Comics and Movies

Both Foundation and For All Mankind have been my favorites so far. Foundation is just GOOD science fiction/fantasy in my option.

For All Mankind
's alternative timeline just blew my socks off. I did not notice it until the third season started but I binged-watched like a maniac to catch up. The "historic" moment, at the very end of last Friday's episode, had me laughing my butt off.

Some have suggested I watch Ted Lasso. It looks good but it has not solidly captured my attention on the few occasions I have tried watching the show.
I love "Ted Lasso" The dialogue and interaction of the characters, the jokes, the jokes inside the jokes, the references of the jokes, it's funny but also can be very touching and moving. I like that there are times I have to go back and re-watch an episode or scene because there was a line, or something I missed in the background, there's so many details and easter eggs throughout the show. I like the use of music and songs throughout the series.
I highly doubt movie producers whose whole careers are movies do not voice their opinions on MCU and DCEU

Because he did have the top spots, he might get asked and his response publicized more often than the others.
Okay. I have the context of Cameron's past comments to go by. I will repeat what I stated earlier also:
Movie producers and directors with average egos have not voiced their opinions of the MCU or DCEU as often as Cameron.
Directors are people too. Most have egos. A few, like Cameron, have narcissistically large ones.

Martin Scorsese, a famed director with legendary movies not approaching the top of the box office historically, was asked his opinion of the Marvel Cinematic Universe movies. His response was:
I don’t see them. I tried, you know? But that’s not cinema. Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks. It isn’t the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being.”

Snobbish? True. Scorsese has a right to his snobbish opinion. Let's review some of Cameron's (who has his own right as well) opinions:

I'm hoping we'll start getting 'Avenger' fatigue here pretty soon. Not that I don't love the movies. It's just, come on guys, there are other stories to tell besides hyper-gonadal males without families doing death-defying things for two hours and wrecking cities in the process. It's like, oy!"


It gives me a lot of hope. Avengers: Endgame is demonstrable proof that people will still go to movie theaters. The thing that scared me most about making Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 was that the market might have shifted so much that it simply was no longer possible to get people that excited about going and sitting in a dark room with a bunch of strangers to watch something.

Will Avatar 2 and 3 be able to create that kind of success in the zeitgeist? Who knows. We're trying. Maybe we do, maybe we don't, but the point is, it's still possible. I'm happy to see it, as opposed to an alternate scenario where, with the rapid availability, custom-designed experience that everybody can create for themselves with streaming services and all the different platforms, that (theatrical potential) might not have existed anymore.

I think it’s a certainty (Avatar's projected theatrical re-release and re-capturing of the box office record) But let’s give 'Endgame' their moment and let’s celebrate that people are going to the movie theater.

I don’t want to sound snarky after I took the high road (by offering congratulations)," he says. "But they beat us by one quarter of a percent. I did the math in my head while driving in this morning. I think accountants call that a rounding error.

Everybody makes a big deal out of [the box office battle], but the truth is what we really need to focus on is getting back to theaters. Hopefully, we can still have movies like that, ‘Endgame’ and ‘Avatar’ and the big Marvel movies and all that, movies that are able to make $1 billion or $2 billion.

“The thing that strikes me about ‘Dune’ is that it’s truly epic,” Cameron said. “When I use the word ‘epic,’ I’m using it in a very specific way, meaning like a David Lean film, or to a very large extent like the ‘Lord of the Rings’ films. But when I think of films that have epic events in them, like let’s say a Marvel Universe film where whole cities get destroyed and so on, they don’t feel epic to me. You seem to have the discipline, the vocabulary, of actual epic filmmaking, that kind of grand proscenium frame that’s just presented and takes its time with the music and so on.”

The Cameron Summary

"I am tired of them. They're lame. Aren't you tired of them too?"

"They are REALLY lame. I'll make a genital joke. Pow. There goes a city."

"They beat my Avatar and Titantic. Better say something nice."

"I sure hope people will keep shelling out money like they did that junk."

"Hey. On second though. They made tons of money but was it REALLY that much more than my stuff?"

"Oh no. Theater industry is taking it on the chin. Better hype up the competition so my stuff will benefit later."

