Cool pic + Marcus Spears questions who is there *merged*

The problem is, with three 8-8s and three week 17 division title games, we're pretty much right in the middle in terms of production. The three straight losses, age of the QB, and the state of the salary cap through 2014 are plenty of reasons to be relatively pessimistic for the coming season, in my opinion. I'm not pessimistic, but I see that there are plenty of reasons to believe that way.

The only commentary I take issue with is the stuff that suggests we're garbage, or a dumpster fire, or the like. We've been a borderline franchise in the East under Garrett, and that's just not good enough. I think we can all agree with that--including the players and the coaches.

Be very careful where you're treading here...once you go down this dark path, there's no turning back. Hater.....
Be very careful where you're treading here...once you go down this dark path, there's no turning back. Hater.....

I know, rite?

Hey...four years of missing the's not like there isn't reason to be frustrated.
These are interesting. Shanle was in Dallas through, what, 2006? We had a pretty good, young team at that time, too. I wonder who the 'me' players are referencing. From context, you'd have to assume it was Romo and Witten, since Demarcus is no longer with the team and Demarco wasn't there when Shanle was and so can't really have 'turned into' anything from Shanle's perspective.
Players talk around the league. Especially with Shanle b/c he kept a home in Dallas even after he left, so it's not surprising at all to hear his comments. Every season, every offseason we hear players/ex-players questioning the locker room dynamic and leadership of this franchise. I'm sorry but you lose the right to argue that all of this is made up nonsense when the team proves its lack of intangibles by losing 3 straight playoff elimination games. There is some truth to the matter. IMO this team has a chemistry problem. This is not a close knit team like San Fran, N.O., Seattle, etc. They are a bunch of individuals with a robot head coach who provides very little leadership. Images of "chosen" players always hanging out with the owner and coach in the offseason does not help the matter at all. I don't care how bad these players were, they were in the locker room. Spears was a leader in the locker room. He was the main spokesman to the media every week. He was friends with a lot of people on the team and still remains friends with players. Trust me, what he said on twitter a few days ago has been said before amongst the players. He didn't just come up with this opinion on the spot.
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I know, rite?

Hey...four years of missing the's not like there isn't reason to be frustrated.

I agree. And it's also the off-season so we'll debate this stuff to death. At the end of the day (at least to me anyway), this will be a very telling season and most of it again will hang on Romo. I'm not convinced the guy can come back. If he dinks and dunks his way through the season and no longer has the arm to go down field, we're in trouble.
Players talk around the league. Especially with Shanle b/c he kept a home in Dallas even after he left, so it's not surprising at all to hear his comments. Every season, every offseason we hear players/ex-players questioning the locker room dynamic and leadership of this franchise. I'm sorry but you lose the right to argue that all of this is made up nonsense when the team proves its lack of intangibles by losing 3 straight playoff elimination games. There is some truth to the matter. IMO this team has a chemistry problem. This is not a close knit team like San Fran, N.O., Seattle, etc. They are a bunch of individuals with a robot head coach who provides very little leadership. Images of "chosen" players always hanging out with the owner and coach in the offseason does not help the matter at all. I don't care how bad these players were, they were in the locker room. Spears was a leader in the locker room. He was the main spokesman to the media every week. He was friends with a lot of people on the team and still remains friends with players. Trust me, what he said on twitter a few days ago has been said before amongst the players. He didn't just come up with this opinion on the spot.

San Fran, NO, Seattle, etc. have a strong head coach. He's supposed to be the guy that keeps that chemistry in the locker room or designate that to his locker room leaders. I don't care if Jones wants to be the face of the franchise but the HC must be the undisputed leader on the field to both his players and the coaching staff. That will never happen here and too bad for Garrett. He's acquiesced to Jerry because he owes Jerry, and that's how Jerry wants it.
That'd have to be over PM. :)

I don't think you're as pessimistic as blackbull, btw, but that's just my first default opinion.

I consider you just a really frustrated fan who's been disappointed for so long you're not inclined to give the organization, or most of its players, the benefit of the doubt for any reason whatsoever. But you're otherwise an articulate guy who's not afraid to own his opinion and a long-suffering die-hard Cowboys fan.

Good job.
LOL, .. take a pill, or a nap, .. or something. Put down the Red Bull ! LOL

You accuse me of saying everything sucks, to the point of saying the word 'sucks' 14 times in your post! When I didn't say it once in mine.

Over-react much?

Heck, I thought I wrote a pretty insightful post there, .. just pointing out that we can't knowingly accept disfunction at the top, and then talk about winning in the same breath.

I will stand by that. Winning in the NFL is not easy, especially when it isn't your main focus and you aren't putting your best foot forward.

If you are content watching teams either catch or pass us in Super Bowl wins, while we waller in .500 mediocrity, .. then have at it.

I'm not happy about :
Green Bay winning two Super Bowls since we won one,
Denver Broncos winning two,
New England winning three,
Pittsburgh Steelers winning two,
NY Giants winning two,
Baltimore Ravens winning two,
even the Saints and Seahawks have won their first Super Bowl since we have won one,
holy cow, even Tampa Bay and St. Louis !!

