Contract/Cap trouble on the horizon?


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They don’t.

Cap is always going up and you always kick the can down the line.

Saints have been over for years. Browns are 84 million over next year already.
I'd agree.
Not that the cap isn't a real limiting factor, but the cap is exploding right now.
It will be over 300 mil in a few short years.
Dak is on the books for 60 mil next season, so expect them to extend him and open up close to 30 mil in space.
CeeDee is also on the books for his 5th year contract of 18 (as he was a first round pick).
We can play him at that and then have up to 2 years to tag him, or if we give him a deal this offseason, it will actually save cap next year as his first year will likely be less that the 18 he is currently guaranteed. I'd do the deal now, as WR salaries are only going to keep going up and he is the real deal, plus he's young at 24, so the chances he remains productive the length of a 5 year deal are quite high.
CeeDee and Dak alone open up like 35 mil in space, then there are the regular restructure targets like Martin, DLaw, plus new deals that will be able to be restructured next year (like Diggs and Steele and Wilson etc).
Truth be told we could open up over 50 mil if we want pretty easily.

They've actually done a good job with the cap, so while it's true we have a lot coming up, we are in good position to deal with it,
One of the keys is our older players are still productive, so guys like DLaw and Martin still playing at elite levels makes this managable. If those guys had fallen off a cliff we'd have issues (ie, bad contracts).
It's easier to swallow giving a 25 or 26 year old a 5 year deal, as it's likely they remain productive the length of the contract, so you can keep restructuring to open up space, and it's easier to swallow to 'comeuppance". Still need to be careful, but I believe that was the motivation to resigning Diggs (and even Steele).

We really don't have bad contracts. Gallup comes to mind a bit. Cooks is on the books at 10, and he finally seems to be coming on, but Gallup at 13 may not make sense in keeping (assuming Cooks cements the #2 role, and we feel that Tolbert ((and possibly Turpin)) keep coming on).
Steele is certainly a concern, but hopefully that is more related to his injury and he works himself back into a good RT.
I'd expect they do something similar with Tyron to this year, and they could keep the OL in tact (personally I'd go LT in round 1 and keep Tyron for another year but that's just me).

It's a bit of a tightrope walk with the cap, but you have to give the front office credit where it's due, and they have done a solid job of cap management.

As far as free agents, we have some good ones. Biadiaz is interesting. He a good player, but not great. I cringed when they named him to the Pro Bowl last year. He's not a Pro Bowl level player, and his agent likely will use that against us.
Armstrong is a solid player, and I'd consider bringing him back at a middling deal, though it may be time for Williams to play more, and there are always the Fowler type guys out there, who are cheap, plus the draft, so I don't expect s to go too high on keeping Armstrong.
I'd keep Gilmore at the right price as insurance against a slow return by Diggs, plus I think he could play the slot and frankly, in today's NFL, your slot corner is a starter, and I believe currently a weakness with Lewis. (That's where we feel the Diggs injury most IMO, as Bland would be in the slot if Diggs didn;t go down).
Guys like Kearse and Armstrong I'd keep at value deals, but that really depends on them as players. Frankly we have players to replace them if the need arises.


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People here look at the jarbled mess Philadelphia has made of its cap with millions with multiple players prorated into years long after the contract is up and fawn over its brilliance. I’m not going to stress over Dak’s contract… he’s earned every penny he gets!!
And who has been in and won SBs lately?


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We're in a pretty good position cap wise. Micah and Lamb will take up a ton of room, but we have basically budgeted for it.


I'm not dead yet......
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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
Dak's people should be smiling but it's what they'll be doing at the end of the season that matters. Jerry may be frowning


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No such thing as cap issues. You can always move the money around and restructure.


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So when you draft players, you hope they work out and give you a reason to give them that second contract. But what happens when it works out in Spades? Dak's people are smiling big time right now. He demanded a 4 year deal last contract specifically for the scenario that has developed.

