I didn't expect you or anyone else to answer. You never do.
We have addressed everything in that post over and over again. You are not fooling anyone with the snide accusations. I am not running away from the case plays, I brought them to the discussion two years ago when you were saying
NOTHING ENDS GOING TO THE GROUND. When you were confronted with them again here you realized you were wrong and instead of just saying you know they may have gotten it wrong, you instead create a complete fantasy interpretation. When asked for a rule citation to support it, you got nothing. When I give you rule support in a logical( and correct) way to interpret the case plays, and we supply a video where Blandino himself says our interpretation is correct. You post an outright fabrication of a rule change between 2013 and 2014 to run away from Blandino's words that destroy your theory. You then post a War and Peace sized misrepresentation of the rules, pumped full of questions you think will prove a point, when there is no point to be made, and more snide remarks and accusations. It is laughable.
Anyone wanting to know the correct interpretation here it is:
Rule 8.1.3.a.b.c tells us how a receiver becomes a runner.
Item 1 deals with a receiver going to the ground, key word here is receiver.
The catch process in rule 8.1.3 is as follows:
a) Control...player is a receiver
b) Two feet down inbounds...player is a receiver
c) Time to perform any act common to the game...player is a runner
Case play A.R. 15.95 has a heading of act common to the game, so we know it is connected to 8.1.3.c that says any act common to the game.
Case plays A.R. 8.12 and 8.13 are have going to the ground as its heading. Now if we go back we know that Item 1 is for a receiver going to the ground. That is a player that has not completed part c) of 8.1.3. Both case plays describe a player that is going to the ground that meets part a) control, part b) two feet, and then complete an act common to the game to complete part c) and they become a runner.
To sum up, Control, Two Feet, Act Common to the Game, makes you a runner and Item 1 goes away.