"Dune really impressed me. It impresses me so much, I'll backhand the MCU while gushing about it."


But hey! The MCU's not the only target of Cameron's personality trait:

Speaking to Empire in the upcoming world-exclusive Avatar: The Way Of Water issue, Cameron hit back at the criticisms people tend to lobby at the first film.

The trolls will have it that nobody gives a <expletive> and they can’t remember the characters’ names or one damn thing that happened in the movie. Then they see the movie again and go, ‘Oh, okay, excuse me, let me just shut the <expletive> up right now.’ So I’m not worried about that.

I don’t want anybody whining about length when they sit and binge-watch [television] for eight hours. I can almost write this part of the review. ‘The agonizingly long three-hour movie…’ It’s like, give me a <expletive> break. I’ve watched my kids sit and do five one-hour episodes in a row. Here’s the big social paradigm shift that has to happen: it’s okay to get up and go pee.” Who’s going to argue against a filmmaker with this much form in turning three-hour epics into record-breaking box office behemoths?

Love his movies but that guy is as crystal clear as spring rainwater. :laugh:
Are there producers or directors with "average" egos? :huh: Maybe it's not average ego but average success, ability or status that keep them from voicing their opinions. Just wanting a slice of that built in audience Marvel pie and few if any budgeting worries.
Okay. Just one super long reply post per day for me. :D
I think it had more to do with some shows featuring children and the overall content produced. There are a lot of people who disagree with numerous themes in netflix shows. Disney shares have dropped quite a bit due to the same reason

For example .. what content tile shows by Disney and Netflix ..?
James Cameron Explains Why He Gave Jake And Neytiri A Family In Avatar 2
By Sarah El-Mahmoud | CinemaBlend
July 9, 2022


Over ten years since the theatrical debut of James Cameron’s Avatar, which would unseat Titanic and become the highest-grossing movie of all time, the science fiction adventure franchise will finally return later this year with a sequel. We only know so much about The Way of Water right now, and more is sure to be revealed. But one major element of it that we do is that it'll introduce Jake Sully and Neytiri’s kids, who were added to the storyline for a specific reason that's near to the filmmaker’s heart.

James Cameron has been planning his Avatar sequels pretty much since the original movie released in 2009. The writer-director is a shrewd filmmaker, who is typically very deliberate when it comes to the creative decisions that he makes. When Cameron was asked about the decision to give its protagonists, played by Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana, children, he explained that it adds something crucial that he doesn't think is present in contemporary fantasy films:
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Love James Cameron but his narcissitic jealousy of Marvel and superhero movies in general, after Endgame dethroned Avatar on the all-time box office list, has been really transparent, lol.

While speaking with GQ, Francis Ford Coppola, the acclaimed filmmaker says that the MCU makes the same type of movies and is ruining studio films such as Dune and No Time To Die. “There used to be studio films. Now there are Marvel pictures. And what is a Marvel picture? A Marvel picture is one prototype movie that is made over and over and over and over and over again to look different,” he said.

In October 2019, famed Hollywood film director Martin Scorsese caused a social media frenzy when he released an incredibly trivial take, arguing that Marvel movies did not qualify as true cinema.

Immediately, Twitter went into a fury. Many were baffled at how a filmmaker as experienced as Scorsese, who produced acclaimed movies like “The Irishmen” and “The Wolf of Wall Street,” could make a statement so rash.

One Twitter user called Scorsese jealous, while another noted how he seemed to be judging a series of movies he had never fully watched. The criticism seemed to be never ending.

While speaking with GQ, Francis Ford Coppola, the acclaimed filmmaker says that the MCU makes the same type of movies and is ruining studio films such as Dune and No Time To Die. “There used to be studio films. Now there are Marvel pictures. And what is a Marvel picture? A Marvel picture is one prototype movie that is made over and over and over and over and over again to look different,” he said.

In October 2019, famed Hollywood film director Martin Scorsese caused a social media frenzy when he released an incredibly trivial take, arguing that Marvel movies did not qualify as true cinema.

