Commander fans are jerks, man

BrAinPaiNt said:
The extremeskins site DOES have plenty of good football threads and many very good posters IMO.

However some of what silverbear says IMO is dead on....and some of it is just that of an old fart who likes to hear his lips flap in his famous novellas.

It's a good thing my ISP doesn't charge me by the amount of bandwidth I burn... LOL...

I have little doubt there are many good posters over there, my only exposure to them have been the threads I've been linked to in the past coupla days... I still say they're way too cowardly when it comes to banning folks, though... for all my verbiage, that was my whole point... by quickly stomping out anybody with a different point of view, they risk creating a board which is, as I've said a number of times now, nothing more than a circle jerk...

If I subscribed to a Cowboys board that acted that way, I'd quickly unsubscribe... who wants to hear nothing but "How 'bout them Cowboys??" I wanna hear from Cowboys fans who piss me off with their negativity, so that I can argue with them, and I wanna hear from the homers, so I can laugh at them... I wanna hear from good fans of other teams, so that we can have lively but non-inflammatory debate, and I wanna hear from trolls, so I can smack them around some...

I also wanna cuss like a trucker, but you guys won't let me... that's the only reason I still hang out in the Cowboys newsgroup...

One thing I can say, though-- I really like Bang's cartoons over there... the guy's a genius... that's a plus that nobody else can offer...
BrAinPaiNt said:
and some of it is just that of an old fart who likes to hear his lips flap in his famous novellas.
that's what I was thinking. Tone down the over the top ego rant.

Man, I have never wanted to punch a cowboys fan so much.
silverbear said:
It's a good thing my ISP doesn't charge me by the amount of bandwidth I burn... LOL...

I have little doubt there are many good posters over there, my only exposure to them have been the threads I've been linked to in the past coupla days... I still say they're way too cowardly when it comes to banning folks, though... for all my verbiage, that was my whole point... by quickly stomping out anybody with a different point of view, they risk creating a board which is, as I've said a number of times now, nothing more than a circle jerk...

If I subscribed to a Cowboys board that acted that way, I'd quickly unsubscribe... who wants to hear nothing but "How 'bout them Cowboys??" I wanna hear from Cowboys fans who piss me off with their negativity, so that I can argue with them, and I wanna hear from the homers, so I can laugh at them... I wanna hear from good fans of other teams, so that we can have lively but non-inflammatory debate, and I wanna hear from trolls, so I can smack them around some...

I also wanna cuss like a trucker, but you guys won't let me... that's the only reason I still hang out in the Cowboys newsgroup...

One thing I can say, though-- I really like Bang's cartoons over there... the guy's a genius... that's a plus that nobody else can offer...

In fairness to them...they DO get a lot of trolls who's only purpose is to troll on that site.

They have a HUGE number of members there and IMO not enough mods for the number, so they have a big task of trying to keep things in line.

They also have some good, respected posters who are fans of other teams and many of those fans get treated fairly and have a high level of respect from many of the skins fans.

You have admitted that you do not visit so you do not see much of only see the negative aspects which every message board will have.

For the most part in my limited time there I think many do a good job, even if it does come with a bit of homerism, but hey it is their board so that is to be expected to a degree.
I really only have a problem with one of their moderators as I truly think he is acts in an arrogant, childish and weasle like manner.
He IMO is the cause of many of their problems and the reason many trolls visit the board in the first place.
BrAinPaiNt said:
In fairness to them...they DO get a lot of trolls who's only purpose is to troll on that site.

They have a HUGE number of members there and IMO not enough mods for the number, so they have a big task of trying to keep things in line.

As you and I well know, being a moderator is a tough gig even in the best of circumstances... and I have developed a sincere respect for their other mods that I have talked with over the last day or so... not only do they seem like good guys who are standing up for their board, they strike me as pretty intelligent and well-spoken...

They also have some good, respected posters who are fans of other teams and many of those fans get treated fairly and have a high level of respect from many of the skins fans.

You have admitted that you do not visit so you do not see much of only see the negative aspects which every message board will have.

Hey, my ONLY criticism of the board is based in the heavy-handed, IMO cowardly, way they wield the ban...

I really only have a problem with one of their moderators as I truly think he is acts in an arrogant, childish and weasle like manner.

