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scalding hot water on a poison ivy rash is damn near orgasmic
ROFL, I did that too! Not quite scalding, but I was tempted. Oh, it felt sooooo goooooood!

That seems counterintuitive. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would think opening the pores is the last thing you want to do.
I'm certain you are right about that, but it was so satisfying.
Movies with a drunk / drug addict hero who deep down is a great guy and goes around ignoring all the laws while kicking ***.

Seems like every other action movie is based around this premise, for the love of god, come up with something original.
Movies with a drunk / drug addict hero who deep down is a great guy and goes around ignoring all the laws while kicking ***.

Seems like every other action movie is based around this premise, for the love of god, come up with something original.
Even TV shows are like that. Commercials filled with people you would not voluntarily be in the same room with put in leading roles. Thanks, but no thanks.
That seems counterintuitive. I'm not saying you're wrong, but I would think opening the pores is the last thing you want to do.
nothing, and I mean nothing in the world feels better on a poison ivy rash than hot water, is it worse in the long run? I don't know. If you're trying to wash off the ivy oil when you first get into it obviously you use cold water, once it gets me I'm screwed no matter what.The biggest problem with poison ivy rash now is doctors want you to go through a run of steroids instead of giving you a shot which works way faster. I used to go to the pharmacist in my hometown and he would give me a shot but he retired.
Complaint: Sitting here waiting for the football season to finally startup again...
Complaint: People at the gym who monopolize two machines at once, and when they leave one machine vacant and someone goes to use it, they rush over and say, "Hold on, I just have one more set!"
Complaint: It seems like all women think stretch pants work for them.
Yoga pants are nice but they've become the everyday wear for many women. I'm not one to complain about what I think is nice in those things but there's a place and a time. I also can't see where those 60 and 70 year old women think this is acceptable. Again, time and place.
Gypsy moth caterpillars. There are so many this year, you step outside and all you see and hear are leaf pieces and caterpillar crap covering the ground. (A little alliteration for you, @CouchCoach .)
Yoga pants are nice but they've become the everyday wear for many women. I'm not one to complain about what I think is nice in those things but there's a place and a time. I also can't see where those 60 and 70 year old women think this is acceptable. Again, time and place.
Where? Try the HEB in Marble Falls, TX. It's like watching prunes fighting to get out of a stocking. Anyone get that 4 hour side effect of Viagra, go there, immediate cure. And if it's not the skinny ones, it's the ones that look like they glued their beanbag chair to their butt. They need to make horizontal blinders like they make the vertical ones for racehorses so I can't see down.

And speaking of racehorses, and I was, lovin' me some Justify. Hit the Exacta and Trifecta yesterday, No complaints.
Gypsy moth caterpillars. There are so many this year, you step outside and all you see and hear are leaf pieces and caterpillar crap covering the ground. (A little alliteration for you, @CouchCoach .)
Be still my beating heart, I swoon for alliteration, Runny.

Ya ever been around when then cicadas come out? When we moved to Baton Rogue, there were still woods at the end of the cul-de-sac and they came out the second year we were there. It was at this decibel level and pitch that made it hard to sleep. Very annoying and one uglyass bug.
Be still my beating heart, I swoon for alliteration, Runny.

Ya ever been around when then cicadas come out? When we moved to Baton Rogue, there were still woods at the end of the cul-de-sac and they came out the second year we were there. It was at this decibel level and pitch that made it hard to sleep. Very annoying and one uglyass bug.
I don't remember them making noise at night, but during the day, yeah, they were insanely loud, shrill, and relentless.......I've only experienced that one other time, and I divorced her 17 years ago.
I don't remember them making noise at night, but during the day, yeah, they were insanely loud, shrill, and relentless.......I've only experienced that one other time, and I divorced her 17 years ago.
17 years? Oosp, get ready for a return visit.
Complaint: Annoying People

Kevin Hart came to my area and the show was last night. I had this girl sitting in the row in front of the wife and I. Every time a comedian said something funny she would either stand up clapping and doing an almost Arsenio Hall pump, or she would go into some weird convulsion stomping her feet or literally turn and beat on her boyfriend. Oh, and every time she would do this she would have to be yelling "Yooooooooooooo!!!!!!"

I feel like a lot of people around here were getting annoyed. Luckily towards the end of Kevin Hart's set she was starting to run out of steam and the show was getting enjoyable again.

Maybe I am just getting old. :laugh:
Complaint: Annoying People

Kevin Hart came to my area and the show was last night. I had this girl sitting in the row in front of the wife and I. Every time a comedian said something funny she would either stand up clapping and doing an almost Arsenio Hall pump, or she would go into some weird convulsion stomping her feet or literally turn and beat on her boyfriend. Oh, and every time she would do this she would have to be yelling "Yooooooooooooo!!!!!!"

I feel like a lot of people around here were getting annoyed. Luckily towards the end of Kevin Hart's set she was starting to run out of steam and the show was getting enjoyable again.

Maybe I am just getting old. :laugh:
Hmmmm, I like annoying people because animals get tired of it and ignore me. I can always count on annoying people once I find out what really annoys them. And with some people, that's the first thing I look for.

SZ, there is definitely something to the aging process affecting our patience and tolerance because it's the "wear down and out" effect. I got so freakin' tired of people sitting around me when I am trying to stay in the moment in a movie and rustling with their candy wrappers or digging in their popcorn box like they're mining for the last old maid they can crunch or shaking the ice in their cup that I either wait for the movie to almost be out of the theater or just don't go. Never go to the theater for comedies.

That girl at the show thought she was the show and too often that is the norm and they do it when something is only mildly funny so they can stand out.
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