Immediately, Twitter went into a fury. Many were baffled at how a filmmaker as experienced as Scorsese, who produced acclaimed movies like “The Irishmen” and “The Wolf of Wall Street,” could make a statement so rash.

One Twitter user called Scorsese jealous, while another noted how he seemed to be judging a series of movies he had never fully watched. The criticism seemed to be never ending.

There are other well-known directors as well. Ridley Scott is not a fan too.

Another thing common among the non-Cameron criticism is that it has not been often repeated and centers almost exclusively on the superhero genre's quality. On the other hand, Cameron incorporated his work into his commentary. His words are more specifically compared to his achievements as opposed to the mostly generalized critiques made by his peers.

While speaking with GQ, Francis Ford Coppola, the acclaimed filmmaker says that the MCU makes the same type of movies and is ruining studio films such as Dune and No Time To Die. “There used to be studio films. Now there are Marvel pictures. And what is a Marvel picture? A Marvel picture is one prototype movie that is made over and over and over and over and over again to look different,” he said.

In October 2019, famed Hollywood film director Martin Scorsese caused a social media frenzy when he released an incredibly trivial take, arguing that Marvel movies did not qualify as true cinema.

Immediately, Twitter went into a fury. Many were baffled at how a filmmaker as experienced as Scorsese, who produced acclaimed movies like “The Irishmen” and “The Wolf of Wall Street,” could make a statement so rash.

One Twitter user called Scorsese jealous, while another noted how he seemed to be judging a series of movies he had never fully watched. The criticism seemed to be never ending.

There's no question that its' an obvious jealous and resentment among Hollywood towards Marvel superhero movies ,
.- not superhero movies in general, ..
- certainly not DC Comic moves ...
but it seems directly pointing at Marvel superhero movies ..because Marvel movies are simply knocking it outta the ball park with homeruns and 3 pointers and touchdowns. a record breaking scale on both domestic and globally level.

- Marvel mania has intrigued and drawn in audiences that may not have been comic book followers, dunno anything about a Shang Chi, or Eternals
but the Marvel box office trend has been so incredibly powerful that hnr

- And since the other giant (former giants?) box office titans like Star Wars and Harry Potter are not in demand anymore, .so that's all the more leads the big bulk
towards Marvel. And as i've said a many of times ... Marvel not only has such a huge fan base, but Marvel universe is so very vast and expandable.
- They can even make spin off success such as Black Widow, that emerged from previous record breaking Marvel titans such as the Avengers...
There's no question that its' an obvious jealous and resentment among Hollywood towards Marvel superhero movies ,
.- not superhero movies in general, ..
- certainly not DC Comic moves ...
but it seems directly pointing at Marvel superhero movies ..because Marvel movies are simply knocking it outta the ball park with homeruns and 3 pointers and touchdowns. a record breaking scale on both domestic and globally level.

- Marvel mania has intrigued and drawn in audiences that may not have been comic book followers, dunno anything about a Shang Chi, or Eternals
but the Marvel box office trend has been so incredibly powerful that hnr

- And since the other giant (former giants?) box office titans like Star Wars and Harry Potter are not in demand anymore, .so that's all the more leads the big bulk
towards Marvel. And as i've said a many of times ... Marvel not only has such a huge fan base, but Marvel universe is so very vast and expandable.
- They can even make spin off success such as Black Widow, that emerged from previous record breaking Marvel titans such as the Avengers...

I also think that the pandemic further exacerbated what was already a huge trend. And that’s the disparity between film types. People feel a need to see big, “spectacle films” - like Marvel produces - out on a big screen. Smaller, character-driven dramas and comedies? Not so much. Like me, they will gladly wait to see them at home, at less cost and increased convenience.

I think that disparity drives a lot of the jealousy, anger and resentment towards Marvel.
Marvel & DC Mocked Their Captain Marvel Legal Issues in the Perfect Way
By Nickolas Williams | Screen Rant
July 10, 2022


The name "Captain Marvel" is one of the most contentious in all of comic book history, mainly due to the complicated legal battle resulting in both Marvel and DC publishing stories with superheroes bearing the Captain Marvel name. DC acquired the rights to the original Captain Marvel, Billy Batson, later known as Shazam, from former rival publisher Fawcett Comics in 1972, but by then Marvel had already created its own Captain Marvel, Mar-Vell, securing the rights to the name in 1967. When Marvel and DC did their JLA/Avengers crossover event in 2003, they took a panel to make a joke at their own expense and acknowledge the confusion they created by having two completely separate characters share the same name.