QB pay played out as they wanted. Burrow got paid, Mahomes, Herbert.... they all struck gold. Now Dak is having possibly his best season ever. If Dak continues playing at this level what is his extension going to look like? Im thinking it would look like burrow at the minimum 5 year 275 million? Dak will be 31 years old after the 24 season when that deal expires, so Im guessing they will not want a 4 year deal, but will want to maximize this current contract as it is likely his last when he will hold all the bargaining power, no? Do they go for a 5 year 300 million deal?

Right in there with Dak you now have Cee Dee about to get paid. Whats his deal gonna look like? Then right behind that we got Parsons deal coming and we all know that is gonna likely be the highest paid defensive contract in history.

Oh.... at one point I was positive this was Tyron Smith's last season in Dallas. Uhm.... have you all been paying attention to what he is doing? Isnt he in the last year of his current deal? If he finishes the season actually on the field, we will give him another contract.

At what point do these contracts break the camels back?
And why the future is now.

If this team doesn’t have anymore success than it’s had then I’m not sure it’s worth keeping together.

The windows on keeping teams together is limited.

If we can’t win with this core of talent now then it’s not likely we will after paying more of them limiting the supporting cast.


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Correct there's some have said below kicking the can down the road the way you structure contracts and the cat going up yearly I'm not worried about it they'll sign who they think needs to be signed and you're forgetting Deron bland now gonna wanna get in the mix and we just paid some of our safeties and Trayvon diggs so yeah we got some big contracts coming up

as far as Prescott he played this good pretty much every year I I don't know what people's problem are with saying now he's playing his best ball he had 37 touchdowns only 10 interceptions in like 4800 yards in 2021... Last year when he came back from the broken hand did he not have our team playing just like this for about six or seven games in a row we were tops and scoring red zone scoring third down percentage 36ppg?? How is this any different people wanna call Prescott bad because this summer the interceptions last year but he also had 25 touchdowns in that same shortened season and played really well against Tampa Bay in the playoffs this is just more who Prescott always been it's not his fault you can't win in the playoffs when your offensive line your run game and some other things don't fall into place like having your offensive line have 11 penalties in the game, literally not on him.. I know he hasn't looked his best in the playoffs but neither has the rest of the team that's the problem everyone needs a good team around them ask Brock Purdy when he lost a few of his players ask the Philadelphia Eagles when they lose some of their key players hell I've seen hurts look like a completely different guy without their right tackle in there you know their Hall of Fame right tackle missing one guy how it affects the team well this is what we've been going through in the playoffs..
But but again I don't see much difference in Prescott now this year or last year or the year before he was playing this great in 2020 before he broke his ankle didn't have a defense but do you remember the yards and points that he was putting up in 2020 prior to his ankle getting broke?? didn't really have a defense in 2021 either, I mean at times our defense is looking sketchy right now look at the time of possession and some of these long drives people going for it in Carolina and Washington like just putting up yards it looks like rod marinelli's defense now that just gets more turnovers they're boom or bust...​
So like many other quarterbacks on many other good teams you have to have a team play their best as well in order for you to show your best it's kind of hard without a run game and an offensive line and that is why we've been losing these playoff games..​
I guess my shorter point is Prescott's been up due for another contract and it's not just the way he's playing this year it's the way he's always played... No quarterbacks perfect no one's going to have every game where you're on point and playing at this level but he's had a stretch of games like this every single year in his career for the most part... I mean when you win 11 games in a row as a rookie and win rookie of the year and play very good against the Packers in the playoff game how is that not some of his best football ever??​
There are gonna be people that say Prescott doesn't deserve this contract but when you look at Daniel Jones deal and then all these guys you talk about that got paid what have they done in the playoffs outside of Patrick mahomes the five new contracts that's happened in the last two years what have they really done in the playoffs or have they won a Super Bowl or are they staying healthy I mean exactly how does that really come into the debate that should not be part of the debate is do you want to keep Prescott is he the best bet for us or do you want to start over and be bad because that's probably the outlook if you get rid of Prescott...​
That is the only question should be is Prescott our best option going forward or does this team ready to rebuild on offense?? window staying open for few more years, than keep him but if this looks liek the best we can do and not make a NFCCG again. Who knows? only the Jonses know and they will decide...​
If I'm deck why not just go to another team? The disrespect he gets around the fan base it's in it's insane underappreciated top ten quarterback that just gets hated on constantly he would instantly be an upgrade to 16 other teams in this league if not more that need a quarterback anyway... Yeah, he would instantly get a job in an hour.... And the teams that can afford it probably will pay him the market money to get him for a few years...​
Yep. The cap goes up every year. JJ should have maybe signed Dak to a contract earlier in his career before wentz got his big deal. We need to sign Dak and Lamb and Parsons. And Bland is making a case to possible get him under contract. We will have O-Line needing money also. I think Biadiaz is due. But cap goes up also. Would like to see us keep all of them.


