Commander fans are jerks, man

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CoverCorner41 said:
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LaTunaNostra said:
Just saw it DCP. It's history.

If "it's history" doesn't include the party that posted it in the FIRST place, y'all are INSANE...!!!

This "kid" has gotten increasingly worse since joining here, and even a FIFTH grader, let alone someone who claims to be on "full scholarship" at a major university knows THAT BS is INEXCUSABLE!!


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LaTunaNostra said:
Laugh! Nice Washingtonian spin, considering I can't access anything but the flash page. Hardly a taking my toys and going home situation.

I chose the 'alert' me to IM options. I can't access my IM's, or anything else, but my email will get those messages (and they must be doozies). I've gotten several since last night from someone called Park City Skins; I do not want anymore.

Since I can't answer them, and since they could conceivably proliferate from those justifably enraged over my use of the dangerous and profane "B" word, I'd prefer not to have to deal with it.

I don't know what to tell you. You're not banned. Anyway, I changed your settings so you won't get any more PM notifications.

Things got ugly on YOUR side, Henry. Ugly and petty and in some cases threatening. This is no big deal, just a minor footnote in the wonderful rivalry. But this "side" has naught to be ashamed of beyond the usual pre-game smack nonsense that you accurately termed "light-hearted'. My last word on the issue.

Whatever works for you. See you Tuesday.


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DallasCowpoke said:
If "it's history" doesn't include the party that posted it in the FIRST place, y'all are INSANE...!!!

This "kid" has gotten increasingly worse since joining here, and even a FIFTH grader, let alone someone who claims to be on "full scholarship" at a major university knows THAT BS is INEXCUSABLE!!

I found it quite funny. Sorry if you were offended.


He Made the Difference
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Henry said:
I don't know what to tell you. You're not banned. Anyway, I changed your settings so you won't get any more PM notifications.

I am now able to access your board.

See you Tuesday.

And hopefully, with no injuries on either side.


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I know things have gotten ugly lately (and still are in some cases) on our boards, but let's me ignore that for a moment to congratulate you all on the win. Once again, you took it to us. I'm glad we at least gave you a game this time, but you all still came out on top, and that's all that matters.

See you all in a few months.



He Made the Difference
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Henry said:
I know things have gotten ugly lately (and still are in some cases) on our boards, but let's me ignore that for a moment to congratulate you all on the win. Once again, you took it to us. I'm glad we at least gave you a game this time, but you all still came out on top, and that's all that matters.

See you all in a few months.


Thanks for the congrats, Henry. I don't think anyone would have expected any less from you.

It'll be a great game in December. Hopefully that late season rematch will mean more than just an intra-division game.

Tuna said on Monday night the skins are an improved team. By December, I expect there will be two significanlty better team on the field.


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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LaTunaNostra said:

All I said was you are blonde, beautiful, brainy, and not a bimbo

They have a hard time with the truth over there... that's why they feel the overpowering need to censor ANY discouraging words...

I'll just say that when I contemplate a gorgeous example of feminity like our Princess, and I further contemplate that she's got a WICKED way with the smack, it just makes me overwhelmingly sad...

Sad that I'm so old, and ugly... if it wasn't for that, I might take a shot... LOL...

Seriously, Princess, it's beyond cool that you're so good at playing the smack game... I've always had a thing for a woman with a streak of smart*** in her...


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CowboysPrincess said:
If the extreme skin site wants to start a war of words w/ the cowboys women over here, they better send something better than that....

If the going gets heavy, milady, take comfort in the realization that the Zen Master of Smack has your back...

Just ask the folks on the Cowboys' newsgroup about my troll baiting... and over on the SilverStar Digest, I'm known as the guy who basically killed the Smack The Skins board... I keep telling them they should rename it the Zen Master Bear smack board...

So bring 'em on, I've been looking for a good smack fest for a while now... the newsgroup has degenerated into an endless political debate, and like I said, the trolls on the Digest seem to stay well away from me... maybe the trolls in here haven't gotten the word yet...

Troll, yummmmmmm... haven't had me any good troll in a while... it really is true, it tastes like chicken...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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silverbear said:
The Boys own the Skins, and Cowboys fans own Commanders fans...

It seems that every Skins board out there relies very heavily on censorship, while most Cowboys boards are more open, raucous affairs... there is, of course, a reason for that...

I should elaborate... the reason is that Cowboys fans can hold their own in a smack war, Skins fans just can't hang... they NEED to be protected, every time they try to pick a fight with us Cowboys fans, we make 'em look as stupid as they actually are...

