Cooper Rush throwing dimes while fighting for QB2 spot to finish training camp 2024

The team just lost in the first round yet again and they did nothing to get better because they aren’t serious about winning.
That in no way answered my question at all. You thinking the moves they made weren't enough has nothing to do with Jerry undermining his head coaches
That’s wasn’t the question, Mr Goal Post Mover Person.
You tried to compare Tony having a bad game after he had won 3 rings to Dak having bad games in playoffs who has not won anything. So yeah the goal post did not move
So let me get this straight, it is Jerrys fault our all pros did not show up against GB... You are a clown
I’m a clown? You in your feelings because I disagree with you btw is your last name Jones because you sure riding hard for Jerry…someone’s gonna need a dna test soon…..
That in no way answered my question at all. You thinking the moves they made weren't enough has nothing to do with Jerry undermining his head coaches
You asked me what culture is he setting did you forget? In regards to him undermining coaches……the guy traded for Trey Lance and didn’t tell his head coach lol. Then announced to the media just a day ago that Lance will make the 53. This is not his GM is suppose to act.
I’m a clown? You in your feelings because I disagree with you btw is your last name Jones because you sure riding hard for Jerry…someone’s gonna need a dna test soon…..
You are a clown because you double speak and contradict on the reg... But go ahead and go down the weirdo path you usually like to follow
You are a clown because you double speak and contradict on the reg... But go ahead and go down the weirdo path you usually like to follow
You’re another twitter finger warrior who wouldn’t bust a grape in a fruit fight. You aren’t tough David stop it. Slobbing up Jerry is diabolical….
More cherry picked plays to try to put down Trey Lance.
All short throws as well.

They are getting more and more worried now.
Rush is not a threat to Dak. Lance can be. (Dakfans don't like Dak having a threat) Lance has the athleticism that Dak and Cooper don't have. One way or another the Cowboys need to move on from Dak.
Yes, if Dak gets injured early and Lance gets plugged in to take over the team, the fear of losing and not making the playoffs is definitely there.
The Cowboys are one and done if they make the playoffs. It would be better to miss the playoffs and get a better draft pick.
He was one of the biggest Dak defenders on this site.....but he's seen enough

It happened with Romo too and we held on too long with him.

Let's not make that same mistake too
What is your solution exactly?

Because after your week 1 solution, it will be too long to hold onto.
Rush is not a threat to Dak. Lance can be. (Dakfans don't like Dak having a threat) Lance has the athleticism that Dak and Cooper don't have. One way or another the Cowboys need to move on from Dak.
Lance is the third worst quarterback on this team. He’s not a threat Rush let’s alone Dak. You haters wish he was and maybe a year or two he will be.

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