I think we're in the same boat. Everyone says Jimmy won those SB's. I contend then he should have won in Miami.
It is apparent Jimmy benefitted by no cap and Jerry's money, as much as Jerry benefitted by Jimmy's coaching acumen.
jimmy did win those SB's, thats why he is in HOF .
Thats why his players showed up to support him.
In miami, he didnt have the walker type deal to help him get a bunch of draft picks.
I dont know what they did 1st season, but I doubt they had the # 1 pick like he did after the 89 season.
Those 2 things helped jimmy build the dallas team quickly, he didnt have that in miami.
he was also stuck with marino, not a new young qb to work with.
he also didnt have a norv turner for OC, or dave W for DC
and jimmy had already done what he set out to do in dallas, after that he lost intensity and motivation too.
He took the miami job only because it was close to home, a smarter move would have been to choose another team where not a lot is needed,
but he wanted to work close to home which shows he wasnt that motivated anymore. It was just a job, and he probably had a inflated ego himself
after what he did in dallas, and that made him think he could do it anywhere.
he did get the defense built, and then his mother died , and that led to him retiring. Had he stayed 4 more years he might have won a SB there.
jerrys money? had nothing to do with jimmy winning in dallas, it did cost them 2 games in 93 when jerry refused to pay emmitt lol.
jimmy was making all sorts of moves all the time in dallas, that helped him build the team, he made a lot of trades, drafted good , and made good decisions.
Imagine if he kept walsh over aikman, or traded irvin for picks.