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And who has been in and won SBs lately?
Lol wow! You stop paying players who’ve earned 2nd contracts because they haven’t won a SB yet… that’s a lot of players exiting the league who were deserving of so and a lot of hall worthy players who’ll never get there. The “he shouldn’t get what he’s earned because he hasn’t won a SB” is the lowest common denominator a basic reasoning skills usage… on the level of a potato!


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The idea that the cap doesn't exist or is irrelevant is completely absurd. It's a real and important element in the NFL. A team can "kick the can down the road", but ultimately it catches up to you.

Sign every player to a big contract, and at some point it affects future seasons. Depth especially is wiped out. The solution is being willing to trade good valuable players, in their prime, for draft picks. It's a leap of faith, the success of which depends on how well the team uses those draft picks. High draft picks are gold because they represent good players who are cheap. This is the solution. Good teams are willing to part with good players.


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So when you draft players, you hope they work out and give you a reason to give them that second contract. But what happens when it works out in Spades? Dak's people are smiling big time right now. He demanded a 4 year deal last contract specifically for the scenario that has developed.

QB pay played out as they wanted. Burrow got paid, Mahomes, Herbert.... they all struck gold. Now Dak is having possibly his best season ever. If Dak continues playing at this level what is his extension going to look like? Im thinking it would look like burrow at the minimum 5 year 275 million? Dak will be 31 years old after the 24 season when that deal expires, so Im guessing they will not want a 4 year deal, but will want to maximize this current contract as it is likely his last when he will hold all the bargaining power, no? Do they go for a 5 year 300 million deal?

Right in there with Dak you now have Cee Dee about to get paid. Whats his deal gonna look like? Then right behind that we got Parsons deal coming and we all know that is gonna likely be the highest paid defensive contract in history.

Oh.... at one point I was positive this was Tyron Smith's last season in Dallas. Uhm.... have you all been paying attention to what he is doing? Isnt he in the last year of his current deal? If he finishes the season actually on the field, we will give him another contract.

At what point do these contracts break the camels back?
At what point will fans stop worrying about next year and just enjoy what is happening now?

Or....there is this kid in kindergarten that projects to be the most accurate passer ever in the NFL. He can throw his plastic Batman toy from one side of the room to the other with just a flick of his wrist. Maybe Dallas can get into position to draft him in 17 years.

But they need to begin thinking and preparing the cap for when he hits his first post rookie contract. Because year three and four of that contract will kill the cap for Dallas.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. You live moment by moment. Cease with this decorating a room in a house you haven't purchased as yet.


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At what point will fans stop worrying about next year and just enjoy what is happening now?

Or....there is this kid in kindergarten that projects to be the most accurate passer ever in the NFL. He can throw his plastic Batman toy from one side of the room to the other with just a flick of his wrist. Maybe Dallas can get into position to draft him in 17 years.

But they need to begin thinking and preparing the cap for when he hits his first post rookie contract. Because year three and four of that contract will kill the cap for Dallas.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. You live moment by moment. Cease with this decorating a room in a house you haven't purchased as yet.
I agree with you 1,000%.
The team is approaching the final third of the season in the running for a division title and/or playoff berth, probably winning 12 games +
for the third year in a done with players having MVP worthy \ record-breaking performances as contributions.
Yet some fans prefer hand-wringing about future contracts, or do number-crunching as a couch capologists.
How the 2023 Cowboys season winds up is my focus now.


