Commander fans at Texas Stadium

Irving Cowboy said:
Somebody dig up that pic!!!! :banghead:
Art and his deadskin posse *keepin' it real" (Art is the one in the middle ...that is one bad MOFU)
jamez25 said:
Art and his deadskin posse *keepin' it real" (Art is the one in the middle ...that is one bad MOFU)

Damn, that boy is white!!! :eek: I could swear thats Art's Commander profile said he was in his 30s....
jamez25 said:
Art and his deadskin posse *keepin' it real" (Art is the one in the middle ...that is one bad MOFU)

That can't seriously be Art, huh? You gotta be joking... right?
jamez25 said:
Art and his deadskin posse *keepin' it real" (Art is the one in the middle ...that is one bad MOFU)
Slightly older pic of Art reminding us how baaaaad he is,

HeavyHitta31 said:
OMFG IM ROLLING!!!!! :D :grin:

Art, youve just been OWNED!!!

Art's been owned for the majority of the last 7 seasons now, he should be used to it.
Well, this IS a pretty funny thread, even to me ... but probably not for the same reason it's funny to all of you. Any of YOU ever have four pages of talk devoted to you on another site? :)

And by the way ... I know Art. He's most definitely white, he's most definitely in his 30's, and he's most definitely every bit of 6'4 and 240. I also know that the exchange paroted here is probably VERY close to what was actually said.

I know you don't believe any of that, but that's okay. At least it's been said.

Now feel free to proceed and make fun of me in my absence, too.
Om said:
Now feel free to proceed and make fun of me in my absence, too.

If we do, will you promise to say a bunch of "thee's" and "thou shalt's" and neat-o olde english stuff like that?? It really makes us feel so cultured!!
Om said:
Well, this IS a pretty funny thread, even to me ... but probably not for the same reason it's funny to all of you. Any of YOU ever have four pages of talk devoted to you on another site? :)

And by the way ... I know Art. He's most definitely white, he's most definitely in his 30's, and he's most definitely every bit of 6'4 and 240. I also know that the exchange paroted here is probably VERY close to what was actually said.

I know you don't believe any of that, but that's okay. At least it's been said.

Now feel free to proceed and make fun of me in my absence, too.
Im hoping you view this thread one more time :crossed:. Om, have you or your staff gotten my message?
Om said:
Well, this IS a pretty funny thread, even to me ... but probably not for the same reason it's funny to all of you. Any of YOU ever have four pages of talk devoted to you on another site? :)

And by the way ... I know Art. He's most definitely white, he's most definitely in his 30's, and he's most definitely every bit of 6'4 and 240. I also know that the exchange paroted here is probably VERY close to what was actually said.

I know you don't believe any of that, but that's okay. At least it's been said.

Now feel free to proceed and make fun of me in my absence, too.

Art must be Oms HERO. :jerk:
Hey OM, Glad to see ya.Since you know ART can you please tell me how he's doing? I've noticed he has'nt posted on Extreemskins board since the loss. Tell me he did'nt go off the deep end. Im really worried about him.......................................................................................................................................................NOT! :p
Cas2800 said:
Hey OM, Glad to see ya.Since you know ART can you please tell me how he's doing? I've noticed he has'nt posted on Extreemskins board since the loss. Tell me he did'nt go off the deep end. Im really worried about him.......................................................................................................................................................NOT! :p
His post went right over your head huh?
Om said:
Well, this IS a pretty funny thread, even to me ... but probably not for the same reason it's funny to all of you. Any of YOU ever have four pages of talk devoted to you on another site? :)

And by the way ... I know Art. He's most definitely white, he's most definitely in his 30's, and he's most definitely every bit of 6'4 and 240. I also know that the exchange paroted here is probably VERY close to what was actually said.

I know you don't believe any of that, but that's okay. At least it's been said.

Now feel free to proceed and make fun of me in my absence, too.


So one of two things happened.....

Either Big Bad Art made up the story about throwing around a Cowboys fan, then posted it on a message board for the heaps of testosterone-fueled male encouragement in order to soothe his tender pangs of real-life inadequacy.....


Big Bad Art really DID throw around a Cowboys fan and still felt inadequate enough to have to post the incident on a message board for the heaps of testosterone-fueled male encouragement, making him INCREDIBLY GAY.
Om said:
Well, this IS a pretty funny thread, even to me ... but probably not for the same reason it's funny to all of you. Any of YOU ever have four pages of talk devoted to you on another site? :)
I don't, but then again I've never gone on a message board and brag about how I acted all big and bad at a game.
Om said:
And by the way ... I know Art. He's most definitely white, he's most definitely in his 30's, and he's most definitely every bit of 6'4 and 240.

I've seen his picture, he's the Pillsbury Doughboy... yeah, he's tall, but he's obviously very soft... looks like there isn't a muscle in his body...

I've whipped better men than Art just to get to a good fight... and I'm only 5-9, 215... like we said when I was growin' up in West Texas, it ain't the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog... and in my personal experience, those that have to run around in packs before they'll play the bad*ss ain't got much fight in them...

Art is a punk, and talks like a punk... if you want to believe his laughable chest-thumping, you must be easily impressed... I'd wager my last dollar that he'd curl up in the fetal position and wet himself if he ever actually had to face down a pissed-off fan, ready to fight...
A HA!!! I knew I had it somewhere...

Here is the pic, Art is the one on the left.

Om, you can correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe I am...

Irving Cowboy said:
A HA!!! I knew I had it somewhere...

Here is the pic, Art is the one on the left.

Om, you can correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe I am...


Irving Cowboy said:
A HA!!! I knew I had it somewhere...

Here is the pic, Art is the one on the left.

Om, you can correct me if I am wrong, but I don't believe I am...

Oh yea, that's him, and judging by the "dreamy" look in the eye's of the guy admiring him to his right, I'd say that's his........ ughhhhhhh....... " special friend"??

Quite the imposing figure, isn't he!!??


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