This is exactly the case. Exactly!
It’s a great brand of football we are playing by necessity, but it isn’t sustainable. If we ever fall behind by multiple scores with Rush the game is over.
Hopefully the injury ends up being a blessing for everyone and they all see the light.
I do think Dak presses because of the contract, but I also speculate that Jerry is in Moores ear for the same reason….to a degree.
My worst fear is they bring him back too soon and he has a bad game at home against like Detroit or Chicago, and this whole thing blows up.
Only Jerry Jones sees a QB controversy as a good thing, and I don’t know if MM controls that locker room enough to keep it all together considering Jerry is always sticking his nose in and running his mouth to the media.
That’s my big problem with Jerry….he is trying to create interest and sell his product, and the media would love nothing more than a divided locker room.