If it's the "Benny" lookalike whose picture we were recently treated to, he is indeed a card-carrying punk... how in God's name did that punk get to be a mod over there??
Eric_Boyer said:
that's what I was thinking. Tone down the over the top ego rant.

Aw gee, I'm SORRY, Eric...

Sorry that you're utterly lacking in anything resembling a sense of humor... or perhaps you think I really take myself that seriously...

Man, I have never wanted to punch a cowboys fan so much.

Hey, that can be arranged... I'm an accomodating sort...
silverbear said:
Aw gee, I'm SORRY, Eric...

Sorry that you're utterly lacking in anything resembling a sense of humor... or perhaps you think I really take myself that seriously...

Hey, that can be arranged... I'm an accomodating sort...
Look in a mirror bud.

I was just having fun with your over the top ego.
BTW, if you don't like the way I talk about your precious board, perhaps YOU shouldn't visit HERE... do you seriously think we're gonna modify our behavior to satisfy your dainty sensibilities??

Now that's a good point. After reading the past ten paragraphs I don’t think I can convince you of anything. Bash away, bud. I’m glad you’ve got it all figured out. :)
Eric_Boyer said:
Look in a mirror bud.

I was just having fun with your over the top ego.

LOL... then you got me, you rascule...

Good for you...
Henry said:
Now that's a good point. After reading the past ten paragraphs I don’t think I can convince you of anything.

Well, I don't seriously want you to go away, I was just being sarcastic...

Bash away, bud. I’m glad you’ve got it all figured out. :)

At least you finally recognized I've got it all figured out... progress is being made...

Well this has been a nice thread to read. ;) .......The only reason they are so strict about the "banning" and temp bans over there is because 18,000 MORE people have joined since I did. Many whom of which contribute little to the conversation and aren't needed. The mods are simply narrowing down the problems. They do not ban someone because they give an opinion. They ban them because they break a rule.

I think it is easily concluded that BOTH forums have the occasional off topic threads and that both teams have fairweather fans but to sit here arguing in OUR OWN bias isn't going to do anything but make our fingers numb. Not a person here can convince me cowboys fans are better than skins fans.And obviously the same in cowboys view

I really see little purpose in anyone else commenting on this topic. It's not like either sides is going to give in.


~edited for spelling
KINGBRICE_28 said:
Well this has been a nice thread to read. ;) .......The only reason they are so strict about the "banning" and temp bans over there is because 18,000 MORE people have joined since I did. Many whom of which contribute little to the conversation and aren't needed. The mods are simply narrowing down the problems. They do not ban someone because they give an opinion. They ban them because they break a rule.

I think it is easily concluded that BOTH forums have the occasional off topic threads and that both teams have fairweather fans but to sit here arguing in OUR OWN bias isn't going to do anything but make our fingers numb. Not a person here can convince me cowboys fans are better than skins fans.And obviously the same in cowboys view

I really see little purpose in anyone else commenting on this topic. It's not like either sides is going to give in.


~edited for spelling

You dont have to give in, we already know we are right :cool:
Commanders fans by now should be use to use just beating the crap out of them every time we play. I don't know they continue to talk just take your a twice
a year beating like a man
InParcellsWetrust said:
Commanders fans by now should be use to use just beating the crap out of them every time we play. I don't know they continue to talk just take your a twice
a year beating like a man

never, because the streak is going to turn soon and I want to be here BEFORE it does.
KINGBRICE_28 said:
never, because the streak is going to turn soon and I want to be here BEFORE it does.

Lets see, at your current rate, you will beat us next by....*gets out calculator, 3 hours of complicated mathmatical equations*...whoa...lets just say Mike Tyson will regain sanity before you beat the Cowboys again.
HeavyHitta31 said:
Lets see, at your current rate, you will beat us next by....*gets out calculator, 3 hours of complicated mathmatical equations*...whoa...lets just say Mike Tyson will regain sanity before you beat the Cowboys again.

Well If it's up to tyson I've got a BIG problem on my hands...... :cool:
InParcellsWetrust said:
Yep we heard that one before Commanders fan and yet Dallas continues to whip your candy *** every year

Read the full thread before commenting......You look like an Idiot now......Please your fellow fans have maintained class when speaking to me why do you want to be the first person on the site to meet the cowboy fan steriotype. Pipe down...I'm not here to troll.....I'm here to talk football.....


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