Cowboy Tweets 10/24

Very true! When you change things up often enough, it gets the other team's players on their heels and if you have some success doing it, you get the other team's coaches on their heels as well.

The great coaches play to their strengths, but know when to take chances. They know how to prepare the players and they know the perfect moments to take chances. Some coaches get lucky with their timing and it goes to their head. Some coaches get unlucky and become too scared to take any more chances. No coach will be perfect, but the key is to pick the right moments so if it doesn't work, you haven't flipped the momentum.

What I have seen from Garrett is that if he takes a chance on something early in the game and it works, he's quite likely to take a chance at least 1-2 more times during the game. However, if he takes a chance and it backfires, he's retreats back to his usual conservative plays for the rest of the game until the end when there is little to lose.

Hey, Jason -- you readin' this?
Ok. Now you sound like a realist! Over since the Rams’ game, we’re 3-3 for Pete’s sake! Wait, you meant something else. My bad. :oops::D

Wait until you get a load of my ultra-RealistTM 'we can no longer win the division' post here in a little bit. Time to shake things up for old Idgit.

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