Twitter: Cowboys considering a David Irving return?


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I wasn't the one who you were initially replying to. Just clarifying that what someone else said was misunderstood by you and you're jumping to the wrong conclusions. And that is happening again with your response to me.

Nope, I understood it just fine. I’m just informing you that your take is ignorant.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I hate to break up your 4th grade fairy tale but EVERY player plays for the money. You seriously think guys put their bodies on the line for “the love of the game”? Do you also still believe in Santa clause?

I hate to break it to you but most players play because of their love for the game. They didn’t get paid a dime to play until they got to the NFL. Sure money is part of it, money is part of why we all do what we do for a living. Irving doesn’t love football he quit to smoke pot. Smoking pot meant more to him than money. He’s only looking to get reinstated because the NFL plans on softening it’s policy on pot use. Now he can get high and play football. If anyone still has a 4th grade fantasy and still believes in Santa Claus it’s you....ho-ho-ho!


1st Round Pick
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I hate to break it to you but most players play because of their love for the game. They didn’t get paid a dime to play until they got to the NFL. Sure money is part of it, money is part of why we all do what we do for a living. Irving doesn’t love football he quit to smoke pot. Smoking pot meant more to him than money. He’s only looking to get reinstated because the NFL plans on softening it’s policy on pot use. Now he can get high and play football. If anyone still has a 4th grade fantasy and still believes in Santa Claus it’s you.

I completely disagree.

I think that is something fans want to believe but unless you're playing QB, WR, or Corner then eventually that love of the game is going to fade for a lot of guys.

The NFL is just too much of a grind and on top of that they are adding another game.

I think you can hate playing football and still be incredible at it because ultimately the NFL is a job with too many incentives that come with it to not want to be your best.


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By his own admission, Mike's an alpha.
Saying Mike would bring in Irving because he's different from Jason in that way is funny considering we're literally talking about a player who Jason also added to the team and allowed to hang around past the point when it was obvious he wasn't a functioning, reliable roster piece who'd ever be able to keep himself eligible to play.

(It's also not a great look for Mike if he actually called himself an alpha, considering only idiots don't know that this is debunked nonsense about wolves, and that "alpha" isn't an actual thing. But it would shed some light on the likelihood that his analytics scheme is likely to prove to be buzzwordy nonsense too. But whatever.)


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I completely disagree.

I think that is something fans want to believe but unless you're playing QB, WR, or Corner then eventually that love of the game is going to fade for a lot of guys.

The NFL is just too much of a grind and on top of that they are adding another game.

I think you can hate playing football and still be incredible at it because ultimately the NFL is a job with too many incentives that come with it to not want to be your best.

If they didn’t love the game they wouldn’t have started playing in Pop Warner when they were little kids. Most played football for 10 years before they got paid a dime. All the money in the world isn’t worth ending up a cripple. You don’t become a great player if you don’t love the game. Sure, there’s some players who play just for the money but many don’t amount to much as players. It takes a lot of dedication and work to be a great player. You can’t be just going through the motions. There’s players who have given up the game when they still had a lot of years left because they lost their desire to play.

They could have made a lot more money but they didn’t want to go through the grind anymore. I’ve seen plenty of interviews with players who gave up the game for that reason. It’s the same for the coaches they get paid a lot of money but you got to love the game to go through the grind they do. Their lives are consumed with football. Money is always going to be a motivator but the biggest motivator is the enjoyment you get from doing something you love doing. You’re not going to do anything well if you don’t love it and aren’t committed to it.


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Regardless of a book I believe it's common sense that inhaling any kind of smoke in general is harmful. That isn't including whatever else is in it.

My point is who cares if its harmful? There are plenty of legal substances and things players in the NFL use and do that no one cares about. The only reason people care about marijuana is because it is outlawed, and once that changes, players like Irving and Gregory will be fine.


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i'd like to hear something from the mouth of david irving. about the past and most importantly about how he sees his future in the nfl and with the cowboys.


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Good. I'm done with the whole RKG thing. It meant absolutely nothing and amounted to nothing. So what if he wants to smoke a blunt or ten in his spare time?


1st Round Pick
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If they didn’t love the game they wouldn’t have started playing in Pop Warner when they were little kids. Most played football for 10 years before they got paid a dime. All the money in the world isn’t worth ending up a cripple. You don’t become a great player if you don’t love the game. Sure, there’s some players who play just for the money but many don’t amount to much as players. It takes a lot of dedication and work to be a great player. You can’t be just going through the motions. There’s players who have given up the game when they still had a lot of years left because they lost their desire to play.

They could have made a lot more money but they didn’t want to go through the grind anymore. I’ve seen plenty of interviews with players who gave up the game for that reason. It’s the same for the coaches they get paid a lot of money but you got to love the game to go through the grind they do. Their lives are consumed with football. Money is always going to be a motivator but the biggest motivator is the enjoyment you get from doing something you love doing. You’re not going to do anything well if you don’t love it and aren’t committed to it.

I didn't say at some point they didn't love the game..