If you don't want to be trolled, perhaps you ought to rein in your own trolls... they come over here gleefully, talkin' stupid crap, then retreat to the safety of your board, knowing you won't allow any retaliation... if you don't want to be trolled by Cowboys fans, then you need to start banning your own trolls, let them know that you won't tolerate them inciting fans from other teams to troll your board... but no, you let them play their silly games, then hide behind you gutless mods...

It was a nice attempt at grabbing the moral high ground, son, but it just won't work... if you don't want flaming, don't go flaming... and if you do want flaming, then don't censor the retaliatory responses... anything less is just pure cowardice...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Henry said:
What I find amusing is that every so often a bunch of Cowboy fans trapse over to our board and act like jerks, get temp banned, and then come over here and high five eachother for being more mature and open-minded.

Gimme a break, we have folks wander over there and get banned with their first post, others that you don't even let register...

What LaTunaNostra posted was hardly offensive, yet it got her banned... if somebody goes over and acts like a jerk, then of course a mod has a perfect right to ban them... though I've been a mod at three different boards (still am on two of them), and have NEVER banned ANYBODY...

If some Skins troll, or Iggles troll, or ANY troll wanders onto one of the boards I moderate talkin' trash, I just get right in his face, and generally run them out by out-smacking them... but you weenies over there, you just go straight to banning...

It appears that y'all recognize that you've got no game, so you try to hide from smack... meanwhile, the most outrageously comical, homeristic BS on your board is encouraged and praised... like big, bad Moderator Art trying to tell everybody he intimidated a Cowboys fan into leaving FedEx on Sunday...

Yeah, I really believe that a candyass who won't even let a little smack be run on his board would suddenly develop a pair of cojones when faced with heckling in real life...

What you got over there on extremeskins, basically, is a bunch of first class candyasses... we ARE more openminded, because we let your jackass trolls run off at the mouth without censoring them-- we just smack them senseless, until they slink away with their tails between their legs...

Fortunately, after these little waves, one or two decent Cowboy fans stick around and actually contribute and give us another teams perspective on things. Guys like RW31 and HeHateMe.

Let it be noted that I personally don't troll any team's boards, and have never posted at extremeskins... but what y'all did to LTN was just plain gutless...

The simple truth is, what you guys frantically censor, we allow to stand... we're not afraid of trash talk, and we can bring our own game... y'all clearly can't say the same...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Eddie said:
24. The mind of a 6-year old is wonderful. First grade...true story: One day the first grade teacher was reading the story of the Three Little Pigs to her class. She came to the part of the story where the first pig was trying to accumulate the building materials for his home. She read,"..And so the pig went up to the man with the wheelbarrow full of straw and said, "Pardon me sir, but may I have some of that straw to build my house?'" The teacher paused then asked the class, "And what do you think that man said?" One little boy raised his hand and said, "I think he said...'Holy crap! A talking pig!'" The teacher was unable to teach for the next 10 minutes.

I had a similar experience in high school, way back in the late 60s... I was living in Heidelberg, Germany, attending the Army high school there... this was my junior year, in the spring, right close to the end of the school year... we had this little black lady for a teacher, as nice as she could be... we were doing some reviewing for the upcoming finals, and were discussing Henry David Thoreau... she came to some notes she'd made, which read simply "squirrels ate Thoreau's nuts... some clown in the back declared "that must have REALLY hurt"... that just destroyed our teacher, she wound up going into the storeroom until she got her laughter under control (and since she took her purse, I suspect she repaired he mascara, after laughing so hard she cried)...


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silverbear said:
If the going gets heavy, milady, take comfort in the realization that the Zen Master of Smack has your back...

Just ask the folks on the Cowboys' newsgroup about my troll baiting... and over on the SilverStar Digest, I'm known as the guy who basically killed the Smack The Skins board... I keep telling them they should rename it the Zen Master Bear smack board...

So bring 'em on, I've been looking for a good smack fest for a while now... the newsgroup has degenerated into an endless political debate, and like I said, the trolls on the Digest seem to stay well away from me... maybe the trolls in here haven't gotten the word yet...

Troll, yummmmmmm... haven't had me any good troll in a while... it really is true, it tastes like chicken...

hey bear next time you go stompin some deadskins fans, put me on the list to join ya !!


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Mr. Hetfield said:
hey bear next time you go stompin some deadskins fans, put me on the list to join ya !!