In JLA/Avengers by George Pérez and Kurt Busiek, the respective teams are pawns in a game being played by DC villain Krona and Marvel villain the Grandmaster that involves collecting six famous Macguffins from both universes. The real point of the crossover was the same as any, getting two iconic franchises to battle against and inevitably alongside each other, and on that front, the book delivers, culminating in an epic battle on the hollowed remains of Galactus. In issue #4, as the Avengers and Justice League join forces to face off against every conceivable villain they’ve ever faced, fans were treated to a perfectly timed Captain Marvel joke in the midst of all the chaos.

In order to avoid friendly fire while taking aim at Polkadot Man of all people, Dr. Light cries “Captain Marvel, look out!” warning both Captain Marvels at the same time while only uttering the name once. Dr. Light getting a simultaneous “thanks” from both Captain Marvels serves as the perfect punchline to this well-timed gag, truly highlighting the absurdity of superhero comic history. As a cherry on top, DC’s Captain Marvel is depicted punching his Marvel counterpart's arch nemesis, Ronan the Accuser, while Marvel’s Captain Marvel is shown to be punching his DC analog’s nemesis, Black Adam. The two biggest brands in comics weren’t just acknowledging their past legal disputes over the name, they were blatantly mocking the situation.

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The actress who is in Marvel, DC Comics and Star Trek at the same time
By Elizabeth Espinoza | Ruetir
July 10, 2022


From now on the name of Jameela Jamil It will start to sound like a lot to fans of some of today’s biggest franchises. since she is Titaniathe great villain of She-Hulkthe new series of Marvel which can be seen in Disney Plus about Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany)the first of Hulk / Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). In addition, he plays presence in Star Trek: Prodigy and lend your voice to Wonder Woman in DC Comics League of Supermascots.

the actress herself Jameela Jamil He has reacted on his social networks to the fact that he can be in Marvel, DC Comics and Star Trek.

“3 things. I play Wonder Woman in the new Super Pets movie. The Rock now knows who I am and tweeted this. I’m in DC, Marvel and Star Trek at the same time and my little teenage brain is exploding.

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‘Welcome to Seventh Level of Hell’: VFX Artists Trash Marvel Studios for Horrible Working Conditions, Explain MCU’s Atrocious CGI as Compared to DC
By Subham Mandal | FandomWire
July 11, 2022


VFX artists trash Marvel Studios. Many of them are refusing to work under them as a result of toxic work culture and uncooperative attitude. For quite a time, MCU has been not up to the mark and underwhelming with its works. Phase 4 received several criticisms for its movies and the VFX sector had also been a major part of the criticism. As per the artists, the uneven work environment can be blamed for this.

The allegations of having terrible VFX Management came out on Marvel via the subreddit r/VFX where the artists from all over the world who worked with MCU unitedly spoke against the Superhero Studio. According to them, Marvel is their worst employer and they care about none.

In a thread titled “I am quite frankly sick and tired of working on Marvel shows”, a user named Independent-Ad419 spoke about their frustrating experience with the studio. They wrote:

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- And since the other giant (former giants?) box office titans like Star Wars and Harry Potter are not in demand anymore, .so that's all the more leads the big bulk towards Marvel.
I think "demand" is a relative term for those two examples. The last seven years have seen:
  • Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
  • Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
  • Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
--fall in the top 40 moneymakers of all-time and each exceeded $1 billion in worldwide box office. Demand is still there for that franchise.

It is more accurate labeling of the successor of the Harry Potter franchise. The final chapter of the original franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, hit theaters in 2011 but still ranks 13th all-time worldwide box office. The subsequent spinoff has demonstrated less demand with the releases of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore--sliding from $800 million to $650 million to $400 million in consecutive debuts.

