Cowboy FanHouse: Quincy Carter Owns the Arena League

superpunk;1490424 said:
Guess I should've used less words for you. :rolleyes:


Victory, indeed.

Tone down the complex sentences next time too. Too many commas and multi-syllable words make my mind spin. Thanks. I really appreciate it. ;)
Bleu Star;1490402 said:
I posted the above 25 minutes ago and during those 25 minutes the view count topped 1200. Amazing stuff. :D

Bleu Star;1490402 said:
I believe it means the world truly is flat and QC lives on the edge of it everyday

:laugh2: :laugh1: :bow: :laugh1:
smarta5150;1489237 said:
Que SupaPunkkkk ;)

This is an extremely curious post. I don't post that much, so I don't know if there is a hiden meaning behind it or what.

It is kind of funny though :D .

- Mike G.
burmafrd;1489629 said:
Never ceases to amaze me how much people keep finding ways to make excuses for Q. No matter what.

Kind of like you and Brady Quinn/Notre Dame :rolleyes:.
mickgreen58;1490451 said:
Kind of like you and Brady Quinn/Notre Dame :rolleyes:.

How can anyone even compare Brady Quinn and Quincy Carter is beyond me.
Bleu Star;1489506 said:
"Arena League" consists of the AFL and the AFL2.

The AFL is a high quality atmosphere and some might say it's on the level as NFLE or better. The quality of competition drops considerably when you go to the AFL2. It doesn't surprise me that QC is putting up eye popping numbers in the AFL2. I would be more surprised if he wasn't doing it in that league.

That said... I wouldn't mind seeing him totally turn himself around and get back to the NFL one day. It's going to be a looooooooooong road though.

Another thing about Arena Football 2, the players only receive either $200 or $250 per game (might have gone up a bit since I last looked). The best AFL players get good salaries, AF2 players have to have a second job.
gimmesix;1490455 said:
Another thing about Arena Football 2, the players only receive either $200 or $250 per game (might have gone up a bit since last I looked). The best AFL players get good salaries, AF2 players have to have a second job.

My name is Quincy, can I take your order?
Wrangler87;1490453 said:
How can anyone even compare Brady Quinn and Quincy Carter is beyond me.

Spin on!

I never compared Quincy Carter and Brady Quinn. I simply stated he makes excuses for Brady Quinn ala why he sucked in big games, why he slid in the draft, why teams (including the Cowboys) were stupid for passing on them and all the other million Notre Dame excuses.

He was being very condescending and berating others for doing something he is extremely familiar with, it's called being a hypocrite.
mickgreen58;1490470 said:
Spin on!

I never compared Quincy Carter and Brady Quinn. I simply stated he makes excuses for Brady Quinn ala why he sucked in big games, why he slid in the draft, why teams (including the Cowboys) were stupid for passing on them and all the other million Notre Dame excuses.

He was being very condescending and berating others for doing something he is extremely familiar with, it's called being a hypocrite.

Why are you wasting your time M?

ooops that right we've got to get to 1000 views:laugh2: :laugh1: :laugh2:
Charles;1490473 said:
Why are you wasting your time M?

ooops that right we've got to get to 1000 views:laugh2: :laugh1: :laugh2:

What's up Charles!

Let me ask you something, in all seriousness, because I am not familiar with your post history.

What do you think of Quincy Carter? Do you think he had talent and do you think he was justified in blaming the Cowboys?

Personally I think the guy had some talent and probably could have been a pretty decent backup in the NFL, maybe even a starter in the right situation. The problem is, Quincy just isn't very smart and emotionally, I just think he had some demons that he could never excercise. Im glad the guy is having some success somewhere, but I think he was given a golden opportunity and totally blew it.

I will hang up and listen.

- Mike G.
mickgreen58;1490478 said:
What's up Charles!

Let me ask you something, in all seriousness, because I am not familiar with your post history.

What do you think of Quincy Carter? Do you think he had talent and do you think he was justified in blaming the Cowboys?

Personally I think the guy had some talent and probably could have been a pretty decent backup in the NFL, maybe even a starter in the right situation. The problem is, Quincy just isn't very smart and emotionally, I just think he had some demons that he could never excercise. Im glad the guy is having some success somewhere, but I think he was given a golden opportunity and totally blew it.