Jump right in, ol' buddy, I always try to leave at least a little of the carcass for the vultures to pick over...


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silverbear said:
Gimme a break, we have folks wander over there and get banned with their first post, others that you don't even let register...

What LaTunaNostra posted was hardly offensive, yet it got her banned... if somebody goes over and acts like a jerk, then of course a mod has a perfect right to ban them... though I've been a mod at three different boards (still am on two of them), and have NEVER banned ANYBODY...

If some Skins troll, or Iggles troll, or ANY troll wanders onto one of the boards I moderate talkin' trash, I just get right in his face, and generally run them out by out-smacking them... but you weenies over there, you just go straight to banning...

It appears that y'all recognize that you've got no game, so you try to hide from smack... meanwhile, the most outrageously comical, homeristic BS on your board is encouraged and praised... like big, bad Moderator Art trying to tell everybody he intimidated a Cowboys fan into leaving FedEx on Sunday...

Yeah, I really believe that a candyass who won't even let a little smack be run on his board would suddenly develop a pair of cojones when faced with heckling in real life...

What you got over there on extremeskins, basically, is a bunch of first class candyasses... we ARE more openminded, because we let your jackass trolls run off at the mouth without censoring them-- we just smack them senseless, until they slink away with their tails between their legs...

Let it be noted that I personally don't troll any team's boards, and have never posted at extremeskins... but what y'all did to LTN was just plain gutless...

The simple truth is, what you guys frantically censor, we allow to stand... we're not afraid of trash talk, and we can bring our own game... y'all clearly can't say the same...

Silverbear, I'm pleased you have such a high opinion of yourself. Rest assured, Art's got nothing on you. I think LTN and I have cleared up the issues surrounding her 'banishment' but thanks for the input.

Perhaps this board has a higher tolerance for smack-talk than ours does. If you find that some sort of virtue, more power to you. However, I've noticed even this board diverts smack talk off the main board, so it's not like your staff has any special love for such discussions.

But here's a little suggestion: If you don't like the way we run things over there, don't visit. The internet's a big place. I'm sure you'll find plenty of messageboards, even Commander fan boards, that will allow you to showcase your awesome smack-talk abilities. I promise not to let it hurt my feelings. :)


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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RW31 said:
Modest, arent we bear?

Modesty is for wimps...

Besides, as any true Texan knows, it ain't braggin' if you can do it... if you don't believe I can do it, just go to the Google archives... look for, see what you find... but make sure you've got plenty of time, I've got in excess of 30,000 posts to the Cowboys board in the past six years... I figure at least half of them were assorted flame wars... I had one with a Steelers fan that went on for about 5 years...

At one point, they dubbed me the HMFIC of that board... if you don't know what HMFIC stands for, you'll have to PM me, 'cause I don't think the full version would make it pass the cuss filter, LOL...

If that seems too time-consuming for you, go to the SilverStar Digest, then look up the archives for the Smack The Skins board... in particular, look for dialogue with Team90s, and Pearland... you'll have to go back a ways, because neither of them has been around for a while... but I only have just under 10,000 posts over there, and the majority of those were on the Ranch board (where the football talk occurs)... and a few on the Saloon board, where I am a charter member of the Buffoon Brigade...

Besides, there is nothing more guaranteed to bait a troll than that kind of chest beating... they all think they're BAAAAAAD, and when somebody tells them that they don't know what BAAAAAD is, but you do, it gets them ALL worked up...

I've been playing the flame game for better than six years now, and that's just online... before that, I basically grew up in one golf course pro shop after another, and in those clubhouses needling people was highly regarded... to me, flame wars are a hobby, a diversion I greatly enjoy...

What that says about my psychological state, I really don't know... LOL...


Semi-Official Loose Cannon
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Henry said:
Silverbear, I'm pleased you have such a high opinion of yourself. Rest assured, Art's got nothing on you.

There's one fundamental difference between Art and me-- when he's talkin' trash, he expects to be taken seriously... like anybody would believe that he'd pick a fight with ANYBODY at a football game...

But when I talk trash, it's with the full consciousness that I'm talkin' trash... I'm laughing heartily when I post it, just anticipating the responses it will elicit...

Oh, there's one other fundamental difference between Art and me-- I never, ever threaten people, or talk about threatening people... it just ain't in my basic nature... I don't let people walk on me, but I don't try to intimidate people, either... to me, there's nothing more gutless than playing Net Rambo... every single time some tough guy tries that crap with me, I provide him with my address, phone number, and an invitation to come look me up... no threats about what I'll do to them, simply an invitation to come show me how bad they are... and y'know, in six years now, nobody's ever taken me up on the invitation...