I am not guilty of anything you accuse me of in your ridiculous "tantrum look at me" post, .. but I do know I am not content with the recent history, or the near future of the Dallas Cowboys.

Honestly, my post really wasn't really directed particularly at you. I just used your post as the proverbial launch pad, per se (my apologies to you, personally). And, for the record, I'm just as unhappy about the things you listed as you are. I just don't see the point of the constant whining of some posters. It's not as if some of them actually contribute other than to repeat the same old tired **** day, after day, after day (again not directed particularly at you).
If Dallas is going 10-6, .. 11-5 each year, .. and winning the NFC East reguarly, and charging into the playoffs ...

Then the people that are saying we will be 8-8, we won't win the Division, we lose games we shouldn't, our coach loses games, we will not make the playoffs, ... could be called pessimists.

But if we are continually 8-8, not winning the Division, losing games we shouldn't, have the coach lose games, and never make the playoffs, ... people that say those things are not pessimists.

And should not be labeled as such.

You have been posting some good stuff these last couple of days.
IMO this team has a chemistry problem. This is not a close knit team like San Fran, N.O., Seattle, etc.

And this is where leadership comes into play. But from the players. Its gotta come from the players. The coach can encourage it. The coach can set the tone. But the coach cant make it happen.

Michael Irvin has said numerous times that this team has had the physical talent. Talent hasnt been our biggest problem.

Look at those teams in the 90's. Sure Jimmy was a great HC, but it really came from the players. Michael pushing everybody and Troy not settling for anything less than the best on the details. Charles Haley came in and showed these guys how to get serious and win. Many said Haley made the difference and it was all about the attitude.

All this chemistry stuff is on the players. They are the only ones that can make it happen.
And this is where leadership comes into play. But from the players. Its gotta come from the players. The coach can encourage it. The coach can set the tone. But the coach cant make it happen.

Michael Irvin has said numerous times that this team has had the physical talent. Talent hasnt been our biggest problem.

Look at those teams in the 90's. Sure Jimmy was a great HC, but it really came from the players. Michael pushing everybody and Troy not settling for anything less than the best on the details. Charles Haley came in and showed these guys how to get serious and win. Many said Haley made the difference and it was all about the attitude.

All this chemistry stuff is on the players. They are the only ones that can make it happen.

Sure the coach can make it happen. He has to be the lead. If it was all on the players, then how did things get so ugly and sloppy under Switzer? Were Irvin and Aikman less of a leader(s) when Switzer came on board?

Players can't bench other players. Players weren't afraid of Bledsoe or Vinny or Terry Glen or any other guys that BP brought in. Sure they play a role and promote the coach's philosophy. But it starts at the top.
And this is where leadership comes into play. But from the players. Its gotta come from the players. The coach can encourage it. The coach can set the tone. But the coach cant make it happen.

Michael Irvin has said numerous times that this team has had the physical talent. Talent hasnt been our biggest problem.

Look at those teams in the 90's. Sure Jimmy was a great HC, but it really came from the players. Michael pushing everybody and Troy not settling for anything less than the best on the details. Charles Haley came in and showed these guys how to get serious and win. Many said Haley made the difference and it was all about the attitude.

All this chemistry stuff is on the players. They are the only ones that can make it happen.

Lack of talent and misevaluation of talent have been big problems. Trotting out multiple UDFA OL like we did a couple of years ago or our current talent level at DL are not good enough to win. What we have done at the S position for pretty much the last decade is a travestry. Lynn Scott to Jeff Heath and it is more of the same. Up until they drafted Lee and Carter our LB couldn't run. You have to have guys that can compete athletically with other teams and the middle of the defense has been spotty for a long time.
As I watched the Final Four, .. and they showed outside aireal shots of AT&T Stadium, ... it looked gorgeoous. It is a fabulous arena, a fabulous piece of architecture.
And I mean fabulous, .. a one of a kind piece of work.

That is Jerry's house, ... and he and his family run that house. They are a huge success at running that house. He has to be extremely proud of AT&T every time it is shown on TV.

There they were hosting the NCAA Final Four, a huge sporting event in America. With dignitaries, star athletes, .. even ex-presidents in attendance!

They have hosted the Super Bowl, an even bigger sporting event in America. They are the host's to many social events at their Billion Dollar Stadium.

What a proud weekend it must be for Jerry Jones, as the eyes of America are on his family's "house". His crowning jewel.

And it dawned on me that in the grand scheme of everything that is "Jerry Jones, his family, and the beautiful stadium", .. the Cowboys are no more than their "pride and joy" show dog that they enter in competition shows. Garrett is the handler.

They love that show dog, and are extremely proud of him when he wins, ... but whether he wins or not, it has little bearing on the family and their grand palace home/business.

They want him to win, but are satisfied and proud even when he "shows well". But when the show is over, they still come back and enjoy everything else that is going on at "the house".

And for Jerry and his family there is nothing wrong with any of that.