I will hang up and listen.

- Mike G.

Rack him :D
GlitzCowboy;1490337 said:
Verdict in. You're stupid. Lmao. :lmao2: That is the dumbest thing I've ever read on this board and my god there's been some woozies. You have WAY too much time on your hands. Kinda sounds like you have been personally begrudged by him, either that or your issues run severely deeper that there just is no way to gauge them on an internet message board. Though just look at me, my issues, picking on a ****** in public- wow, I've got problems, too. But atleast mine have to be more gratifying than beating a half-decade old dead horse to death.

Verdicts #1 Reason for Hating "QuINTsy": QuINTsy has the same color skin as those whom used to beat his *** on a daily basis growing up. (Whachaaa - oh yeah, I said it!)

In closing; The bashing of him is unnessacary. He was our QB, he took us to the playoffs, then he messed up (like a human) and suddenly wasn't our quarterback. No more needs to be said. Just the way the dice fall. Since we like to stay SO far in the past, why don't we just drudge up Duane Thomas for a go around? Or is this Duane? :)

Wow. It sounds like I struck a nerve with you. My post was intended to be a humorous/satirical look at the Quincy situation. It doesn't change the fact that I think he sucked as QB of the Cowboys.

I don't know where the "race" comment came from. Quincy didn't suck as QB of the Cowboys because of race. He sucked because he was apparantly a dopehead who made bad decisions with his life. I don't care if our QB is green and yellow with purple polka dots. Just win baby!

I do not appologize for believing that Carter does not deserve another chance as QB of the Cowboys. I do not appologize for thinking that he set the Cowboys' franchise back years because he let his team down.

Much of my post was satirical in nature, poking fun at many of the common themes that have permeated this board for several years. (Examples: Trade Coakley, play Hutch, etc). I guess that stuff went way over your head, which is very understandable.

What is not understandable is your playing of the race card. Nowhere in my post do I refer to Carter's race in any form or fashion. Since this is a public forum, I will not say what kind of person I think you are for bringing that issue up. I don't see how any reasonable person could have drawn a racial slur out of my post. If so, the "politically correct" bandwagon has gone way too far.

You are entitled to be a QuINTsy appologist. You are entitled to all of your opinions. I am entitled to think that you are an idiot. That is what makes America the great place that it is. Political correctness is eroding freedom of speech every day. I think you are a moron, but I will defend your right to be a moron to the bitter end, because that is one of the fundamental tenets this great country was founded on.
mickgreen58;1490478 said:
What's up Charles!

Let me ask you something, in all seriousness, because I am not familiar with your post history.

What do you think of Quincy Carter? Do you think he had talent and do you think he was justified in blaming the Cowboys?

Personally I think the guy had some talent and probably could have been a pretty decent backup in the NFL, maybe even a starter in the right situation. The problem is, Quincy just isn't very smart and emotionally, I just think he had some demons that he could never excercise. Im glad the guy is having some success somewhere, but I think he was given a golden opportunity and totally blew it.

I will hang up and listen.

- Mike G.
I echo those opinions and sentiments.

But I'll stress BLEW IT.

Carter was talented enough to take every offensive snap on a play-off team, it's amazing how some fans lay the entire success of the 2003 season on the defense. Makes you wonder if they know anything about sports and what it takes as a QB mentally week in and week out to lead a team.

But in the long run, Carter was weak mentally. He couldn't handle the pressures of keeping his job. He returned to weed. Carter had everything else but the mental fortitude to play the position.

Hopefully, having it all taken away will make him work harder to never ever let it happen again.

I don't buy the idea that he didn't have the talent(physcial) to play the position. The best of the best have had bust.

We've had guys stroll into Valley Ranch with so called perfect mechanics and pedigree but weren't even good enough to led the scout team, yet an undrafted free agent whom no one care about might be the best we've had since Troy.

No one knows about QBs but when the facts are put on the table there are only 2 QBs that have led the Cowboys to the play-offs since Troy and coincedentally one was labelled a bust/reach before he was given a chance to develop by most mediots and fans and the other would have been cut if former had stayed drug free for one training camp.:laugh1: .