The REALLY comical thing is, it has been suggested that big, bad Art is one of your MODERATORS over there... PLEASE tell me I'm wrong about that, that you guys don't exactly cowards who play tough guy while hiding in anonymity that way... it's bad enough that the DTC have come to represent your typical poster, with all their talk about the bad things they do to fans of other teams at the stadium on game day...

Of course, they'd all be in jail if they'd done one tenth of what they claim (or by now, they would have made the mistake of startin' up with somebody carryin' a gun)... they're just more losers trying to make themselves feel like real men by talkin' tough while hiding in anonymity...

Perhaps this board has a higher tolerance for smack-talk than ours does.

Which is fine... I'm moderator at a board where we have a zero tolerance policy, even with our own fans... it's a new board, and we had to ban about six of the early regulars, until folks realized we were serious... but none of our people go trolling other boards (at least, we've seen no trolls wandering in claiming they came because of the behavior of our regulars)...

Seriously, you're missing my main point-- your people come over here and show their *****, and we don't ban them (generally)... we let them play their silly games, we even smack back... so you guys harbor trolls, then punk out when folks who have a problem with their juvenile games come onto your board to return the favor...

To me, that's the essence of gutless... if you want a smack-free forum, then it's incumbent on your leaders to make it clear that you don't appreciate your members going trolling...

If you find that some sort of virtue, more power to you. However, I've noticed even this board diverts smack talk off the main board, so it's not like your staff has any special love for such discussions.

But you guys don't even seem to have a forum like that... even on the heavily moderated board I help officiate, we have a War Room, where the rules are relaxed somewhat...

But here's a little suggestion: If you don't like the way we run things over there, don't visit.

Never have "visited" your board... what I know about it, I've learned from threads reposted in here... that was enough to convince me that I don't WANT to visit your little board...

I mean, it's the type of board where a bunch of homers suck ol' Art off when he talks ludicrous crap about throwing a Cowboys fan out of FedEx Field... seems like a lot of folks over there popped a woody over that one...

IOW, you guys spend a lot of time telling yourselves what bad*sses you are, all the while hiding from anybody who might want to see if you're really all that bad... that's why I call your board a circle jerk... from what I've seen of it, it's short on serious football talk, and long on mindless, homeristic rants...

BTW, if you don't like the way I talk about your precious board, perhaps YOU shouldn't visit HERE... do you seriously think we're gonna modify our behavior to satisfy your dainty sensibilities??

The internet's a big place. I'm sure you'll find plenty of messageboards, even Commander fan boards

The only Skins forum I ever wander into is the Skins' newsgroup (infrequently), and that's just because there's a few guys over there I really like... guys like Kevin Miller and Kurt Klein... I even like their TROLLS, like OverTheHillGang, because unlike your trolls, they're really FUNNY, and not accidentally funny... and y'know what, most of those folks like me, too...

I also hobnob with a bunch of Skins fans over on the NFC East Rantatorium, where the Skins fan admin made me a moderator... oh, we insult each other with great regularity, but it's all in fun, and we all know that... whenever somebody comes in there being genuinely insulting (like a Cowboys fan or two has done), we ALL get all over him, until he packs up and leaves...

For that matter, I don't dislike anybody over on your board (if you think I take this silly crap seriously, you've seriously misjudged your friendly local Bear), I just think y'all are pretty gutless, a collection of panty-wearing candy*sses... I'm sure there are some good folk over there, I just never saw them because the good folk all stay away from the juvenile trash-talking threads from the DTC and their ilk... for that matter, I'd guess from reading your other posts that you're a pretty good guy too (and I enjoy that you're articulate, that's a rarity online these days), you're just standing up for your buddies by taking me on...

And I've got no problem with that... that's what smack is all about... have at me, son, I've got pretty thick skin... but when all's said and done, the way you guys ban anybody who doesn't adhere to the party line still marks your board as more cowardly than this one is... you might not like hearing it, but it's the plain and simple truth-- we don't ban your trolls until they get WAY out of line, you ban folks like LTN for the most innocuous comments...


Mike Smith aka Backwoods Sexy
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
The extremeskins site DOES have plenty of good football threads and many very good posters IMO.

However some of what silverbear says IMO is dead on....and some of it is just that of an old fart who likes to hear his lips flap in his famous novellas.