I'm just saying that a lot of guys don't enjoy all it takes to get to the game on Sunday and eventually playing football just becomes a job.


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I completely disagree.

I think that is something fans want to believe but unless you're playing QB, WR, or Corner then eventually that love of the game is going to fade for a lot of guys.

The NFL is just too much of a grind and on top of that they are adding another game.

I think you can hate playing football and still be incredible at it because ultimately the NFL is a job with too many incentives that come with it to not want to be your best.
Yeah, I think fans are kidding themselves if they don't realize a huge portion of players have utter disdain for the game and the entire industry and culture around it.

People assume because they make good money and they're doing something that earns them praise and other perks, it must mean they're living the life and totally in love with their profession. But they're humans like anyone else. Well-paying jobs can still be a miserable grind. Especially one that breaks you down physically, requires you to maintain the fitness level of a world-class athlete year-round, and exposes you to endless criticism from media and "fans."

They still have highs and lows and, like any human, they construct narratives about their life and the way they live it.

A good chunk of football players privately think the sport has harmed their life (if not outright ruined it, depending on the extent to which they've been impacted by the uglier downsides -- health problems, or personal relationships being ruined or tainted or defined by the money/celebrity the game brings). Plenty of guys grind away unhappily looking forward to the day when the game doesn't have its hooks in them anymore.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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I didn't say at some point they didn't love the game..

I'm just saying that a lot of guys don't enjoy all it takes to get to the game on Sunday and eventually playing football just becomes a job.

The only players who stopped loving the game are the ones who give it up when they still have plenty of good years left. Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson stopped loving the game and gave it up during their prime. They left a lot of money on the table. I’ve listened to enough interviews with players to know that their driving force is their love for the game. The players who play just for the money don’t stick around very long. They’re not dedicated and don’t work and sacrifice enough to make rosters. Players simply can’t go through the physical and mental grind during the season, preparing their bodies and rehabbing injuries if they don’t love the game. Some have opportunities to make a lot of money outside of football but they love playing the game and don’t want to give it up. You don’t see players shedding tears during retirement speeches because of the paychecks they’ll be losing.


1st Round Pick
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The only players who stopped loving the game are the ones who give it up when they still have plenty of good years left. Barry Sanders and Calvin Johnson stopped loving the game and gave it up during their prime. They left a lot of money on the table. I’ve listened to enough interviews with players to know that their driving force is their love for the game.

They most likely stopped loving it before that.

I don't think it was a decision they made over night.

A lot of guys don't make the kind of money those 2 made so they don't have the luxury of being able to step away.


You Have an Axe to Grind
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They most likely stopped loving it before that.

I don't think it was a decision they made over night.

A lot of guys don't make the kind of money those 2 made so they don't have the luxury of being able to step away.

I’m sure it wasn’t an overnight decision for those two players, it was something they thought about for a while. You don’t just stop loving something overnight. They tried pushing through it and decided enough was enough. The performance level simply isn’t going to be there with players who are just playing for the money. Your heart has to be in it for the love of playing and competing or you’ll be out of the league. The demands for excellence are too high for a player to stay on a roster if they’re playing just for the money. Most players are playing with a lot of guaranteed money in their pockets.


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My point is who cares if its harmful? There are plenty of legal substances and things players in the NFL use and do that no one cares about. The only reason people care about marijuana is because it is outlawed, and once that changes, players like Irving and Gregory will be fine.
I don't care if it's harmful. I don't care about what's legal and what's not. Players like Irving and Gregory chose to stuff weed in their mouths over playing football. That is what I care about. We don't need players who decide on a weekly basis if they're going to care about the game on Sunday. I want players that will play 100% and give it their all, not "well I feel like weed this day, week, month, year, etc."


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It sounds like ALL options are on the table .......If you can play, we'll listen, even FORMER Cowboy players. Hell, this is actually in line with maybe giving Dez another chance.
I’d at least look
It’s not like we can really fill all our holes in the draft


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Look man... im not gonna play this childish game with you. Marijuana has been on earth and ingested by not only humans, but animals as well for thousands of years with ZERO deaths. You busted out a dangerous, toxic plant as comparison. You knew where i was going, yet you decided to counter point with weak Jr. High-like logic. We ALL KNOW its beneficial, its been proven to be beneficial and now its finally being slowly legalized. Get used to that.

Take up this argument with your state representatives, not me.

Anyhoo... back to the original OP...i hope Randy and David are both back as we ALL KNOW how beneficial they are to the Dline and they have caused ZERO team mate deaths.

See how stupid that logic sounds? Just saying.
The weak HS logic is being employed by you. Along w/ extreme misinformation.

Funny thing is, you didn't even understand the counterargument. So, I'll explain. You proclaimed that pot is ok because it's a plant, because it's natural. I was merely showing you an example of the fact that natural things are not necessarily safe simply because they are natural. It was a counter argument shooting your argument completely apart.

Do you even understand that? Or are you going to follow w/ more weak insult attempts?


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