However, I would not shackle the spinoff as "the" Harry Potter franchise, which ended with the defeat of Voldemort. Fantastic Beasts is a different story separate from the trials of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Their story created the initial demand. Their absence has diminished audiences' demand.
Last edited:
I think "demand" is a relative term for those two examples. The last five years have seen:
  • Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens
  • Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
  • Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker
  • Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
--fall in the top 40 moneymakers of all-time and each exceeded $1 billion in worldwide box office. Demand is still there for that franchise.

It is more accurate labeling of the successor of the Harry Potter franchise. The final chapter of the original franchise, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, hit theaters in 2011 but still ranks 13th all-time worldwide box office. The subsequent spinoff has demonstrated less demand with the releases of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, and Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore--sliding from $800 million to $650 million to $400 million in consecutive debuts.

However, I would not shackle the spinoff as "the" Harry Potter franchise, which ended with the defeat of Voldemort. Fantastic Beasts is a different story separate from the trials of Harry, Hermione and Ron. Their story created the initial demand. Their absence has diminished audiences' demand.

Those dates are not accurate. Force Awakens released in 2015 and Rogue One in 2016.
‘Welcome to Seventh Level of Hell’: VFX Artists Trash Marvel Studios for Horrible Working Conditions, Explain MCU’s Atrocious CGI as Compared to DC
By Subham Mandal | FandomWire
July 11, 2022


VFX artists trash Marvel Studios. Many of them are refusing to work under them as a result of toxic work culture and uncooperative attitude. For quite a time, MCU has been not up to the mark and underwhelming with its works. Phase 4 received several criticisms for its movies and the VFX sector had also been a major part of the criticism. As per the artists, the uneven work environment can be blamed for this.

The allegations of having terrible VFX Management came out on Marvel via the subreddit r/VFX where the artists from all over the world who worked with MCU unitedly spoke against the Superhero Studio. According to them, Marvel is their worst employer and they care about none.

In a thread titled “I am quite frankly sick and tired of working on Marvel shows”, a user named Independent-Ad419 spoke about their frustrating experience with the studio. They wrote:

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“as Compared to DC”

I don’t know why this statement was added. It was unnecessary and totally unsupported and did nothing but to harm what very well is a valid argument regarding Marvel’s VFX issues.
The actress who is in Marvel, DC Comics and Star Trek at the same time
By Elizabeth Espinoza | Ruetir
July 10, 2022


From now on the name of Jameela Jamil It will start to sound like a lot to fans of some of today’s biggest franchises. since she is Titaniathe great villain of She-Hulkthe new series of Marvel which can be seen in Disney Plus about Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany)the first of Hulk / Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo). In addition, he plays presence in Star Trek: Prodigy and lend your voice to Wonder Woman in DC Comics League of Supermascots.

the actress herself Jameela Jamil He has reacted on his social networks to the fact that he can be in Marvel, DC Comics and Star Trek.

“3 things. I play Wonder Woman in the new Super Pets movie. The Rock now knows who I am and tweeted this. I’m in DC, Marvel and Star Trek at the same time and my little teenage brain is exploding.

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Is it a he or a she? Make up our minds, author!
Need opinions since I may be misreading this article's passage:

The good will of Ragnarok and a return to the summer season have brought the latest Waititi-helmed chapter to open with $143 million. That’s the 12th-best opening within the MCU (counting the Spider-Man films) and nearly halfway to becoming the 18th film in the Universe to pass $300 million domestically (it has already surpassed that globally). While Marvel is riding a nice crest after Spider-Man: No Way Home and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (we’ll leave Morbius as an outlier) there is some suggestion that some fans may not be entirely down with Marvel’s so-called Phase Four.

Source link:

Okay. The article's author mentions five flims: Ragnarok, 3 Spider-Man movies and Multiverse of Madness. He also mentions the interconnected relationship between movies by writing 'MCU', 'Universe' and 'Phase Four'.

So. Why mention Morbius "as an outlier?" That film is not part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Could be wrong but methinks the author believes he knows what the MCU is but doesn't really know. I will credit him for knowing Morbius is a Marvel movie though. Am I right? Or am I wrong?

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