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Yep. The cap goes up every year. JJ should have maybe signed Dak to a contract earlier in his career before wentz got his big deal. We need to sign Dak and Lamb and Parsons. And Bland is making a case to possible get him under contract. We will have O-Line needing money also. I think Biadiaz is due. But cap goes up also. Would like to see us keep all of them.
People keep saying that but do you really believe that Prescott's agents and Prescott himself was gonna allow himself to sign a long term deal that didn't benefit him it would have been short and he would have been up for another contract and this would have again been up for another contract and there wouldn't have been a lot of money saving people who think Jerry could have got Prescott for less didn't realize it wasn't gonna be a long term deal he would have made sure of it just like he did this time that way he's right back in the mix this is how good agents who are lawyers and are money people when they work with superstars have the leverage and use the leverage he was not gonna sign for some peanuts before or after went he might have done a 2 year deal or a three-year deal but he would have wanted to be right back in the money that is how it works that is why you just have to roll with how it is..


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Uh what? We already gave him a market setting extension once and had no issue building good teams. Why would we all of a sudden not know how to do what we’ve already done?


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The 49ers have some cap issues of their own looming too.


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So when you draft players, you hope they work out and give you a reason to give them that second contract. But what happens when it works out in Spades? Dak's people are smiling big time right now. He demanded a 4 year deal last contract specifically for the scenario that has developed.

QB pay played out as they wanted. Burrow got paid, Mahomes, Herbert.... they all struck gold. Now Dak is having possibly his best season ever. If Dak continues playing at this level what is his extension going to look like? Im thinking it would look like burrow at the minimum 5 year 275 million? Dak will be 31 years old after the 24 season when that deal expires, so Im guessing they will not want a 4 year deal, but will want to maximize this current contract as it is likely his last when he will hold all the bargaining power, no? Do they go for a 5 year 300 million deal?

Right in there with Dak you now have Cee Dee about to get paid. Whats his deal gonna look like? Then right behind that we got Parsons deal coming and we all know that is gonna likely be the highest paid defensive contract in history.

Oh.... at one point I was positive this was Tyron Smith's last season in Dallas. Uhm.... have you all been paying attention to what he is doing? Isnt he in the last year of his current deal? If he finishes the season actually on the field, we will give him another contract.

At what point do these contracts break the camels back?
Cowboys are among the best at cap management.


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Lol wow! You stop paying players who’ve earned 2nd contracts because they haven’t won a SB yet… that’s a lot of players exiting the league who were deserving of so and a lot of hall worthy players who’ll never get there. The “he shouldn’t get what he’s earned because he hasn’t won a SB” is the lowest common denominator a basic reasoning skills usage… on the level of a potato!
Wow I am laughing so hard at this.
Eagles been there and done that recently and we have not.
Care to make more excuses?


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At what point will fans stop worrying about next year and just enjoy what is happening now?

Or....there is this kid in kindergarten that projects to be the most accurate passer ever in the NFL. He can throw his plastic Batman toy from one side of the room to the other with just a flick of his wrist. Maybe Dallas can get into position to draft him in 17 years.

But they need to begin thinking and preparing the cap for when he hits his first post rookie contract. Because year three and four of that contract will kill the cap for Dallas.

Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not promised. You live moment by moment. Cease with this decorating a room in a house you haven't purchased as yet.
You are a regular William Shakespeare. You seem to think one can't enjoy this season and wonder about next at the same time.


Well-Known Member
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I agree with you 1,000%.
The team is approaching the final third of the season in the running for a division title and/or playoff berth, probably winning 12 games +
for the third year in a done with players having MVP worthy \ record-breaking performances as contributions.
Yet some fans prefer hand-wringing about future contracts, or do number-crunching as a couch capologists.
How the 2023 Cowboys season winds up is my focus now.
So why are you in this thread reading and posting on something you don't care about. You saw the headline. Just move along.