV would eventually go down to upstarting streaming services and such streaming services would
produce superhero TV series Netflix, Disney, Amazon Prime (the Boys) ...and that element and era is ever increasing and growing dramatically

My point ?... Never say Never


- who would've thought the giant Marvel studios would ever be bought out ? (by Disney)

- who would've thought there would ever be "a" or "any" crossover of Marvel vs DC (see below)
...and then eventually more and more crossovers by Marvel and DC.. Marvel vs DC comic issues ?

- who would've thought that subscription cable TV would eventually go down to upstarting streaming services and such streaming services would
produce superhero TV series Netflix, Disney, Amazon Prime (the Boys) ...and that element and era is ever increasing and growing dramatically

My point ?... Never say Never




Anyone noticed how villain Black Adam seems to draw more interest and attention than Shazam Capt. Marvel ..?








So the Thunder Bolts were a production of DC Comics .. not Marvel Comics ?

no wonder i had never heard of them until i heard about a possible live action film
Good luck on it's Box office ....


So the Thunder Bolts were a production of DC Comics .. not Marvel Comics ?

no wonder i had never heard of them until i heard about a possible live action film
Good luck on it's Box office ....

What gave you that idea?
- who would've thought the giant Marvel studios would ever be bought out ? (by Disney)

- who would've thought there would ever be "a" or "any" crossover of Marvel vs DC (see below)
...and then eventually more and more crossovers by Marvel and DC.. Marvel vs DC comic issues ?

- who would've thought that subscription cable TV would eventually go down to upstarting streaming services and such streaming services would
produce superhero TV series Netflix, Disney, Amazon Prime (the Boys) ...and that element and era is ever increasing and growing dramatically

My point ?... Never say Never
Marvel Studios is fairly large now but not at the time Disney purchased Marvel. Marvel was struggling to obtain financing for productions following its release of Iron Man and The Incredible Hulk. Disney solved that issue by purchasing Marvel and its studio for $4 billion. Even back then, Disney had deep pockets. The rest is history.

As I mentioned earlier, 2016 was the optimal time for Disney to acquire Warner Bros and DC Comics. Disney approached Time Warner but AT&T had already started negotiations with them and did not reconsider what Disney could have offered instead.

Last March, Discovery made AT&T, which did not exploit its deal to its satisfaction, an offer it could not refused. Discovery deal consolidated Animal Planet, TLC, HGTV, HBO, CNN, TNT, Turner Sports, Warner Bros Studios and more into a true competitor of equivalent size with Disney. It has implemented an aggressive streaming service platform. It must feed as many media properties as it can obtain and retain into sustaining it.

Your streaming service examples of Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney underscore the likelihood of Disney not acquiring Warner Bros and its DC Comics unit. "Never say never" is a truth but Warner Bros Discovery new plans for its DC properties must underperform or fail for that possibility to have a remote chance of happening.
Anyone noticed how villain Black Adam seems to draw more interest and attention than Shazam Capt. Marvel ..?
It is probably due to DC being stuck in making Shazam a poor copy of Superman. In my opinion, Black Adam is everything that goofy Bizarro never was, namely, a sane malevolent anti-Superman.
What gave you that idea?

This cover page:


And i had to look up ThunderBolts again ..and discovered it was indeed Marvel Comics property.

Imagine how well Inhumans, Eternals, even the MicroNauts, were more popular than Thunderbolts, to which i admit i had never heard of them
in Marvel, ..until just so very recently.

She-Hulk: VFX Artists Explains CGI Problems In The Show
By Ryan Lee | Animated Times
July 4, 2022

CGI in superhero movies is as essential as a nice story arc in a particular Marvel or DC. MCU is known for its way too heavy use of CGI to showcase and design its destruction, battles, and extraordinary heroic abilities, but in some cases, CGI has also been to create whole characters.

Characters such as The Hulk, Thanos, and Groot have all been designed digitally with enough famous talent onboard lending the vocals. Soon, the Marvel Cinematic Universe will debut its first CGI in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law.

She-Hulk’s Bad CGI Has Been Criticised

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‘No Way Star-Lord Dies’: Marvel Fans Are Calling Chris Pratt’s MCU Departure Bluff as Actor Whines About ‘Endless Hours of Makeup’
By V. Sharma | Fandom Wire
July 4, 2022


The third and final film in the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, which has grossed over $1.6 billion worldwide and inspired a video game, several action figures, and an Epcot ride, is now in production, and Chris Pratt is busy working on it. The end of an era has clearly arrived, despite the fact that the Guardians also appear in this summer’s Thor: Love & Thunder.

James Gunn’s switch to DC for The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker has made Vol. 3 the anticipated conclusion of the Guardians of the Galaxy’s MCU adventure. Chris Pratt shared his own feelings on leaving the MCU, and to be honest, fans aren’t rooting for Star-Lord to die, as the cast and crew get ready to bid goodbye to the beloved Guardians.

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Actors Who Should Play Zatanna in the DCEU
By Richard Fink | MovieWeb
July 4, 2022


Since her introduction in November 1964 in Hawkman #4, Zatanna has become one of the most iconic characters in the pantheon of DC superheroes. She has been a member of The Justice League, led their supernatural spin-off team Justice League Dark, and has been a member of Seven Soldiers and Sentinels of Magic. The daughter of the Golden Age superhero Giovanni Zatara, Zatanna is a stage magician and sorceress who casts spells in the form of speaking backward.

In many ways, Zatanna is the face of the supernatural side of the DC Comics Universe (the way Doctor Strange is of the MCU) and has been adapted into several television properties, including Batman: The Animated Series, Smallville, and Young Justice. It makes a certain amount of sense that a character this iconic would eventually get her own feature film, and the time finally appears to be coming.

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