The mistake is ours, ... for putting so much stock, so much of our time and energy in the 'show dog' and the 'competition' that they enter him in.

It is huge for us, .. but only a 'piece' of the Jerry Jones empire.

Interesting take. I think you left out the part about Jerry putting everything into improving the show dog. The massive amount of time invested in training with that dog. I think that little show dog is bigger than the other events and it is the other events that help support the training of the dog. Maybe Jerry thinks that a little hair from the tale from the dog that bit me is in order, ha
Players talk around the league. Especially with Shanle b/c he kept a home in Dallas even after he left, so it's not surprising at all to hear his comments. Every season, every offseason we hear players/ex-players questioning the locker room dynamic and leadership of this franchise. I'm sorry but you lose the right to argue that all of this is made up nonsense when the team proves its lack of intangibles by losing 3 straight playoff elimination games. There is some truth to the matter. IMO this team has a chemistry problem. This is not a close knit team like San Fran, N.O., Seattle, etc. They are a bunch of individuals with a robot head coach who provides very little leadership. Images of "chosen" players always hanging out with the owner and coach in the offseason does not help the matter at all. I don't care how bad these players were, they were in the locker room. Spears was a leader in the locker room. He was the main spokesman to the media every week. He was friends with a lot of people on the team and still remains friends with players. Trust me, what he said on twitter a few days ago has been said before amongst the players. He didn't just come up with this opinion on the spot.

Dude your a turncloak, just admit it
Sure the coach can make it happen. He has to be the lead. If it was all on the players, then how did things get so ugly and sloppy under Switzer? Were Irvin and Aikman less of a leader(s) when Switzer came on board?

Players can't bench other players. Players weren't afraid of Bledsoe or Vinny or Terry Glen or any other guys that BP brought in. Sure they play a role and promote the coach's philosophy. But it starts at the top.

The coach cant make it happen. He can only create an environment, set the tone. The players have to do it from there.

Ever heard Moose talking about the team that won SB XXX? He has said that team won that SB in spite of the coaching. It was the guys on that team that made it happen. Troy's leadership - it was his team.

You act as if the Coach Fairy can wave a magic wand and make it happen. Only in the movies and books, but in real life the players have to do it.

What happened to the Rangers after they ran Michael Young off? You get guys like Ian Kinsler who said he had too much stuff to do trying to play better to be a leader. He said being a leader was too much for him to bear. Teams need players that lead. Players that set the tone for the rest of the players. Wash can only do so much.
Interesting take. I think you left out the part about Jerry putting everything into improving the show dog. The massive amount of time invested in training with that dog. I think that little show dog is bigger than the other events and it is the other events that help support the training of the dog. Maybe Jerry thinks that a little hair from the tale from the dog that bit me is in order, ha

You are right, I did leave that out. I could have mentioned that, in that way.

Although I did mention that he loves that dog! LOL

Glad you could follow the analogy.
Broaddus: Like His Opinion Or Not; Spears Keeps It Real
There have been plenty of observations, both good and bad in regards to the comments made by former Dallas Cowboys defensive linemen, Marcus Spears during the Final Four basketball game at AT&T Stadium last Monday night on his twitter account.

I have the utmost respect for Marcus Spears and what he did for this organization. He has always been a standup guy whether the team won or lost. He would be at his locker every Monday to take question after question no matter how well thought out or ridiculous they were.

What you have to know about Marcus Spears is that no matter the situation, he has always been a player that gave his view whether you liked it or not. Over the years, I found him truthful and honest to a fault, while others in that locker room were not that way at all. There has always been a consistency with Spears, in his views about the shape of the team, the coaching staff or his own play. He has never shied away from telling it like it is.

To many Cowboys fans, Spears was a player that never lived up to the expectations where he was selected by our staff in 2005. Was a great player? Not really, but there was never a question of his leadership in that locker room and the responsibility that he felt toward his teammates. He was one of those rare players, along with Jason Witten, that felt that he had to step up and take ownership of his team and he did just that.

What I have found interesting is that there are people in social media or in the actual media that have taken the approach of calling Spears out for his tweets. Where the focus should be, is if you do not take his comments as anything other than an insightful and educated opinion, it is ignorant on your part.

For people to take the stance that it is just sour grapes or bitterness on Spears part, really don’t know the man. Bitterness is the furthest thing from the truth. I have seen Marcus Spears with my own eyes, visiting with veteran and rookie players alike at his locker, in the training room and on flights during road trips. He was always in a discussion with his teammates. He was a respected source, that any player could draw experience from in just a short conversation. If there was a man that had the pulse of his team and teammates, it was Marcus Spears.

I am not going to sit here and pretend to tell you that I knew what other players might have been invited to the game that Monday night, but what I will tell you, whether you choose to believe Marcus Spears or not, in his observation is real and truthful. Which comes from a player that lived the dynamic of the day to day life in a National Football League locker room and if he feels that what he saw Monday night in that suite could affect what players might be thinking, I would say this is not one of those situations that you take with just a grain of salt because I am not and neither should you.
in before "this thread has outlasted it's usefulness"

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